How to lose weight (im a guy)?

I need to lose weight fast........... Give me a diet and exercise plan.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight For You

Recommanded Answer:
Try to eat less but more throughout the day if that makes sense. Don't skip meals it anything that'll make things worse. Eat regularly and way things like grilled chicken, salmon, boiled or grilled veg. Don't make it feel like a diet, that'll just make it harder. Eating an apple in the evening can speed up your metabolism as well as exercise. The exercise really depends on you I guess. There's the gym or you could do sports or take classes. Jogging or running is nice because you could go early or late when there isn't many people about and you can go at your own pace. But to really shift the weight you should have a cardio based workout so running is good but anything that really makes you sweat. Like, dripping with it. Remember to keep active and always keep moving. It sounds stupid or obvious but if you don't generally move about a lot your metabolism will be like a snails. Before exercising eat good carb filled food for slow release energy. And drink LOTS of water. At all times. Trust me.

  • eat less
  • There are all kinds of ideas out there. I'm trying to lose weight, too, and I've tried many different things. I'd say do little things, one at a time. For example, I started out giving up one thing I really like - staying up late. I found that I snacked way too much late at night, and then I'd go right to bed. I have a treadmill that has been mostly used as anything but a treadmill, but I'm trying now to get on it at least twice a week, just for 10 minutes or so. It helps to have some music to get along with it. Good luck!

How can I increase my pushups and situps?

I'm planning on enlisting in the army infantry (11b) by this time next year, and I would like to do the best I possibly can on the PT Test, I'm setting my sights on a perfect score.

I'm currently 5'6" and 265lbs (Yes I know I have to lose the weight first, I've lost 10 lbs in the past few weeks, and my goal is to be at 150-155 by the time I actually enlist.)

I've been doing pushups every day and I found a new pushup plan that is as follows:

Diamond Pushups to failure.
Regular Pushups to failure.
Wide Grip Pushups to failure.

30 seconds in between each type of pushup, and 3-4 sets a day.

Is there any other ways to maximize results?

My first set was...

Diamond = 18
Regular = 12
Wide Grip = 15

And it's went down from there.

Also, whats a sit-up plan thats similar?

The run is something I'm not awfully worried about, I've always been a decent runner and my current workout is 15 minutes of jogging/walking on a treadmill and I do 1.5 miles in that time frame, so by the time I lose the weight I should be well within range.
While doing regular pushups (before I did this plan) I can do 25-30, maybe a little more if I pushed myself.
I've already seen HUUUUGE improvement in the past month, I'm just trying to get even more.

When I started a little over a month ago I was 270 and I could hardly do 5, maybe 10 and my arms were so warn out I couldnt do multiple sets. Now I'm doing multiple sets of 15+ within a 5 minute time period.

Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
Stop doing them every day. Give your body time to recover and incorporate changes due to the stimuli.

There is no reason to mess around with various types of push ups, you only need basic push ups to get better. Do as many as you can without stopping, rest 2 minutes, repeat. Do 3 sets of this every other day, and write down how many you manage to do for every set. Always try to keep perfect form, even as you fatigue. Do this, and you'll see improvement over time.

Also, as you lose weight the push ups will get easier.

I'm not sore after working out and tips on losing weight?

Im around 135/134 and I've been trying to run everyday, but I'm never sore. I'm trying to get down to 110-115 lbs (I'm 5'1) and I try to watch my portions. Whenever I work out, I'm NEVER sore. I work out for around 30 minutes, plus leg exercises, etc. Today I did interval training for about 30 minutes (5 min brisk warmup walk, 60s running; 90s walking for 20 mins, and then a 5 minute cooldown) I'm increasing the times over the weeks of my progression. Then I did another 15 minutes of brisk walking. As the weeks go by, I plan on making the workouts more intense. I find it hard for me because Im not in the best shape but I never get sore. But when I'm at PE we do 4 laps around 2 volleyball courts and I'm very sore the day after. Is there something I'm doing wrong? And if I'm not sore, does that mean I'm not losing fat? I plan on reaching my goal by summer break. It's my new years resolution.
Tips on diet and exercise for losing weight? Is there things I should add on to my workout? And are there any good foods that would be good for losing weight and health? (:
I want to know that if I'm sore does that mean I'm not pushing myself hard enough to lose weight.
It does hurt when I run, I just don't hurt after.

Lose Weight As You Get Older - Ezine Articles

Recommanded Answer:
If you're increasing the times then don't worry, sooner or later you will be sore. Don't worry about that just worry about breaking a good sweat and pushing your body to it's limit. Remember to get good rest each night and have a balanced healthy diet that includes veggies and fruits. Try to cut out soda and juice and limit your beverages to just water and occasionally milk. Also there is plenty that you can add to your workout such as pull ups, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks...whatever gets your heartbeat going. Your doing fine, keep up the good work.


  • Here are some ways to get sore if you really want to get sore. I'm not sure why you would want to get sore though. It can prevent you from working out sometimes.

    • If you have a smartphone, try setting an alarm on it to do 20 push-ups hour. If you do this often, before you know it, you'll be healthy and fit!

    • If you don't own a smartphone, try to remember.

    • If you have an Xbox with kinect, try to buy an exercise game.

    • During commercials when watching TV do 7 push-ups every other commercial. Increase the number if you think you are able to.

    • If you actually want to get abs, do sit-ups. It's a great workout to get abs.

    • Laughing. Laughing is a great way to burn off those calories with simply flexing your stomach. (Flexing your stomach happens when you're laughing)

    • Swimming. It's another great way to burn those calories. You can also tread water whe in the water.
  • It's very interesting that you don't get sore, you should check it out with a doctor just to make sure there's no nerve damage and if there isn't, your very lucky cause you can run a bunch until you do EVENTUALLY get sore, maybe try strapping extra weights to your self! Hop it helps:)
  • wearing heavy clothing while working out can help you burn more calories, i usually go running with like two hoodies on and sweat pants. Drinking a lot of water b4 bed and throughout the day. Since you work out on a consistent basis you will not get sore from doing the same workout, i would switch it up a bit like go swimming or ride your bike, and increase the intensity and amount of time you run and if it hurts to run you need to be getting more calcium in your diet, i would def try swimming or biking.. As far as foods, grapefruits are known to burn fat even though they may taste real tart you have to eat them, foods with good fats like nuts and avocados, peanut butter is good source of protein and the grapefruit also has many antioxidants to keep u healthy, plain no fat yogurt is also really good for you, remember u eat to live not live to eat, dont worry about how it tastes. you can easily get to where u want to be by summer time if u keep up the good work.

Will i lose this weight quick?

Im 13, Size 13 jeans,210 pounds, 5'8. I am going to start running a mile a day with my brother,and he REALLY helps me,so today i ran, and i really pushed myself. :D I ran about 7/8 of the mile(and some more) and i was really pleased. Sadly i didnt record it :((( LOL but i was wondering how much weight could i lose in a month?? IDK XD I just want to lose weight by the end of this year, so i can look good for the pool,and my 8th grade graduation. will i be able to lose 10 pounds in two weeks? :D THANKS. and are there any ways you guys stay motivated?

Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
Why are you trying to lose weight ? saw your pic and you are really pretty as far as I'm concerned you DON'T need to lose weight

How to tone my body after rapid weight loss?

I lost 20 pounds recently eating healthier meals on a low calorie diet. I intend to lose more, but I've noticed that my body has become very soft. I don't really exercise and I don't have any money to spare for the gym.
I was wondering if there was an at home, fun, not too difficult way to tone my body so that I don't end up looking like melted rubber as I lose more weight.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight For You

Recommanded Answer:
Go back to basics.Push-ups,sit-ups, etc. It's free and it uses your own body weight.

  • You can do body weight exercises like pushups, squats, pullups etc or better yet start lifting heavy weights. I personally love my barbell. I do squats, dead lifts, over head press, rows etc. And they are not too expensive. Much cheaper than a gym membership.

How many abs exercise should be done?

Hi. Am 19 years old and am a girl. I have decided to stay fit, lose weight and especially lose belly fat. I have reviewed my diet and my cardio and these are both OK. BUT, I have a question concerning abdominal exercises. i have been working out abs 3 times a week ( Till now, its good, because i learnt that we should NEVER work out abs everyday, or we might overwork muscles; also i dont want to develop muscles, i just want to have a slim belly.)
My question is: The day i am working out my abs, how many abs exercises should be done?
I have been doing 5 abs exercises and for each of them, i do 4 sets of 12. But, my friend told me 5 is too much. Can you plz tell me how many should be done? Please...!!!

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
Try this:
2 sets crunches,max reps reps in strict form
2 sets situps,max reps in strict form
2 sets the plank,max seconds in strict form
What matters is if you do them right.Dont pay attention to reps,pay attention to form.
8 reps in perfect form are better than 20 reps in bad form.

  • pump your abs pump them nice
  • Do insanity it's way better, you lose weight and you get abs in no time
  • Scooby, from , gets his abs by doing crunches, bicycle crunches and side planks, alongside weight training which requires further support.

