Tips on how to loose weight?.. Read ahead....?

Ok so I am a 19 year old female of Native American ethnicity. Before I got pregnant my weight was at 132 for a 5'4 female, my frame was skinny - medium built. Since my pregnancy, my final weight at my 37 week check up (had my son at 38weeks). I was 184, I know! I gained a lot! But my son was a healthy 6 1/2 lb 20" baby. I went down to 170 at my 6 week PP check up. Then I just been a stay at home mother, now I am at 175. I have did the insanity for 2 weeks, lost 12 lbs! Amazing!! But after the two weeks, we started traveling & just never got in the workouts :( I would have been finish this saturday! But my main concern is, how could I tone my body? I have fat arms & a flabby tummy. So disgusting!! Is there any way I could actually lose & just a tone? I don't want to be muscular or 'butch', i just don't like that look. For some ladies they do, but i just don't. Please, any advice from trainers? Or anyone who made a complete transformation? I know I can get back to my flat tummy, tone legs & arms, I'm just having a hard time lossing :(

How to Lose Weight Without Getting Saggy Skin

Recommended Answer:

Here's a very strong and well muscled woman. She came away from the 2012 Olympics with the most medals in artistic gymnastics for male or females. See if you think she looks butch. How you look with muscle is going to have a lot to do with your genetics and how your present yourself. Regardless, exercise is not the key to fat loss. Diet is.Any exercise will burn calories but no exercise will burn fat unless your diet allows it. You can burn fat in your sleep or you can run all day and never burn any fat. It all depends on your diet. Fat loss is determined by calorie control, not by exercise. Good exercises for burning calories are speed walking, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. and ANY other physical activity which makes you move a lot of weight for a long time. But NO exercise is good for burning fat if you eat too many calories because you can always eat more calories than you can burn but you can't always burn as many as you take in.Too many people waste energy and time because they do not understand this one simple point. The result is too often giving up in frustration, abandoning gym memberships they continue to pay for, and many other unnecessary problems not the least of which is a lack of success. An average person must walk about five miles every day for a week to burn the calories equivalent to a pound of body fat. So, unless you think walking about five miles a day (or doing an equivalent amount of exercise) with no guarantee of fat loss makes sense, focus your fat loss program on diet.Diet for fat loss. Exercise for fitness. There is one cardinal rule of dieting (and thermodynamics) and that is: As long as your daily energy output exceeds your daily energy intake, you have to burn from your body (fat or lean tissue). The secret of fat loss is finding food items you enjoy that will keep you well nourished and feeling full without going over your BMR ( ) in daily calories.To find out how the best minds in nutrition in the world (at the US NIH) have recommended for decades we lose fat, read my answer about how to lose fat -->;_ylt=As615QJM4X_3ID9_05qmmlXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111028185603AAVcP4D Good luck and good health!!♠PS: Here are some good websites you may find useful.• BEST SEARCH ENGINE• A MUST FOR DIETERS• BEST DIET TOOL ON THE WEB

what is my maintenance calorie intake?

im 16, 5'5 and weigh 110 pounds. right now im exercising almost everyday. before i gained weight so i recently lost 15 pounds changing my eating habits and realized ive only been eating around 1,300 - 1,400 calories daily. even now, im still eating around that amount but im scared that it's too low and i certainly dont want to lose more weight. i usually also have cheat days once a week and today i probably ate around 2,500 calories (i had cold stone). but what is my maintenance calories? ive been eating the same amt consistently for so long, i kind of have anxiety abt changing how much i eat daily.