    Tip: When walking, carry a heavy bag and keep your shoulder back. The bag will try to bring you back and down, so to stay upright, your abs must be tense.
  • 3 or 4 is plenty enough
    the rest is good fitness, an conditioning, an good diet

    if your in the gym

    rope pull downs
    weighted plate to chest
    ab crunch machine

    at home

    bicycle crunches
    leg lifts

Will i lose this weight quick?

Im 13, Size 13 jeans,210 pounds, 5'8. I am going to start running a mile a day with my brother,and he REALLY helps me,so today i ran, and i really pushed myself. :D I ran about 7/8 of the mile(and some more) and i was really pleased. Sadly i didnt record it :((( LOL but i was wondering how much weight could i lose in a month?? IDK XD I just want to lose weight by the end of this year, so i can look good for the pool,and my 8th grade graduation. will i be able to lose 10 pounds in two weeks? :D THANKS. and are there any ways you guys stay motivated?

Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
Why are you trying to lose weight ? saw your pic and you are really pretty as far as I'm concerned you DON'T need to lose weight

How to tone my body after rapid weight loss?

I lost 20 pounds recently eating healthier meals on a low calorie diet. I intend to lose more, but I've noticed that my body has become very soft. I don't really exercise and I don't have any money to spare for the gym.
I was wondering if there was an at home, fun, not too difficult way to tone my body so that I don't end up looking like melted rubber as I lose more weight.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight For You

Recommanded Answer:
Go back to basics.Push-ups,sit-ups, etc. It's free and it uses your own body weight.

  • You can do body weight exercises like pushups, squats, pullups etc or better yet start lifting heavy weights. I personally love my barbell. I do squats, dead lifts, over head press, rows etc. And they are not too expensive. Much cheaper than a gym membership.

How many abs exercise should be done?

Hi. Am 19 years old and am a girl. I have decided to stay fit, lose weight and especially lose belly fat. I have reviewed my diet and my cardio and these are both OK. BUT, I have a question concerning abdominal exercises. i have been working out abs 3 times a week ( Till now, its good, because i learnt that we should NEVER work out abs everyday, or we might overwork muscles; also i dont want to develop muscles, i just want to have a slim belly.)
My question is: The day i am working out my abs, how many abs exercises should be done?
I have been doing 5 abs exercises and for each of them, i do 4 sets of 12. But, my friend told me 5 is too much. Can you plz tell me how many should be done? Please...!!!

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
Try this:
2 sets crunches,max reps reps in strict form
2 sets situps,max reps in strict form
2 sets the plank,max seconds in strict form
What matters is if you do them right.Dont pay attention to reps,pay attention to form.
8 reps in perfect form are better than 20 reps in bad form.

  • pump your abs pump them nice
  • Do insanity it's way better, you lose weight and you get abs in no time
  • Scooby, from , gets his abs by doing crunches, bicycle crunches and side planks, alongside weight training which requires further support.

    Tip: When walking, carry a heavy bag and keep your shoulder back. The bag will try to bring you back and down, so to stay upright, your abs must be tense.
  • 3 or 4 is plenty enough
    the rest is good fitness, an conditioning, an good diet

    if your in the gym

    rope pull downs
    weighted plate to chest
    ab crunch machine

    at home

    bicycle crunches
    leg lifts

How long cardio to lose fat but not muscle?

I've been weight lifting for over 4 years now, and I'm definitely making alot of gains, but I still don't really know about cardio... I never do cardio, and I'd like to start doing it. I just want to know how long sessions of cardio should I do to burn fat, so I could get and stay lean.. but I don't want to lose any muscle. I don't really want to lose weight, I just want to burn all this little fat around me (NOT MUSCLE)

Six Simple Ways For You To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
Its not about how long you do, it is more important the type you do.

Doing cardio can actually help with muscle growth if you do it right. You do not want to be going for an hour cycle or go jogging. You want to be doing extremely high intensity cardio in bursts.

This will achieve everything long easy pace cardio will do however it can increase testosterone and hgh. As it should increase these two, it will probably out way the downsides cardio does to muscle growth.

Sprint as far as you can go ( probably only about a minute ) then walk until you are ready to go again. Keep doing it for as long as you want.

  • Its very hard to lose muslce with cardio
  • Cardio will not burn muscle unless you go to the extreme and run a marathon every day.
    The reason why some people lose muscle when doing heaps of cardio is because they are't compensating for the calories burned during the exercise. If you eat enough calories to compensate for the cardio, you won't lose anything.

    See Scooby's video for more details:

How are anorexics so skinny if there's such a thing called "starvation mode"?

I'm confused because a lot of people on here have told me if I eat too little I won't lose weight and I will actually gain weight because my body will hold on to fat and what not. But then how are anorexics so skinny? And it's also said you would gain the weight back really fast. But I remember awhile ago I was only eating 1 meal a day, not because I was anorexic, I didn't even realize I was eating so little and I lost a lot of weight, I was bony as heck and I stayed thy way for two years until I started over eating which will make sense to gain weight. So then how is starvation mode true?

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
OK, First, if you eat NOTHING you will certainly lose weight -- that's required by the laws of physics. Maybe not even for a few days, owing to fluctuations in water-weight, but soon you'll start losing weight. Your metabolism will slow down by pulling any lever it can pull to reduce calorie expenditure, but if you eat nothing, it's certain that your body mass will decrease over time.

The loose unscientific term "starvation mode" refers to the fact that your metabolism will try to slow down, and you'll burn fewer calories as a base metabolism. But your metabolism can't shut down to zero calories expended, not until you drop dead.

The health problem is that someone fasting not only burns fat, but you are also cannibalizing your inner protein ... from muscles and organs. This is necessary because your body needs to maintain a minimum level of blood sugar (glucose) for energy-burning. Some parts of the body can live happily by burning only fat, but some parts of the body, including parts of the brain, cannot burn fat and MUST burn blood sugar for energy. If not eating where does blood sugar come from? From protein -- you can easily convert protein to blood sugar. Either dietary protein, or if not eating, it's protein stored in your muscles and organs.

So a starving person is LITERALLY eating himself from the inside out. And loses weight, technically, because fat and blood sugar are metabolized to release energy, and the by-products of that reaction are carbon dioxide and water, and you get rid of those by-products by exhaling, pissing, and sweating. (That's how a person literally loses weight ... exhaling, pissing, sweating, and defecating.)

At some point the starving person damages organs by extracting their protein, and at some point, the damage causes something to fail (probably the heart), and they die. So a person literally starves to death because of organ damage, in the effort to produce blood sugar from their own tissues.

Back to your question. What commenters usually mean about starvation mode is that part about your metabolism slowing down. If you fast totally, yes you'll lose weight. But if you only reduce your calorie intake but still eat, it's possible you won't lose weight because your metabolism will shut down expenditure to below your intake. It's even possible your body will raid your protein stores faster than it does your body fat, and so you have an increase in bodyfat percentage -- even as you lose weight! So you become "fatter" but lighter. It's possible.

Then, with your metabolism all screwed up, when you inevitably eat more normally again, you might gain weight.

These effects are highly variable per individual, aside from the unavoidable fact that ANYONE totally fasting will lose body mass. So one's personal experience doesn't prove anything for the human race in general. It's probably true that severe calorie restriction will screw up your metabolism but individuals are all different, so any random thing could happen to any one person.

  • If you don't eat, or eat too little you wont gain weight. You will just appear bloated for some time. If youve seen documentaries of groups of people in other countries that live very poorly & don't have much to eat, you'll notice that the small children are "fat". But really they're just bloated & that will go down once the body has finished eating away all their body fat.
  • they're liars. i fasted for a while and lost 10 pounds and i started eating normally instead and only gained like 1 pound back. also, wtahc some doccumentaries on anorexia and you can see how long it took them to recover. Yes, its true that your body holds onto fat, but if you dont eat fattening foods(or any food for that matter) it wont HAVE anything to hold onto, therefore youll lose weight...

Could I lose weight by doing this?

I dont know exactly how to lose weight so i just started doing something. I've been eating right, and exercising daily. My exercise routine is I stretch, do 10 push ups, 15 sit ups and 100 jump ropes and rest and then repeat this 4 more times, it usually takes 45 mins.

Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast for the New Year

Recommanded Answer:
I've been taught that if you want to loose weight and get fit, then you need to use the FITT principle.
F - Frequency - How many time you do it (e.g 4 reps, 5 reps)
I - Intensity - By how much you increase your heart rate (if it starts as 70, then getting it to 140 is raising by 50%)
T - Time - How long you do it
T - Type - Interval training, fartlek, continuous, cicuit training (this just means to vary the stuff you do)
so if you want to loose weight, then you need to increase on of these parts of excercise every half-week or so. So if you want, in a few days you can increase the intensity e.g skip faster, do harder push ups, or add more cardio. Then in the next few days you can increase the frequency, do more repetitions, in your case this would also increase the time. And in another few days you can change the type, search up some more excersizes and see what you like.

Do what you like and you will succeed! Good Luck!

  • it will help but if you can do more reps in your set if you cant just work on doing more set
  • Wow you are not working very hard, I could double those reps and do it in 30mins.
    Google interval training.

Is it okay that I cut my insanity workouts short?

I've just started working out. I'm 103 pounds and just want to get in shape not lose weight I actually want to gain. I'm 17, female & 5'4" I cut my workouts short cause I start falling and feeling dizzy after a while. Will the workouts still work well?

Lose Weight As You Get Older - Ezine Articles

Recommanded Answer:
If You start feeling dizzy, that means stop. So You're doing the right thing. You're still getting a great workout, trust me

  • Of course! Only do what you can do and work on getting better. However, I recommend maybe modifying workouts and putting in the work until it ends.

Why am I always sore and tired every single day?

Its so frustrating. It is mostly my upper back/ shoulder area along with my lower back and thighs. Ive been losing weight, I eat 1800-2000 cals a day, I exercise for 1 hour of cardio just about every day. I don't know what else to do. I started exercising so I wouldn't be sore but I am even more sore now. I am so tired all the time and have no energy to want to do anything.

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
Being sore means you are building muscle, and burning the fat from around your body. It means its working.

Enough exercise to continue losing weight?

Ok first I'm a college student so my schedule is hectic Monday through Thursday so I've had to make arrangements on my exercise . I do a 30 minute work out plus weights one day through Monday and Thursdays and Friday and Saturdays I do 75 minutes of of Zumba ... Each. I also count all my calories and control them ... They say we should get 150 minutes of exercise a week and I do but is this enough exercise to continue losing weight ?

Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:

If I dance for 2hrs once a week, use the elliptical on medium to high intensity 5 days a week, and eat healthy?

Will I lose weight?

Almost 14



Want to be 104 by June

I don't weigh myself because the number on the scale is not important (muscle weighs more than fat). I am making a lifestyle change not going on a diet of any kind. I do find ellipticals fun. I was seeing a personal trainer before I started exercising on my own. I am a girl. I have always eaten healthy (dad is a bodybuilder) so I have grown to enjoy healthy foods. I also know about water weight and how your weight can change throughout the day. I do know good form because of my trainer.

4 Simple Tips On How To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
You don't want to go that route. I know it sounds good to your mind, but your body and brain will have more to say on the matter than your mind will and it's even more important because you are still developing hormonally and will be for the next two years, going to the extreme like this will mess up that developement ( becoming a man or woman) you don't wanna mess that up! The key to long term success is keeping your exercise enjoyable. You don't want to go over an hour a day tops! It's counter-productive otherwise, it's just how your body and brain work, don't make me get all scientific on you ha! Think more long term, you are going to want to look and feel your best for the rest of your life, so it's important that you start right from the beginning. And you have to give your body and brain at least 6-8 weeks to break in to this new routine, they canjust flip the switch like your mind does.
The Most Important Thing You Must Understand is you need to keep your program ENJOYABLE! If your brain or body find it too painful, no matter how strongly your mind is committed to working the program, eventually, (usually less than 6 weeks) your brain will make you quit! It won't tolerate pain.At the same time it's so very important that you allow your body and brain time to adjust to your new training. From tendons being stretched to complicated metabolic issues, to learning proper form, pace and routines your brain and body need at least 6 weeks to line up to really get things going.
Don't give much credit to the scale when first starting, it's normal to retain more fluids, it's your body's way of being ready for the next workout. Don't micro-manage your calories either. Sensible wholesome meals, the quality of the calories is more important than the quantity. Your diet should be ENJOYABLE too, and something you can develop and maintain as a habit.
Workout at your own pace, which in the beginning should be slower, focus more on how you move ( your form) as it's important to how your body will shape up and that you don't get injured. Just about any exercise is good and will work, walking, jogging, running, cycling but my favorite and number one choice for losing or gaining weight is weightlifting aka bodybuilding. If your a girl, don't worry that you'll get manly muscles, the average steriod-free female builds only a small amount of muscle each year. But that muscle is awesome! Because not only does it burn calories while your working and using them, and while they are repairing and replenishing themselves, but 24/ 7 they consume calories just to stay alive! Just try not to miss a single day of working out for the first 6 months without a real good reason, otherwise slacking off can become the habit. Other than taking your two scheduled days off per week. Rest is important, so get to bed at a decent time as well. Make sure you drink plenty of water everyday. Learn to drink water warm, so you can have it anytime/anywhere. Other than keeping it sensible and enjoyable, remember all the benefits you'll get from exercising and a decent diet. You'll sleep better, have better energy, breathing, moods, concentration, endurance, strength, self-confidence, and so much more. It's really the closest thing to magical powers each human has, so don't miss out! 45-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week is ideal, but by all means start with less if need be, again keeping it enjoyable is everything! Just start easy, give your body time to start providing you additional energy, keep learning more as you go, and before you know it, you'll have the body you've always wanted, with the loads of extra benefits I pointed out.

  • Yes, but make sure you eat about 1500 calories a day, otherwise you won't eat enough, therefore you won't lose as much weight. I'm 15 and trying to lose weight by August, and so far, that is working for me:-)

How to become skinny, fast as possible?

I'm not particularly overweight, but at 14 and a girl, I think everyone is self conscious, and I would feel much more comfortable if I was in general skinnier. Is there a way to eat and exercise that will help me lose lots of fat and not gain that much muscle? We have a cross/elliptical trainer and a treadmill, should I be walking or running so as not to gain muscle and burnt fat? How often should I do it, and for how long? What should I be eating to lose weight?
I really want to get skinnier for the summer holidays, which are ages away, but getting really skinny takes a while, and I know that :)
Thank you, please help! :)

Perfect Ways To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
check these two links below and you'll get the benefit from them

What is the fastest way to lose as much weight as possible in one week?

I'm joining my High School swim team and it starts next week. I need to lose as much weight possible before it starts. I'm willing to do anything (besides vomiting and stuff like that) even if it's somewhat unhealthy or overboard dieting i just need to be really strict the next week then i can somewhat slow down. What can i do that will make me lose as much weight as possible (especially belly fat) what kind of exercises, foods...

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
there's no special diet that makes you lose lots of weight in just weeks, weight loss is achieved through balanced diet and exercise and if want to lose belly fat then do Aerobic exercises.

drink plenty of water and eat fruit and veg each day, also if your exercising than carbs are important so bread, pasta, brown rice, potato, veg etc

Aerobic exercises include


Stair climbing
Elliptical trainer
Indoor rower
Stationary bicycle


Cross-country skiing
Nordic walking
Inline skating

Indoor or outdoor

Skipping rope or jump rope
Circuit training

  • chop off your leg
  • Well, try to eat salad everyday for lunch? (cut down on the dressings though)
    Also, try skipping all the junk food lying around in your kitchen.
    Don't starve yourself, it's not healthy at all and you won't have enough strength to do anything.
    When you have free time try to do cardio. Jog or running helped me.

How do you keep your body from "adapting" to your workout and diet?

Once I started losing weight and gaining muscle, after the initial "burst" there's the plateau where the weight loss slows and it's a little harder to make progress.

What can I do to minimize this plateau?
I train Monday and Thursdays upper body, abs and interval sprints.
Tuesday and Friday lower body, abs and resistance intervals (high resistance/low resistance intervals on stepper/eliptical).
Wednesday is full 1 hour endurance cardio.
Saturday is sports; basketball, hiking, swimming..whatever I want as long as I do something. (I usually take my daughter with me)
Sunday is rest, recovery or light exercise (active recovery).

My sessions run 60-71 minutes with at least 20 minutes of cardio.
My diet is a calorie cycling diet set for about 10000 calories a week. I've lost 14 pounds in 4 weeks and increased my weights by almost 20 pounds, so I'm making good progress, but this 4 week mark is where I start to stall and plateau. I don't want to let that plateau last more than a couple of weeks.

My ultimate goal is just being in good shape.....and consistent progress.

Six Simple Ways For You To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
First, recognize that such plateaus are natural; most folks experience them.
Second.. The classic method is to cross train. Don't do the same thing all the time.
You don't say what you're doing, but if you're running try cycling or swimming, or circuit training at a gym... Whatever is available and piques your interest.
Also, doing intervals helps a lot of folks as the other contributor notes.

If you just go out and run at a steady pace for a given time... Try mixing it up. Throw in some sprints, climb a hill, go to a "parcourse" exercise course and work your way around that.

  • Change up your exercise routine. Keeps your body on its toes!
  • Mix up your workouts or try doing a circuit style workout. Jillian Michaels 3-2-1 circuits keep my body burning. I recommend the 30 Day Shred. It takes 20 minutes a day and the best part is the results. The video has 3 different levels which are on youtube. You don't need any special equipment or even a lot of space. Just enough to lay down for ab work or for push-ups.
  • Losing weight is one of main problem for some people. If you are one of them, there are many ways to lose weight, You can go to the gym, or control your diet. However, there is actually a medication for that. It is called the ACAI. ACAI is a world known preparation, which is used in order to help people lose excess weight. The preparation is 100% natural thus the possibility of side-effect appearance is very low. ACAI should be used in combination with a healthy diet and physical exercise in order to achieve the maximum effect. It is effective. You can get it at

What diet/workout supplement is best for me?

19 y/o Male, 6'1 190 lbs.

What would be a recommended dietary/workout supplement for someone like me trying to lose some body fat and gain muscle? I go to the gym 5 days a week an hour a day and dont really follow much of a diet (I just avoid sugary and oily foods). Im not trying to body build or anything, just get healthier.