How to Lose Weight Drastically

Recommended Answer:

We can't tell you what your maintenance caloric intake level is because it will vary according to your lifestyle, activities, food intake, etc. Here's your BMR ---> . That's how many calories you need to just keep you alive. Add to that your energy output and that's what your should be eating. Of course, your energy output is going to vary which is why maintenance is not about a number. It's about monitoring yourself by weight or percent body fat or just looking in the mirror or paying attention to how your clothes fit and then adjusting your eating to counter any unwanted change in body composition.Good luck and good health!!♠Here's an excellent website for you. Be sure to bookmark it and use it. It's been recommended by the people your doctor listens to, US National Institute of Health, and has tons of information about your growing and changing body. --> Here are some good websites you may find useful.• BEST SEARCH ENGINE• A MUST FOR DIETERS• BEST DIET TOOL ON THE WEB• BEST FOODS FOR YOU• NUTRITION DOT GOV

Other Answers:

  • Just eat some more and see what happens. Don't get your panties in a wad. Try eating about 1800 calories a day for a couple weeks and see what your weight does. NO ONE CAN TELL YOU YOUR maintenance intake. None of us know anything about. You however can eat and step on scales, and that makes YOU the only one who can make a decent estimate of your maintenance.And btw for a million years before humans got all brainwashed about counting calories, everyone maintained their weight naturally, just like animals do. Just eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're full.

How do I gain muscle with a very high metabolism?

I am 20 yearsold, 6'1, and I constantly weight between 170-175 pounds no matter what I do. If I am constantly working out I stay the same. If I sit around like a lazy bum and down donuts I still am between 170-175.

How to Lose Weight Using a Treadmill

Recommended Answer:

If you're an ectomorph (very thin/skinny) or near ectomorph you will have difficulty gaining weight because of your somatype, not because of metabolism. So, if you want to change that and add some pounds there are two ways to do it. Both may work and neither may work. Your success is going to ultimately depend on your body chemistry which is inherited (genetic).FATThe difference between naturally fat and naturally thin people is the number of fat cells in their body. An endomorph may have as many as 250 billion adipocytes (fat cells) while the ectomorph may only have about 50 billion. There's no way to change your total adipocytes or their distribution throughout your body. How fat or thin you are has almost nothing to do with metabolism.You can try adding fat by eating more food. You should eat a proper diet which is about 50/20/30 (%calories from carbs/fats/protein respectively) and just consume more food. You should NOT eat junk food, increase your carbs, take supplements, consume more fat, etc. Just eat a proper, well balanced diet in increase the portions (serving sizes). If you are able to add body fat, you will have no control over where the fat goes or how it looks. In other words, the result could be "skinny fat" which is probably less appealing aesthetically than skinny. And, of course, if you don't like the fat, you'll just have to lose it to get back to where you were.MUSCLEYou can try adding muscle. It is always good to try to add muscle because muscle is the best metabolic investment you can make. Here are some of the benefits of strength training.• Stronger bones & increased mineral density (osteoporosis protection)• Stronger body & musculature (improved protection from injury)• More robust organic and systemic fitness (more survivable in crisis) • Improved cardio-vascular function (better than "cardio")• Higher basal metabolic rate (~5-50 cal/day/pound of muscle)• Easier fat loss (more efficient lipid consumption)• Greater calorie consumption (prolonged afterburn)• Supports body sculpting (hypertrophy)• Slows natural loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) over age 30Adding muscle is a very slow and difficult process. Watch this video for more about that ---> . On average males can add no more than about a pound of muscle per month and females can add about 20% less and that is only under ideal circumstances which are rare. However, if you're a teen, you may find adding muscle to be almost impossible because you will not have your lifetime maximum of testosterone (the muscle building hormone) until about your mid20s. Adding muscle means very intense (and painful) training for a few hours per week and usually requires a gym or gym facilities. It also requires some understanding of how to train (exercise physiology, kinesiology, muscle anatomy, etc) which usually means some time spent with a personal trainer. Adding muscle is a difficult and long term process and, once the muscle is added, the training must continue to maintain the muscle.Ectomorphism is an unhappy an occurrence because being very thin can effect self esteem and inhibit social interaction. However, the ectomorph will usually, in adult life, find it easier to achieve and maintain an ideal or close to ideal body weight because people naturally tend to grow fatter and/or more robust as they grow older....especially with proper diet and training. In other words, being underweight now may be paying it forward. You may reap the benefits with a nice body while your midlife peers are fighting the battle of the bulge.Note - Do not use pills, tonics, supplements, shakes, or other products which claim they can help increase body weight without first checking with your doctor. The scammers are very much aware of the plight of the ectomorph and there are scores or companies with products and advertising all designed to capitalize on your misfortune for their profit. Don't be a sucker.So, they may not be ideal. But those are your two options. Fat and/or muscle.Now, read this --> luck and good health!!♠

Is it normal for a person undergoing chemotherapy to lose weight fast?

Im currently on chemotherapy to treat my hodgkins lymphoma, the chemo seems to be working as it has shrunk the large lump i had in my neck after the first few rounds of chemo. But the problem is im losing alot of weight fast. I used to weigh 183 last month now im down to 170. Im worried. The reason im losing weight is because i no longer have an appetite and everything i put in my mouth tastes bitter. Im frustrated i cant enjoy my fsvorite foods. Also i suffer from stomach pains which makes it harder to eat. Im 20 years old (male) and so far ive completed 4 chemo sessions, i got 8 more to go and i dont know what will happen if i keep losing weight.

How to Lose Weight with Thyroid Problems

Recommended Answer:

You have stopped eating as much. You are going to lose weight. I lost about 20 pounds over 9 weeks of chemo treatment. To top it off, your body is working really hard at recovery. If you are throwing up or have diarrhea, then you are also losing water weight.You need to stabilize your weight loss. The simplest thing is to augment your food intake with protein shakes. Ensure is the dominant brand on the market, but there are others. If they are available in your area, I liked the Orgain brand because they were more drink-like and less shake-like. I like the Ensure strawberry flavor and the Orgain vanilla and mocha.Also, I found that chemo altered certain tastes dramatically, and not others. I could not eat any carbs because they tasted terrible. No bread, pasta, potatoes... After I figure that out, I would order a hamburger with a lettuce wrap or eat salads with chicken and cheese instead of sandwiches. I also found a preference for very bold flavors like citrus and vinegars, so I really liked salads and Vietnamese food. Experiment and find things you like.Finally. You are losing weight. Eat. Eat junk if you need to and it tastes good. At this point in your life, calories are calories. Get a milkshake. Peanut butter is full of protein. Try not to eat 100% junk, you need a good balanced diet, but get those calories in your body. You need them.

Other Answers:

  • What's normal depends on the particular chemo drug you are taking. You can look up the side effects of the drug on the web or ask your oncologist. However, it is common to lose weight while on chemo therapy. Chemo generally works by interfering with cell grow, and it often has nearly the same effect whether its a cancer cell or normal cell. Normal tissues that have high rates of cell growth often experience a lot of damage from chemo. The cells that line the digestive tract are normally replaced every few weeks, so they are relatively fast-growing and vulnerable to effects of chemo. When the lining of the digestive system is injured nutrients are not absorbed as readily, so a lot of the nutrients pass through without being absorbed. People often need to compensate by eating foods that pack a huge amount of calories. Call your oncologist and ask if you can get a referral to a nutritionist.

How to set up a Weight Loss Pool with 15 people? Does it matter our start weight? ie:%body fat?

So Im wondering...... what is the best way to do a weight loss pool? This is where we all chip in $10 or so and the winner (who loses the most) takes home the pot.I have started a weight loss group, and although we are in the obese category, more of us are medically considered to be "morbidly obese" which is fine because we are working on losing weight as a team, and together between all 15 of us have lost over 100lbs. So Im wondering, is FAIR for people of different weights to have an equal opportunity to win this?What if Sally weighs 300 and Jim weighs 400?Jims weight would fall off quicker than Sally's. So how would this fair? OR would I need to have 2 separate weight groups?Thanks for the help with the mathematics here =)

How to Lose Weight Without Relying on Exercise

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We had one with people of varying weights and body masses. Everyone weighed in initially and signed up to lose whatever the percentage of body weight (not fat) that it was we chose (I don't recall the amount).Those not making goal all had to pay in $20, which was divided among those who did make their goal. As I recall, there were people of varying body masses on both sides (winning and losing). Though I will say none of us were morbidly obese, some were probably obese by today's definition (BMI over 30).

How do I maintain my weight/figure?