Always wondered that since Im trying to lose weight and gain muscle that protein powder probably isnt ideal for me but I really have no idea.

Thanks any and all help

Six Simple Ways For You To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
I use metabolism booster supplements and also do Insanity, which is an extreme workout program. If you don't want to do insanity or buy metabolism boosters (which work best when you workout by the way) then eat a balanced diet doesn't have to be planned or anything just don't eat a lot of carbs or sugars. Oil is okay as long as its light, for example a vinegar and oil salad dressing opposed to deep fried foods. Or even oil on a small portion of spaghetti. Most fat loss pills are either hunger suppression or strong pills that once you stop using them the fat comes back so try to stay away from them plus if you lose a lot of weight fast enough you will have stretch marks on your skin from where it used to be bigger.

  • The fat loss factor is the best:)

Will I lose weight drinking only ensure?

If I eat nothing and only drink ensure and exercise, will I lose weight?

Perfect Ways To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
You need to realize your brain and body are very sophisicated and won't do well on just one food, infact they will do quite badly. But the answer to losing weight is actually quite simple-
The Most Important Thing You Must Understand is you need to keep your program ENJOYABLE! If your brain or body find it too painful, no matter how strongly your mind is committed to working the program, eventually, (usually less than 6 weeks) your brain will make you quit! It won't tolerate pain.At the same time it's so very important that you allow your body and brain time to adjust to your new training. From tendons being stretched to complicated metabolic issues, to learning proper form, pace and routines your brain and body need at least 6 weeks to line up to really get things going.
Don't give much credit to the scale when first starting, it's normal to retain more fluids, it's your body's way of being ready for the next workout. Don't micro-manage your calories either. Sensible wholesome meals, the quality of the calories is more important than the quantity. Your diet should be ENJOYABLE too, and something you can develop and maintain as a habit.
Workout at your own pace, which in the beginning should be slower, focus more on how you move ( your form) as it's important to how your body will shape up and that you don't get injured. Just about any exercise is good and will work, walking, jogging, running, cycling but my favorite and number one choice for losing or gaining weight is weightlifting aka bodybuilding. If your a girl, don't worry that you'll get manly muscles, the average steriod-free female builds only a small amount of muscle each year. But that muscle is awesome! Because not only does it burn calories while your working and using them, and while they are repairing and replenishing themselves, but 24/ 7 they consume calories just to stay alive! Just try not to miss a single day of working out for the first 6 months without a real good reason, otherwise slacking off can become the habit. Other than taking your two scheduled days off per week. Rest is important, so get to bed at a decent time as well. Make sure you drink plenty of water everyday. Learn to drink water warm, so you can have it anytime/anywhere. Other than keeping it sensible and enjoyable, remember all the benefits you'll get from exercising and a decent diet. You'll sleep better, have better energy, breathing, moods, concentration, endurance, strength, self-confidence, and so much more. It's really the closest thing to magical powers each human has, so don't miss out! 45-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week is ideal, but by all means start with less if need be, again keeping it enjoyable is everything! One other piece of advice in this, and that's don't do situps! They don't work the muscle properly so growth is very doubtful, and they risk lower back and hernia injuries. If you must, which most ppl don't, do crunches. Most ppl don't need to worry about their abs, they are small muscles that do alot of work already, every time you move your upper body they work, as well as working during many of your other movements, so if your working your body they are getting theirs. The diet industry has hyped up abs so much, because they know most ppl will fail, because they are too painful and produce little to no results, which they hope will lead people to buying their junk products ( it's working, they've been doing it a long time) seeing your abs is a matter of having a low body fat percentage, even as a competitive Steroid-free Bodybuilder, I only do crunches starting a few weeks before a show, so I can flex my abs over and over with ease and to give them a little more definition, other than that, they're already built from my many years of training the rest of my body and the low body fat percentage I obtain for doing shows, is only for the show, I wouldn't consider it healthy to keep year round, and it would defiantly hinder any further muscle development. Remember the only thing your belly fat and abs have in common is location, other than that, they have nothing to do with one another, so don't burn yourself out working your abs,when it's your whole body that needs the workout and will produce the results you want.

Just start easy, give your body time to start providing you additional energy, keep learning more as you go, and before you know it, you'll have the body you've always wanted, with the loads of extra benefits I pointed out.

  • Not a good idea you can pass out from not eating
  • You'll lose all muscle and then you'll gain twice as much when you start eating again. Even if it's a little bit of food

How do you make your overweight sister workout?

She is overweight and at risk for diabetes. At 13 years old she is 5'-0" and 160 pounds. I am 18, 5'-5" and 145 pounds. I had the same problems as her but I was motivated to lose weight.

My sister wants to do volleyball but doesn't lift a finger to get ready for the physical activity. She just sits down all day watching tv and doing nothing. When I try to workout with her, she tells me she has a lot of homework. I went to the same school as her and had the same teachers and I NEVER needed 5 hours to do three sheets of homework. She eats junk food and eats between meals as well.

One kid made fun of her. He told her she will die in her thirties if she doesn't get her ass moving. I told that kid to piss off and comforted my sister. They say be happy with the way you look but that to me is overly simplistic. You have one body and therefore have every obligation to maintain it.

I know girls her age are very self-concious and I try to be patient, but the bottom line is, if she doesn't do something soon, the doctor says she will have diabetes pretty soon.

She didn't make volleyball tryouts as she was out of shape and unable to keep up with the other girls.

I know I sound callous but I am really not. I just don't want my sister to have to have diabetes and further social issues. I exercise with her when she does and I try to be as patient as I can.

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
You are absolutely right, your sister needs to make some effort.

However, what did you say to her when that kid said what he said to her? Did you tell her he was wrong? Because I think that you should have said very kindly but very firmly that he was right. That he has a point, and that she needs to get moving and get some exercise in every day. There is no point in pretending to her that all is well when clearly it isn't. Tell her you will exercise with her, but that her healthy is ultimately NOT your responsibility - it's hers. She needs to focus on her health, and now.

  • (I haven't tried the software.)

    Here is an exercise plan that has been successful for over 90 years and requires no equipment:
  • Make it fun. Go and walk the mall and chat. Go to a public garden to see flowers. Make the focus on something besides the exercise, but she has to move to do it..

How Can I loose Weight That Is Simple?

Hello , My name is Austin I live in minneapolis minnesota at the age of 16. I have been always bigger sized my whole life, I know I am capable of loosing weight but I have tried many things that have not worked for me. I am currently standing at 6 foot to about 6 foot 2 at most and i am 255lbs, I want to pull off an amazing body for this coming up summer to get rid of these stretch marks every where. i want to weigh down at least 170 , but I can only take each goal at a small step. Can any of you please help me? what worked for you if you lost weight? Thankyou every one P.S. I am willing to work out the hardest I can.

Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

  • exersise and eat less
  • As much as everyone talks about "Get abs 20 minutes a day" and all this, the truth is if that really worked, EVERYONE would be using it.

    The unfortunate truth is that to lose weight you just gotta put in the hard yards. I would recommend an hour of exercise a day (just go for a run/jog/walk - whatever you can manage). You should also cut down on junk food. I know sometimes we can't help but have a little bad stuff (I give in to temptation way too much), so the way I do it is if I have something bad to eat that day, then I gotta do an extra 20 minutes of exercise.

    Try to mix up the exercise to keep yourself interested. For example, you could ride a bike one day, or go swimming the next. Also if you buy a Wii Fit, I find that makes exercising really fun, but you've gotta take it seriously, and not just play the games! I also find it's a great way to make working out interesting at home, and you can set goals on it and so forth.

    Anyway I hope that helps. It helped me lose 20kg (sorry I don't know what that is in lbs).
  • since january i have been trying to loose a little bit of weight and what iv been doing has really been working and its so simple. I eat 1200 calories a day. I google all the things i eat and write down in a book what i have eaten for the day. For breakfast i eat a boiled egg or plain oats with strawberries and a dusting of cinammon, cinammon bosts your metabolism. Lunch i would have tuna in a wrap, or chicken and veges, dinner could be shirataki noddle soup or chicken stir fry. I snack on mostly fruit. I also have one day a week or every few wks where i eat badly. It then stops me binging and gives me goals (if i can eat wel for 12days i can have a treat on saturday etc) I also excersise at home doing lots of dancing boxing skipping and weights. following this the weight will just drop off :)gdluck!

How can I get my girlfriend on board with a diet plan?

I and my girlfriend have both agreed that we need to start a diet and exercise regimen. Since we started dating two years ago, we both have been getting meals out often and have gained weight. I am 5'10" and have gone from 165 lb to 185 lb. She is 5'3" and has gone from 130 lb to 165 lb, both approximately. We are both 19 years old, so I figure that it would be easier to lose weight now than if we were older. I want to lose the weight now and just keep it off rather than it be a problem later on.

The problem is, she defaults back to unhealthy eating and no exercise after no more than a week. I have gotten her on board three times. Two times she defaulted the next day, once she lasted about a week. I can stay committed, but she has issues in that area. I do not understand why she gives up, because we both lost weight in that week. I stayed on it for about 3 weeks and lost about 8 pounds before I gave up because she was frustrated that I never want to have meals with her and I spent some of my free time exercising rather than with her. She keeps dragging me down and it is bothering me a lot.