I'm a junk food junkie. However I've cut that out and I've been eating clean and healthy for 80 % of the time (I'll sneak in small chocolates and the occasional homemade french fries and chicken fingers) however I managed to lose from 147 to 128. Now I'm trying to maintain that weight, I do not want to keep losing weight, in fact I'm going to the gym to GAIN weight.Would I gain all that weight back if I kept eating clean during the week and had occasional cheats throughout the weekend?

How to Diet with Brown Rice to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Try these basic tips for weight management and a healthy lifestyleafter your diet:1. Change your eating habits so that you eat a balance of fresh fruitsand vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean meat (chicken or fishare the lightest sources). Choose complex carbohydrates, such as wholegrain breads and high fibre cereals as opposed to bleached flourproducts like white bread.2. Do aerobic exercise such as walking, running, swimming or cyclingregularly. This will increase muscle tone and burn calories. Evendeveloping a simple, healthy habit like walking to the train every dayinstead of taking the bus, can make a difference in how you look andfeel.3. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Smart, energy-packed choicesinclude bran, bananas, orange juice, porridge, muesli or low-fatyoghurt.4. Swap low-fat milk for semi-skimmed milk and focus on otherlow-calorie foods.5. Plan your meals in advance so you don't eat fast food on the run orfill up on high-calorie snacks.6. Don't eat meat more than once a day. Fish and poultry are recommendedover red or processed meats because they are less fattening.7. Avoid fried foods, which absorb fat from cooking oils. Also, foodtends to lose more of their nutritional value when fried. Instead,bake, broil or grill food. In the case of vegetables, lightly steamthem.8. Drink alcohol in moderation.Eat fibre-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables, fruit, beans,bran flakes, roots and whole grains. These will fill you up and keepyour digestive system healthy.9. Choose fresh fruits for puddings and snacks.10. Keep your portions small.11. Watch your weight, but only weigh yourself once a week as the numberson the scale may fluctuate slightly on a day-to-day basis. Also, gaugeyour target weight by how you feel and how your clothes fit ratherthan by what the scales say.12. Don't panic if you put on weight. Think about what could have causedthe gain and amend your diet accordingly.

Other Answers:

  • By controlling the diet and do daily exersixe regularly then you can it will simple procedure
  • Go to calorie and click on weight maintenance calorie calculator to find out how many calories u need to consume to maintain weight

Do Garcinia Total is safe to use?

I feel shamed when i m going out with my chubby body. Everyone get a look at me and then start laughing it feels very embarasing. I heared from some one that Garcinia is very useful in reshaping your body, is that true do garcinia is useful for weight loss?

How Does Counting Calories Help With Weight Loss?

Recommended Answer:

Yes thats right Garcinia Total is a natural way to burn fat from your body. Basically Garicinia is a natural fruit and can be eaten directly if it is under in your approach. There are many kinds of supplements available in the market according to Garcinia. I used GarciniaTotal supplement that i found here and i got positive results. If you want to use any kind of supplement for weight loss first of all please consult a physician and act upon on his advice. Thanks

Other Answers:

  • id rather you go on CLA supplmentan drink green teathose are safe 100%

how can i lose 3-4 inches off my waist?

I don't really eat unhealthy, but I know I can eat better and I'm getting back into working out.I'm 17 and 5'8 my waist measurement is 28 inches... my goal is 24-25 inches for my waist.any tips?

How to Lose Weight Fast at the Gym

Recommended Answer:

For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise.Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help as in items 22 and 106 in natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening.Most fruits are metabolism boosting foods and most vegetables as well and that helps for weight loss.

Other Answers:

  • Do a Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, or ripped in 30. You will hate the workout but LOVE the results. I personally did it and had great results. Go on The dvds are like 8 dollars plus shipping. Great deal to be fit!
  • You can not lose weight in specific areas, sorry.

I need help with Weight loss? ASAP! Before it's too late?

I'm a big girl and I have fat and rolls I was wondering what would be some good workouts for me to do I can't go to the gym but I can do lots at home? I live by a park and it has a track and different kinds of little things .. What should I do to lose my belly and arm fat!??

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

i lost a lot of weight by running and eating well, and smaller portions. don't forget to drink water. exercise everyday and you will lose weight fast, and eating right is essential to losing weight. have one day a week be a cheat day (where you can have a few snacks that you wouldn't normally have) and remember everything in moderation. good luck :)

Question about losing a lot of weight?

So I'm a 4'11 girl and I weight 145 pounds, after just losing 5 pounds. I want to get down to around 90 pounds. Can losing such a high amount of wait make your face look different or better? Has this happened in your weight loss? Thanks.

How to Help Lose Weight Fast On A Cheap Budget

Recommended Answer:

Losing over a third of your body weight will probably effect your face. However, if the result is better or worse, we can't know because we don't know what you look like before and after and "better" is relative and subjective anyway. It will probably look thinner...more narrow. Perhaps even slightly gaunt.Good luck and good health!!♠

Does the walking calorie burning calculator work?

Today I have eaten 366 calories but in the morning I fast walked 3 miles, in the calculator it said I burned 491 calories depending on my weight and how fast I walked? Is this possible? Should I eat first and then walk the calories off? Im in a diet btw no sweets no greasy foods just lettuce tuna boiled chicken fruits and vegetables and such

How to Lose Weight Quickly Without Taking Pills

Recommended Answer:

Sure, what you suggest is possible in theory. It's not good in practice, however, because it only teaches you that exercise is a crutch to be used to enjoy excess in eating. What exercise should be about is fitness, not fat loss.The key to fat loss is not exercise, it's diet.Any exercise will burn calories but no exercise will burn fat unless your diet allows it. You can burn fat in your sleep or you can run all day and never burn any fat. It all depends on your diet. Fat loss is determined by calorie control, not by exercise. Good exercises for burning calories are speed walking, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. and ANY other physical activity which makes you move a lot of weight for a long time. But NO exercise is good for burning fat if you eat too many calories because you can always eat more calories than you can burn but you can't always burn as many as you take in.Too many people waste energy and time because they do not understand this one simple point. The result is too often giving up in frustration, abandoning gym memberships they continue to pay for, and many other unnecessary problems not the least of which is a lack of success. An average person must walk about five miles every day for a week to burn the calories equivalent to a pound of body fat. So, unless you think walking about five miles a day (or doing an equivalent amount of exercise) with no guarantee of fat loss makes sense, focus your fat loss program on diet.Diet for fat loss. Exercise for fitness. To find out how the best minds in nutrition in the world (at the US NIH) have recommended for decades we lose fat, read my answer about how to lose fat -->;_ylt=As615QJM4X_3ID9_05qmmlXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111028185603AAVcP4D Good luck and good health!!♠PS: Here are some good websites you may find useful.• BEST SEARCH ENGINE• A MUST FOR DIETERS• BEST DIET TOOL ON THE WEB• BEST FOODS FOR YOU• NUTRITION DOT GOV

Will brisk walking everyday for an hour help you loose weight?

Well i just started brisk walking at 3.5-4.0 yesterday for an hour and 10 mins of jogging at 5.0 during that hour. On the treadmill it said i burn 280 calories for 3.60 miles. But my brother saying I won't loose any weight if you just brisk walking and the treadmill is not always right because you're not sweating a lot. He said you probably only lost less then 100 calories...Is this true? I know running will help you loose weight faster but I'm not rushing to loose weight. I would rather brisk walk everyday for an hour and just jog/run for 35 mins every other day (I get sore the next day). Also I've been dieting (1200 calories or less) everyday and jogging at 5.0-5.5 every other day for 35 mins for about a week and a half and lost 1/2 pound so far. I'm 16 almost 17 in a few weeks and I'm 5'5 and weight 140 and my goal is 120 if that helps. If i keep this up how long will I actually see the results or I'm I just wasting my time by doing this?