We were only moderately dieting and walking for an hour a day and making amazing progress. I want to continue and go all the way.

How can I REALLY get her to commit to this? I've talked to her about how it affects our self-esteem, health, and sexual relationship (sex drives skyrocketed for both of us while we were dieting and exercising for that one week together). She just can't stay focused on the goal.

Perfect Ways To Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
My boyfriend and I are currently in the same situation, and honestly... For a while I was afraid he was the one who posted it!

Anyway, here's what we did

He's way focused and committed to it, but sometimes I find myself tempted by "comfort food" and it worse during certain times...

So, he let me do my thing, come up with excuses, saying I'm "sick" or using school/work as my alibi. The truth is, while he was bettering himself, I was usually watching TV, or doing anything that allowed me to sit/lay down. Finally, one day he came in, and it was like he was a totally diff guy. His face was super thin, well defined, his jeans looked a little baggy, and the sleeves on his arms looked a little tight. He stepped on the scale. After only 1 week he had dropped 7 pounds, and lost almost 2% on his BMI. I was so jealous. I looked in the mirror, and really LOOKED at myself. I didn't "suck in" or turn sideways. I stood there, and saw how unattractive I looked.

By no means was our relationship suffering because we both had "taken a break" from our healthy lives, but I started realizing that it probably was starting to show and Kev probably saw the imperfections I did.

So, I started thinking I needed to make a change. I went to the dr for a check up, and ended up having her tell me that I was at risk for a thyroid condition and I could start to get healthy and see improvements over night. Clearer, brighter skin; thicker shinier hair; more energy; better sleep at night; and an increase in moods. She recommended I get off of anything "white". Flour,
Potatoes, chips, rice, bread... On and on. I switched to whole grain, wheat, and corn. I started the process of getting off soda, and I started looking at pictures of me when I was a size 4. I started reflecting and realizing it wouldn't be that hard to get back to my attractive days

So, the way my boyfriend played a role in helping me get to the motivated state, was to keep himself motivated. He would even call, or text to invite me. Even though he knew I wouldn't go. He started saying stuff like "hey, I really like it better when we work out together. I think we both have lots of fun. I'd love of you'd meet me there!" Then, when I didn't go and he came home, he'd never bring it up. He would only talk about how good he was feeling, and he said he also said he thought ridding our diet of whites was improving his energy, and producing great results. He would also say "man, I just wish you knew how great I feel all day. Even waking up, I feel ready to go. It's such a great feeling!" Ultimately, saying it like this made me psych myself up to start a lifestyle change.the next day, I went. I felt so awesome afterwords and I slept like a baby. He and I go together almost everyday. We help and motivate each other, and it's a great way to spend time together.

If reverse technique doesn't work, you could always tell her that you think working out together and changing your diet would really help take the relationship to the next level. Set goals together, and have only 1 day a week (the same day each week) where y'all weigh and measure each other. Make it a contest. Not only a pounds contest, but also take measurements.

For example:

Her goal could be "lose 20 lbs, shrink my waist to a 29, tone my arms down by 3 inches, shrink my thighs by 5 inches, and tone buttocks by 2 inches. Drop 7% BMI

Your goal: (just for an example) gain 10 pounds of muscle, reduce BMI by another 5%, add 4 inches to arms, and 2 inches to calves.

Set a date: 3 weeks from the day the lists are made.

On that day, 3 weeks later, measure each other and weigh in. Who ever was closest to their goals on that day, win. The prizes can be really fun to plan.

Then, 3 weeks after that, do it again. Once you've reached the goal, continue going to the gym. Find a way to have a long term reward. We have a jar. This jar holds vacation money. Every time we go to the gym, we slide money in the jar. Whatever we have. Change, or bills. But, this keeps us motivated to work out, so we can go to a beach to spend our vaca money.

It really works! If nothing else seems like it would work, do the "beach body vaca fund" and see if that'll get her motivated. Once she is, do your best to keep her confidence up. The more you tell her how great she looks and how you already see a difference, she should keep going. Also don't be afraid to really show her you think she's looking great. Exercise does increase sex drive, maybe just show her how much it increases. Tell her you can't keep your eyes off her, how sexy she looks WHILE working out, how you can hardly control yourself most of the time she's around. Girls loveee to hear that stuff , and also when the men actually show it.

Hope thi

  • Honestly i think you should stay committed. She is either going to go or she's not. Her complaint is probably more not wanting to loose you to a hotter chick has anything. Maybe if you stick with it she will come around on her own but pressuring a "woman" to loose weight is a thin line. You may inevitably push her into a depressed state and make things more difficult

How long should I do the juice fast for?

I want to do the juice fast, partly to lose weight, but mainly to regain my energy. How long should I do it for?! I'm 15 if that helps!

Lose Weight As You Get Older - Ezine Articles

Recommanded Answer:
For a beginner it's best to do a short juice fast. Perhaps 1-5 days to begin with. The longer the fast the more effective it will be but you don't want to go too long at first. Make sure you understand juice fasting and don't attempt to juice fast without consulting with your doctor first. Evenutally you may want to juice for a longer time. Because you are quite young you shouldn't have to juice fast for a long time to feel the benefit. after trying 1-5 days you can move on to 7-14 days provided everything goes okay the first time.

  • Some people do it for 3 days, or a week or two. Extremists do it for 30-40 days.

How fast will I lose weight?

I weigh 165 pounds right now, I'm 6' tall almost 6'1". As of several months ago I weighed 183 pounds, but I gradually dropped to 165 over the last couple months. I don't know why, I didn't change my diet or workouts at all. What I'm wondering is. I plan on starting to run/speed walk a couple few miles a day, I eat around 900-1400 calories per day any more, as of a few months ago it was much more. How quickly should I start to lose weight? And how much do you think I'll lose? I have a small layer of fat over my stomach/ab area, that I REALLY want to get rid of. How quickly do you think that will go away. Thanks.
Oh and I have 9% body fat, I'm not sure if that is important.

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.
If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more.
For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It's very important not to cut calories any further -- that's dangerous.
Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first -- but that's mostly fluids, not fat.
When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started.

  • very fast
  • That is a really hard one to answer - very individual and lots of variables.

    Water weight fluctuations can hide / show weight loss for example.

    Something to think about might be to do use a couple of measurements (waist, thigh, etc) along with a scale weight. Gives you another metric to track. When losing weight - it is usually best to give any changes a few weeks to assess any real impact.

    Also, make sure you are drinking at least a gallon of water per day. Long term that will make a significant impact.

    Good luck.

How to Lose Weight very FAST?

I know if I exercise and stop eating fats I will lose weight. But is that healthy?

Fastest Way to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
Don't stop eating all fats as your body needs it. Basically what fat does is acts as insulation and storage. If you want to lose weight, realize that your body won't want to give up it's storehouses and insulation. The fastest way to lose weight is probably to run. (Sprint intervals are probably best but distance is good too.) When you run, however, your body will first go after your muscle, especially if you run distance. To counter this, also build your muscles with weights/body weight training. Make sure you have plenty of water! Also, eating healthily will help give your body the nutrients it needs to work well.

  • no you just need to eat normally and exercise you just need to stop eating food that we dont need in our body and drink allot of water throught the day
  • Of course it's healthy. Just don't eat BAD fats- like junk food. Good fats are needed, such as the ones found in avocados Stick to a 1500 calorie diet and get in an hour of cardio a day. You'll lose weight fast if you can commit!

If I burn more than I eat how much weight lost?

I ate 200-250 calories today. I will burn off 700 from my workout. So I have a total of negative 450 calories to negative 500 calories today.
I am 5'1 113. Will this make me lose weight? If so how much?
Please don't say 'don't starve' or whatever. And please don't give me tips on eating more calories because I won't. I'm actually easing myself into a water fast so yeah. Just please answer the question!
Oh and if I eat 0 calories and burn 500-600, how much weight lost then?
Thanks so much! And just give me guesses please I know it's not entirely accurate.

Top Five Tips to Lose Weight

Recommanded Answer:
Well... Since I'm an idiot ocording to u. I am going to answer your question though because I'm nice :) you will loose weight if you burn more than you eat :) thanks for being so nice to me :) I'm praying that u stop with the cyber bullying :) Praying will always help! God can do all things :)

  • Well if you consume less calories and burn more you will lose weight. How much I dont know maybe 3lbs I guess. My fiance lost 5lbs in one week just by hoola hooping and walking a lot. But anyways just be careful on the weight loss thing Meg. Your at a healhty body weight now.

Why is it that my bellyfat will only go down if its weight loss?

I can't focus on fat loss, it seems only weight loss for my belly fat to go down and become flat. However, when I lose my belly fat I also lose my larger muscular frame that I've obtained over time. Will I still be able to lift same heavy weight if I lose weight?

Foods to Lose Weight Healthily

Recommanded Answer:
It depends, I mean if you're lifting weights, you're gaining muscle mass when you're trying to lose weight so you're not really losing weight at all are you?

Just my view, I'd also recommend this weight loss program which I personally used to lose 50 lbs in the sources. Good luck with your weight loss

how many pounds can most people lose in 1 month of eating healthy foods only & excercising?

Also, is the first month usually the most difficult to lose weight? why , if only can lose 5 lbs in 1st month?

how depends or varies and why?

Recommanded Answer:
you could lose more than 5lbs with the right diet and exercise plan. Depending on your weight 110-140 you could lose somewhere from 8 to 10 pounds a month. anything further, especially in the 200's, you could lose up to 15, maybe more

  • Depends on how much you weigh. The bigger you are, the more you'll lose. My mum is 12 stone and she lost 2 stone in one month but my auntie is about 20st and lost 4stone in one month. It depends on how much you weigh :)

How can a 14 year old improve their eating habits?

I am trying to lose weight and i need to improve my eating habits. I eat lunch in school an try to be healthy but, they don't always have healthy foods. So any tips or ways on how to improve my eating habits, or/and on weight loss for teen guys would help.

Recommanded Answer:
Take a pack up, then you know what you're putting in and there's no hidden junk and so on :)
I hope you're losing weight for health reasons, and not to fit in with society! You're still growing, so I'm sure what you have is "puppy fat" and you'll lose it soon enough :)

  • Most teens have terrible diet, which shows up as being overweight, tired, and eventually, depressed.
    A good plan would be:

    Breakfast: low fat milk on cooked 9-grain cereal (from health food store), mixed with cooked oatmeal and wheat bran. Add some nuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine.

    Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts and yogurt w/fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham or beef stew.

    Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit: banana, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes, peach, nectarine, cherries, pineapple. No chips and nothing ever from a vending machine.

    Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it.

    Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.

    Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes.

    Foods to avoid: junk food, pastries, desserts, sugar, salty foods, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fatty/greasy foods (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza), pasta, potatoes, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, fast food, soda, chips. And of course no tobacco or alcohol in any form. Both of those add wrinkles and destroy your brain. No oil except olive and mac nut. Coffee also rots your brain.

    To keep your skin clear, drink water. Veg. juice is good too. But not canned juice (too much sugar.)

    Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Also hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, badminton, tennis...

    If you lack energy to exercise, take stress B vitamins.
    To lose weight, try an appetite suppressant
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If i burn 500 calories and eat 1000 calories a day, will i lose weight? 10 points!?

I do Insanity everyday and i eat whatever i want, but limit myself to 1000-1200 calories per day. if i stick to this plan for a while, will i lose weight? i was told it is very possible, but that the best way to do it is cut back and exercise willingly. I can do the exercise part, it's just that the cutting back and portions thing takes way too long for me to get used to and every time i try it i never do it correctly. But again, i was told that burning 500 and consuming 1000 calories a day will definitely show results. Is this true? Thanks so much! 10 points :)

Recommanded Answer:
Yes. Because not only are you burning 500 at exercise, you're probably burning 120 calories an hour just doing normal sedentary things....(if you weight 120...more if you're heavier). If you're awake 10 hours, you'll be burning 1200 calories regardless. Add Insanity, you'll be burning up to 1700. At the end of the day, you'll be 500 or so calories to the negative, which will indeed create weight loss. Remember than any extra walking, running, shopping, moving you do will add to that negative count. Dont cut your calories too low though, and eat good food, not crap. Very important to feed your body right. Don't starve won't pay you back right. Good luck!

  • No lol if you make 500 dollars a day an spend 1000 do you make money?
  • That man had a very good example using money. You want to burn more calories than you consume. So eat 6 small healthy meals a day. Try not to over do it on dairy and protein. Drink a lot of water! Take cold showers. No junk food or fast food!
  • It's easy to eat that amount by lunchtime. You'll be hungry for your mdr plus hungry from exercise. Have a plan that will endure. Eat at least 1500 to 1700.
  • It will most certainly. But you should note, that it can take around an hour to burn 100 calories, depending on the exercise you do. I think you'll make yourself exhausted trying to burn 500 cal everyday! But definitely try it, and see how you go! :)

How much weight lost if I eat 100 caloies a day?

I've managed to eat 150 calories today and burn off like 300 or something(but sometimes I can burn up to 600 or slightly more). How much weight will I lose a week if I continue to do this?
I'm 5'1 113lbs
I've been trying to do the math but it's pissing me the hell off and I can't figure it out. :/
Please don't tell me not to do this, it won't affect me. I'll obviously still do it to find out myself.
Thanks :)
Oh and I've heard about starvation mode but I don't believe when they say if you eat 100 calories every day and burn 300 you won't lose weight.

Recommanded Answer:
You will lose some maybe 5 to 10lbs. But as another user said eat 500 calories. That will give ya more energy as well. Hope this helps meg. Sorry for being rude to before that was wrong of me.

  • you're a top contributor in this section but you dont know how bad this is for you...?

    when you eat so little calories, your body starts holding onto your stored fat and end up using your muscles as the source of energy. if you eat anything, your body will break that down and store it as fat. so in the end, you end up losing muscle and having more fat than when you started
  • Lol I eat 500 calories a day and I have people complaining on how it's bad, but that's not gonna stop me. Try to eat at least 500, 100 is very little. Drink lots of water though. But good luck(:

How do I lose a lot of weight at 15?

I weigh around 102 and I'm fifteen. I try to exercise everyday but I find myself not getting any skinnier. I'm 5'1 and at an ideal weight, but I want to be 95-97. I try not to eat sweets, but I do sometimes. How can I lose weight and get a thigh gap? Do I need to starve myself or throw up like I did before?

Recommanded Answer:
No dont starve yourself because that wont work. you'll hardly lose any weight. i had an eating disorder and I used to starve myself. after about a week or so, i got really dizzy and went to the hospital. I lost a lot of blood.
if you want to lose weight then do this: Drink A LOT of water. at least 8 glasses a day and eat 5/6 small healthy meals every day. and make sure you manage your meals (by that i mean if you ate breakfast at 8 am, do it at the same time next day) and walk for 30 minutes every day. im almost positive you will lose about 12-14 pounds. AND i lost about 2 stones doing that.

  • Totally.
  • ok sweetheart, i understand youre looking for someone to care and tell you youre not fat or acknowledge your problem, so im going to tell you that you are NOT FAT and you DONT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT

    Im sure youre very attractive the wway you are and im telling you you dont need to lose weight.
  • You need to change your life style such as many be every day run for 3 to 4 miles per week day. After the first horrible month you will start to enjoy running because your body will be able to handle 4 miles per day, then after a while you will start running more. After 4 months me and 3 of my friends were running 7 - 8 miles per day. And when your running 4-8 miles every week day take weekends off, you will loose the weight you need to and be able to eat more at the same time. Your legs will have a good tone to them without showing muscle. You also feel a lot better every day because your body is doing what God made it to do. Enjoy and Good luck !!
  • you are probably gonna gain height soon, so your body is holding onto any fat it can so you can grow. you are not overweight, trust me. I am 5'6 and weigh 135 pounds and I don't have any extra fat on my body, and i'm not particularly muscular, so you don't either.
  • ok your not fat for 1, and 2 to get a "thigh gap" maybe just try some yoga, or dancing that uses your legs because maybe your not working on certain parts you may be working out but not getting the results you want because you weren't working on the right parts. you don't need to starve yourself or make your self throw up. i never did that. you don't need to do that! maybe if your like a lot of people that can gain weight faster because of your metabolism you can try methods to raise your metabolism which will help you not gain weight(?) i have a naturally high metabolism so i don't gain weight >.<
  • If your starving yourself and throwing up typically your NOT healthy. If you are doing these things u need to seek help. You want to help yourself get healthy. That includes long Term health you don't need your body to have health issues when your 30 or a heart attack by 40. You have to eat right. Cut down on white carbs {your potatoes, fries, white starchy food like white bread} and increase your veggies. Lay off the fruit or high sugar things like pop or soda, fast food. Try googling Winsor Pilates 20 min Workout on You Tube. It's a quick cheap workout. That with a hour of Cardio a day and you should be good to go. Remember Muscle eats fat in your body so you need proper nutrition to help muscle grow. Stay away from scales because they lie. You might be a higher weight because muscle is increasing and muscle weighs more than fat. Don't let the scale fool you if it starts to go up one month from the next. Invest in a tape measure that way u can she the results faster.
  • You are the perfect weight. Everybody wants to weight that much. but its not enough. I'm not saying gain weight (that would suck), but losing more isn't a good idea. I know being under 100 sounds like a good thing, but if you ever get back above 100 after being down there, it is so awful. I would stay right where you are, you don't have to do anything else. And dont go back to that place, hon, nobody would want that.

If I eat healthy food but big portions will I still lose weight ?

I just went to the grocery store & I bought Special K cereal , Special K chips , chicken breast , green bell peppers & broccoli & I've already eaten mostly all of it or at least tried it. Will I still lose weight as long as I'm not eating fast food & still eating foods that are healthy for me ???

Recommanded Answer:

To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you eat.

I'd suggest you start tracking the calories you eat and the calories you burn until you have a better idea of what your body really needs. has been really helpful for me in that way.

  • If you aren't eating the correct portions and exercising I'm pretty sure you won't loose much. You might loose a but, but not much.