How to Lose Weight Drastically

Recommended Answer:

I'd say that the treadmill seems to estimate a tiny bit high:Reading your numbers as:In one hour you covered 3.6 miles. 10 minutes were running at 5 miles per hour, 50 minutes walking at 3.32 miles per hour (by calculation).Further assuming no grade, you will have been using energy at roughly 75 Calories running, and 171 Calories Walking, for a total of roughly 250 Calories.Using 5 miles per hour for 35 minutes ~ will also use around 250-260 Calories.I'd not recommend strongly restricting your diet like that though. Your Base Metabolic Rate should be near to 1500 calories, and you will force your body into starvation mode (including destroying muscle and organs for energy ~ which is counter-productive as they burn more energy that the fat which you attempt to store in their place...) You should be eating about 1.3 times the BMR as a minimum once you are at your target weight and remaining active - and it is not recommended to have a deficit been need and intake exceeding 500 Calories. As a rough value the minimum food intake should be 1500 calories, for both long term health and weight loss, with improved strength. It is also a more attainable value with less hardship and tendency to backslide.If you ate 1500 Calories and performed roughly 250 Calories of exercise per day you will lose weight slowly (in fact you may see little weight change, but rather an improvement in shape, strength and tone), you could increase the distances you walk for, or the speed and distance you run, add swimming or cycling to vary things a bit, and be just about right for good solid and long-term weight loss and fitness. As each lb is roughly 3000 Calories deficit, it will take about 7 months to reach your sustainable target weight at 250 Calories deficit... (though you may be happy with a better shape and heavier, stronger weight before you get there ~ don't become too fixated on a number ~ it is only what you think is right based on how you are today and what you think may be 'right'. I'd not be surprised if you weren't perfectly happy with a more toned 130lbs.. remember that breasts and the female shape is partly defined by fat stores, and you may choose to be fit and curvy, rather than very skinny). If you go to the maximum recommended deficit, and remain above your BMR to avoid famine responses then you may get to your target in only 4 months.Finally be careful of 'losing lots of weight' by permitting dehydration. It isn't long term or sustainable, and you will be better able to keep on with your exercise without injury if you have enough energy and water in your system. A week of no progress is better than a month of lost ground because of injuries.(A recent walk I did would have burnt roughly 1850 Calories ~ but it was a 15 mile out and 17 mile return journey to a friend's party in the adjacent city over hilly terrain - I'd not recommend this much in one go but this is very different to "no effect at all if you are only walking" - and as far as intensity goes ~ steps, steep hills etc walked up briskly can easily bring you to maximum heart rate - I am 5'6" and 120lb, 40 yr male - I rested for several days after ~ one completely and the next relatively, before returning to my more usual 10-14 mile distances - I eat well to compensate for the energy I use - essentially eating whenever I am hungry). Generally walking burns Calories at 'around' 62 Calories for someone of your size and weight per mile. (More if excessively fast or slow walking, but this at near your most comfortable pace).Running burns more consistently - for almost all speeds it can be assumed to be near 90 Calories per mile. The walking gait becomes quite close to running for (in)efficiency at extremely high walking speeds (near to 5 miles per hour or above).It is reasonable to allow about 10% more for *very* hilly walks that return to the start, a bit more for walks with a significantly higher end than start location.Cycling uses far *less* energy than walking at running pace ~ perhaps only 1/5th or 1/4 by distanceAt a moderate pace (say 10-12 miles per hour) it uses about the 1/2 by distance, but you can easily travel further, and only when traveling fast does it use more energy per mile - depending on bike, riding posture and other factors this might be at 16-20 miles per hour.Cycling

Other Answers:

  • Just run instead. It's way better for you.
  • It all depends. Count calories. More calories IN than OUT and you GAIN. More calories OUT than IN and you LOSE. Do the research into how many calories come from foods you eat and are burned by your routine, and then do the math. There is no magic bullet here. More calories OUT than IN on average every day and you will LOSE weight.
  • Your brother is nuts. You'll lose weight. Be sure to watch your diet. You can't eat like there is no tomorrow and lose weight walking.
  • If you run/walk 3.6 miles a day that burns about 432 calories a day. If you eat more than that you won't lose weight. Apples and low fat greek yogurt are very filling with low calories. You should try interval running. That means you run really fast for 30-60 seconds then walk for 90-120 seconds. The best thing about interval running is that you still burn calories after your workout. Try to make it to 5 miles.

How to lose baby fat?

I had my little girl a little more then a year ago and I still seem to have a belly from it, I hate it I really need it to go, what can I do?