How to lose fat on belly hips and thighs?

I want to lose weight but my main target areas are my belly, my hips and thighs (i know that's common).
what exercises are best to do this?!? my eating is fairly healthy (although i have a few slip ups here and there) but i want to know what I should do to help myself out in the gym?!

I've heard some say that crunches are bad for you but others say they are good?
Also my thighs have a bit of muscle in them already but i want to trim them down!

I am able to go to the gym everyday so any ideas???

Recommanded Answer:
jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weight
evenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight in
specific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they are
your problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will have
to work double on them. The best approach is this:
1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normal
weight, lower for overweight).
2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.
3. Target your problem areas with exercises.
an excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on a
stool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,
for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make sure
that it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or you
will damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of your
body back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second and
move it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week add
to the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,
guaranteed! You will see or feel under the fat - if you have any - six
pack and muscles. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than these
crunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results AT
ALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.
Side Lunge Slide
Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.
Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot to the side, torso
upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position,
repeating 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.

Lunge Slide
Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.
Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge
position, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and abs
in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat 8-12
times. Switch legs and repeat on each leg for 2-3 sets.

Front One-Legged Squat
Stand on a step or small platform. Lift left leg out in front of step
and bend the right leg, bringing the toe of the left foot to the
floor. Touch the floor lightly and keep the knee of the bent leg in
line with toes. Straighten the right leg and repeat 8-12 times. Switch
legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.

Chair Squat
Stand in front of a chair with feet hip-width apart, abs in and torso
straight. Slowly bend your knees and lower and until you're almost
touching your butt to the chair. Hold for 2-3 seconds, knees behind
the toes, and straighten. Repeat for 12-16 reps, 2-3 sets.

Heel Drops with Leg Extension
Stand on step or platform with left leg on the step, right leg
hanging off the side. Bend the left leg and lower the right foot
towards the floor (a few inches). Straighten the left leg and bring
the right leg out to the side, foot flexed, in a leg extension. Repeat
8-12 times, switch legs for 2-3 sets.

Hip Extension
On a flat or inclined step or platform, lie facedown with hips on the
edge of the step, legs straight out behind you with toes resting
lightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straighten
the legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and
lower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of
8-12 repetitions.

  • The best exercise there is is walking!
    Walking can get rid of your thighs and hips but you have to understand that the belly fat is the most difficult fat to get rid of!
    Personally i like setups, they work for me :)
  • Hve you heard of Rosemary Conley, she has a diet out called The Hip And thigh diet which is mostly low fat but people end up losing loads of inches off their bottom half, google her and read up on it, its worth a try
  • Basically exercises for belly hips and thighs will help you build muscle and increase your metabolism which in turn will speed up the fat burning process. Some simple exercises you can start doing today walking and biking.

    One other trick to getting thinner thighs is to workout the abs. If you are wondering why, the abs muscles are so close to the thigh muscles that if you incorporate abs exercises that work the core you will start to see a change quicker with your hips and thighs exercises.

    I recommend to watch this video :
  • Try the Atkins diet, it where you cut out carbs completely which means no sugars. You just eat fish, and other meats (and vegetables). This should help you loose about 10 pounds in 2 weeks
  • Nicki Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely terrific opportunity to read in detail from this blog. It is always so awesome and also packed with fun for me and my office acquaintances to visit your web site at a minimum thrice every week to read through the newest things you have. And lastly, we're actually fascinated concerning the unique information served by you. Some 2 ideas in this post are without a doubt the best I have ever had.
  • The best exercises to lose your belly fat are walking and running as if you run daily for 60 minutes you will lose 700 calories (6 pounds in 1 month just from running) so you can get best results if you keep both healthy diet plan and doing exercises daily(running and going to gym).

Weight loss tips for someone who loves to eat?

I'm 17 years old and I need tips on losing weight. I have tried excercising but it doesn't work because I love to eat. I'm 5'7 and weigh 135. Doctors say my bmi is perfect but I still feel like I could lose some weight. I have emotional issues that make me a down-right food addict. Please help!

Recommanded Answer:
im 5'7 and 17 too i know how you feel when i was 135 i still wanted to lose weight and it is hard, and its good that you love to eat. and what helps me is to find a lot of recipes that have your favorite food for example i love peanut butter so i find recipes that have peanut butter. and once a week i have a night where i eat junk food like crazy but only one night! and build muscle for sure that that helps burn fat. i have a wide-ish frame and everything ive done has worked for me so far cause im down to about 124. need any tips just ask

  • awwwww you like eating. grow a pair. if you want to lose weight exercise and eat WELL. be dedicated. without that you'll barely lose.

    the following isnt my answer...Trust me, gaining weight is very simple but losing weight is somehow complicated. I tried many times to lose weight but I used to fail on the way. What I forgot was weight loss is not only about exercising, but it's also about your mindset, dieting, motivation and the list goes on. I tried to do the dieting and exercising by my own but that didn't help me at all. Most at times, I would lose motivation and stop and at times I would not stick to the dieting and everything was a mess.

    This went on and on till I was very determined to lose weight and get in shape.
    I had a reliable source of dieting routine ,motivation, exercising routine, reminder notes and a lot. But trust me, you can't lose weight if you don't live a discipline life which will help you lose weight.
    To lose weight, you have to drink a lot of water, run a lot and minimize your calories intake. I have substituted soft drinks with water; I drink water whenever I feel like drinking soda. Whenever I feel hungry, I drink water first to see if it can satiate my hunger. Avoid the habit of going to bed immediately after eating. Walk around to feel that the food you've eaten has digested before you should go to bed. In addition, you shouldn't nor drink too much sweet or sugary food. In my case since I wanted to lose weight badly, I stopped eating and drinking sugary foods and drinks. I included a lot of vegetables in my food and ate a lot of fruits.

    I was able to lose weight and competed in the fitness model contest. And though I didn't attain the position I wanted to in the contest, I'm currently following the weight loss program strictly and I hope to win it this time.
  • If your going to over eat you gotta exercise, if your going to eat right you don't gotta exercise. One or the other you gotta do. I dropped 65lbs and counting just by changing what and how much I eat, I never exercise besides what I do at work.
  • It's okay, you can just eat. But my advice, do reduce your fat intake (fries, chicken and so forth).
    Exercise alone won't enough. People always though they could get the best shape with exercise.

    They were totally WRONG if the practice missing the main secret ingredient of success: CONSISTENCY (which really hard to maintain for most of the people).
  • you DONT want to excercise, but you love to eat?? really...?
    you can lose weight with focusing more on diet or excercise, but serously..if you are gonna eat then you HAVE to workout. its the only need to prioritize. which is more important to you and which is easier, limiting your eating or making yourself workout?

How to lose weight and fat please?

I'm 19 year old girl I had back surgery not log ago. Anyways I am looking for tips or so,etching to lose weight or so,e good meal plans to eat or a diet I can follow, I really want to lose weight and fat I'm 5,3 185 pounds can someone please help me thanks.|52;d|Z4HuMqmVVm53SM:
I don't eat that much.

Recommanded Answer:
Losing 10 lbs a month is a good and safe target. Any faster weight loss is likely to be temporary only and in most cases you regain it all.

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, push ups, sit ups, squats, brisk walking and power walking all help for weight loss but dieting helps more.

One of the healthiest weight loss diets is the DASH diet.

The healthy DASH diet can help you lose weight safely and effectively, lower your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure.

It is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy, with whole grains. It is a high fiber, low to moderate fat diet, and is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

You can see further details in a web search for "dash diet" + "lose weight".

  • chicken eat lean chicken for protein. You still have to eat protein so try eating chicken or fish. boil it instead of frying it.

    Eat brown rice instead of white rice...

    instead of candy eat a fruit.

    replace chips/junk food w/ salads and greens. Maybe have carrots or celery to eat.

    drink lots of water... and most importantly,

    work out. jog. play a sport.
  • Simple walking is good.
    Swimming is quite good too, probably doing laps for about 1/2 hour per day, for as many days per week as you can.
    You having had recent back surgery, I would consult your doctor before doing the more aggressive forms of exercise.
  • eat less.. it's pretty simple

This may sound odd, but is it bad to eat fruit when trying to lose weight?

I am 5'9, 135 pounds, and trying to get down to 115-120. I absolutely love fruit and if I could, I would eat it for every meal. Of course, I have some control and don't...but if I eat a large apple every morning for breakfast and another piece (like an orange or pear) can I still lose weight? I know weight loss is based on calories but I always hear that fruit is so high in sugar that it's bad. Is that true?

Recommanded Answer:
Nice specs babe, it depends what you eat it with if you eat fruits alone it should be fine. fruits contain sugar which increases your blood sugar so anything else eaten during tht period will be turned to fat, it is the same with alcohol, sugar/carbs and alcohol all have similar properties when it comes to weight loss

  • Fruit does have a sugar but its always necessary to be healthy. Fruits have vitamins that are useful for the body. The way I think about it when I try to lose weight is to eat like a bird. They eat fruit, vegetables, grain. But they don't eat too much and they're always active. Think like that and you'll lose weight in no time c:
  • Demented?
  • Yes, fruit is high in sugar, but it's good sugar. Fruit contains fructose, which is a natural sugar that your body needs. So forget about the sugar part, an apple contains about 75 calories, including essential vitamins and minerals, sugars, and carbohydrates, all which will benefit you while dieting because it's a healthy snack that includes a variety of beneficial things. It's a myth that fruits are bad when trying to lose weight, because they really do nothing but help you. Be sure to incorporate them into your diet, and good luck!
    Also, check this website for more facts on fruit:
  • Fruit isn't all that high in calories compared to a lot of the crap we eat every day, and it has a lot of good things in it besides the sugar. On the list of things you might consider cutting out of your diet, the apple and orange should be dead last.

    P.S. My birds would be really pissed if I gave up apples and oranges

    P.P.S. 5'9" 135lbs is pretty thin, unless you've got next to no muscle on your frame. That's about my daughter-in-law's size. Any smaller, Junior might break her.
  • Oh Melissa! You have your e.d. for so long and you want to loose more weight....for whom?!
    Stay ...or get healthy and be satisfied with your body. Good luck.

I know I really shouldn't be doing this but if all I eat is oranges will I lose weight?

I love oranges and I want to lose weight. Will this work?

Recommanded Answer:
You'll lose weight, but you won't be getting all the other nutrients you need to keep your body going.

  • yes it will work

What type of nice food is healty to eat i hate salads and i need to lose weight?

im 17 and want to losse weight soon i would love to be able to wear the same clothes as other girls my age without my fat hanging out :/ i need some ways of losing weight fast !

Recommanded Answer:
I think you should try an apple diet. This is very effective and will give you very quick results as you can see improvements in just three days after starting it.

I also like doing this diet because I don't need doing any exercises in those days (I'm a lazy person...)

I found an article on the web which I think has a good description about this method.
I 've included the link below if you want to take a look.

Let me know if this works for you also! :-)

  • try soups,lots of fruits and veggies, granola bars and make sure you exercise a lot =)

Can anyone help me find out what I need to do to lose weight?

Okay so I'm right around 5'3 and 160lbs. That sounds overweight but I have a large chest and overall it's pretty evenly dispersed so I don't look big. But I know that I would really like to lose weight. I would like to lose anywhere from 15-30lbs. I know this is a lot and will take work but I don't even know where to start. Could anyone give me pointers on what kind of diet and exercise plan I should give myself for maybe the first month, then what I should do the 2nd? I don't have money for a gym or personal trainer but I do have weights and I can run.

Recommanded Answer:
Hi, last year my weight was almost 80kg, at 5months I lost about 15-17kg while becoming leaner (also increased muscle weight). Now I'm down to 59kg, at 5'6" in height. What I did was take away all temptations such as sweets, junk food and oily foods. Increase foods rich in protein and low on carbs such as fish, chicken breast, tofu, I ate lots of veggies. I did not limit food intake; in fact, increased it.

I do water therapy (drink 3 glasses of water after waking up), then do 30mins of jogging and 30mins of rigid taebo everyday.

I wanted to give up at first, but soon my body sought after the feeling of getting warmed up and sweating every morning. I suggest buying sweatshirts made with 100% polyester to sweat faster. don't push yourself, instead build up gradually.

  • herbalife babyyyy
  • You don't need money or a gym. You can lose 40+ lbs in a year if you stick to this:

    1) Join! Who needs weight watchers when you can do this for absolutely free? They also help you count your calories (they tell you how many you can have based on your current weight and goals) and give you free daily menus. On top of that they have forums and groups for motivation, free recipes, some free fitness vids and cooking vids, free calorie burn tracking, free progress tracking, everything you need to succeed! Just start eating the highest amount they allow you to and reduce by about a 100 calories every month until you get to the lowest they allow. Then stay there until you reach your goal.

    2) Go on Youtube for free workouts! BeFit (you can start with jillian michaels 30 day shred on here!), FitnessBlender and Zuzka Light Channels are all great with free full length workouts! Also just search types of workouts you're interested in and you will find even more full lengths. Youtube is great. You can also go to! Most of the vids don't require equipment and the ones that do only require light weights or resistance bands + yoga mats which is reasonable. All of this can be done in your living room or bedroom. Workout 4-6 days a week depending on how much you can.

    3) Also walk everyday 3-5 miles. This isn't really exercise but it will burn a lot of calories overtime and its something normal, healthy and active people do! You can track your calorie burn and milage for free on your phone with the app cardio trainer.

    Good luck.

Will laxatives make you lose weight fast?

I've been trying to research this a bit. I hear its unhealthy blah blah blah. But i need to lose weight FAST! Will laxatives do the job?

Recommanded Answer:
Sorry. Laxatives are for constipation, nothing more. No it will not help you lose weight. BLAH BLAH BLAH.

  • No, corpses don't weigh less.

    No you do NOT NEED to lose weight fast. Nor do you need to off yourself.

    BTW, only a moron would think this was a good idea, OR that they won't just regain the weight.

    "blah blah blah" -- Really? You're completely brain-dead, and WANT to have severe health problems and possibly die? Maybe you should use a faster method of offing yourself, and increase the intelligence of all human-kind with one blow.

Should i start lifting or lose some weight?


I have Pectus Carinatum, and thankfully i gain a portion of my weight in my torso, so over the years i have been determined to gain weight and try to hide my disorder. Now i am 6'7", 225 pounds, male and 16 years old. I am asking you if i should lose weight or keep on gaining muscle through muscle and fat?

Not only do i want to hide my disability, i want to be big and strong, not for a particular sport, but just because being big is an awesome feeling. But anyway, should i start to watch my weight, or gain more weight?

Recommanded Answer:
You should get big and strong. The best way I've found is with DBOL.

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  • Big fúcking deal. I have pectus excavatum. I don't whine about it nor do i lie about my size.
    Get a life, fåg.

How can my sister lose weight faster?

My sister and I started dieting at the beginning of January (like a million other people haha!) I'm 23 and trying to lose about 30 pounds. I can lose weight very easily and have lost 15 ,pounds so far and she's trying to lose 100 pounds and hasn't lost but 5! As far as I know she has been eating healthy and she's put on most of that weight will pregnant with my two nieces. We go to the gym every night and she always does way more than I do. The gym doesn't have many options because it's in her apartments complex. She usually does the elliptical for a half hour and the treadmill all the way inclined on a fast walk for a half hour and sometimes does the little bike thing lol. Anyway, I feel like she should be seeing more results? She isn't lazy or anything because she's always running after the two girls. Anything she can do to make it come off better? I know it's not something that happens over night but five pounds a month seems like nothing. I would love for her to get back to her normal weight and I know it would make her happy. Any advice I can give her? Thanks in advance!

Recommanded Answer:
It's good to only lose 1-2lbs per week, but when you have 100lbs to lose, it will be coming off faster than that at first. She's clearly still eating too much. Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. You can workout all day, but if you're still eating junk, then you just won't see much progress. If she has 100lbs to lose, it should be coming off pretty fast at first, but I can guarantee you that she is NOT eating as healthy as she says she is. It's very easy to overestimate the number of calories you eat each day, so putting it all down so you can truly see what you're eating is a great idea. If she REALLY is eating healthy and not losing, she should see a doctor to check her thyroid.

I would recommend you tell her about a website called My Fitness Pal or download the app. It's a site for adults looking to lose weight and get healthier. It's free to join and they tell you how many calories to eat based on your height/weight/age and how much weight you want to lose per week. It's also great for connecting with other people who are also trying to lose and get healthier. She can add friends, ask questions, create a blog or you don't have to do any of that. It's a wonderful site.

Good for you for trying to help her out. Good luck to the both of you!

  • If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.

    If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more.

    For instance, if you take in 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day, and exercise for one hour per day, you could lose 3-5 pounds in the first week, or more if you weigh more than 250 pounds. It's very important not to cut calories any further -- that's dangerous.

    Limiting salt and starches may also mean losing more weight at first -- but that's mostly fluids, not fat.

    "When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started," says Michael Dansinger, MD, of NBC's The Biggest Loser show.

    Diets for Fast Weight Loss

    Dansinger recommends eating a diet that minimizes starches, added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, he recommends focusing on fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.

    Here are more tips from Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet :

    Eat vegetables to help you feel full.
    Drink plenty of water.
    Get tempting foods out of your home.
    Stay busy -- you don't want to eat just because you're bored.
    Eat only from a plate, while seated at a table. No grazing in front of the 'fridge.
    Don't skip meals.

    Keeping a food journal -- writing down everything you eat -- can also help you stay on track.

    "Even if you write it down on a napkin and end up throwing it away, the act of writing it down is about being accountable to yourself and is a very effective tool for weight loss," says Bonnie Taub Dix, MA, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It .

    Besides jotting down what you ate, and when, you might also want to note how you were feeling right before you ate it. Were you angry, sad, or bored? We often focus so much on foods and calories, but our emotions are a huge part of our eating habits.

    If you see a persistent pattern in your emotional eating, please consider talking to a counselor about it. They can be a big help in finding other ways to handle your feelings.
  • Many factor , Its been said that the other health benefits include stress resistance, increased insulin sensitivity, reduced morbidity, and increased life span