How to Lose Weight and Kick Start Your Metabolism

Recommended Answer:

Do you like Cucumbers? Are you okay with vinegar? Try keeping some cucumbers in a bowl of vinegar, and just letting it soak. And eat those cucumbers for snacks every hour or so. I heard that works!

Other Answers:

  • eat right and walk/jogi would follow tim ferris' slow carb diet
  • There are some really good bars that I eat that help burn fat and gives me energy too. They are called access bars. The company I get them from has lots of good weight loss products

weight lost tips for 12-13 year old?

I'm 5 feetI'm 115 1bI NEED to lose weight! I WANT to track my calories but Too Many Calories! It's just so freaking hard! It's also hard when you're brown and there is fatty food everywhere. And when I use the treadmill, I just give up! 1 mile is just 100 calories. I just give up.Do you know how it feels like to put on something you like, but you find out it doesn't fit you? And you're skinny friend just buys it and it fits her? That's what happened today! I just wanted to cry there.And my doctor told me I'm overweight due to my height. So please, tell me how to lose weight. And don't give me an answer that you respond to every weight loss question. Please help me.

How to Lose Weight Like Tyra Banks

Recommended Answer:

Stop drinking soda. Only drink water. Eat, you have to, but not too much. Eat a small meal or snack every 4 hours. Eating a little bit, but pretty often will speed up your metabolism. That mile run will only be 100 calories burned, but it speeds up your metabolism, so you're burning at a faster rate throughout the day. Keep running that mile, daily. Along with the spaced out eating, it will burn off very fast. Get a good nights rest. Ever thought about staying away from foods high in fat? Do 25-100 pushups every hour, every other day. Steady calorie burning, you wont get buff, trust me. Maybe a little bit toned, but a lot of calories burned.

Other Answers:

  • Don't try too hard to lose weight. You're still growing, and you should not starve yourself. Eat enough and try to eat as healthy as possible, if you don't eat enough you will actually gain weight because you will lose muscle tissue. Don't skip breakfast and try to eat rather 6 small meals vs 3 large meals. Drink alot of water, tea, whatever liquid that has no calories.
  • Got to or or just go on youtube an search six pack short cuts ...... And of corse if your trying to starve your self thats not going to work u actually get fatter if you do that and work out more I lost 10 pounds and i got a six pack and no this is not a scam because if it was the make wouldn't explain how it works plus it going to be like 5 min of your dad u got nothing to lose
  • I want to know what about your weight that's a differential in your life? What I mean by that is, say you break your arm, you desire to not have your arm broken. The problem is, that it is. That's a differential. You want to stop something that is happening. So what is happening that you want to stop? It seems from your post that you feel like you don't get to just buy nice clothes and like your friend does and that makes you feel ugly and unwanted? I'm not telling you how you feel, I'm guiding you through a little trick that you can use to find out why you feel the way you do and ultimately, stop feeling that way. Just like a little kid, keep asking yourself why, and then answer yourself. Out loud if you need to. You're upset that you don't have you're friends' body? So why are you trying to dress her body on your body? Dress your body. Read some fashion magazines or Youtube people and see what body type you have and how to dress it properly. Your friend can't wear some of the clothes that you can and I'm sure is just as upset about it.

How long would it take before I see significant muscle gains?

Ok heres my story. Im a 24 year old guy. My height is 5'4 without shoes and weigh about 207 pounds and a Body fat percentage of 31%. For my height im actually overweight if not obese. I should be around 144 according to my doc. I want to gain some muscle and lose fat. I even have man boobs that look disgusting.I just started this week and dieting also. So what I want to know is, should I lose fat before I star pumping iron or should I just lift weights with cardio. I want to go from this: this: workout regimen and diet is as follow:MWF Full body workout lifting weights but at the beginner stage. Cant really lift heavy things since I just came out from chemo and it really weakened my muscles a year ago. Think only doing the machines and bench pressing 60 pounds.Cardio/Eleptical trainer every single day, no excuses and having a goal of burning 500 calories a day.Diet:Doing Interment to Fasting with a 6 hour windowA vegetable smoothie mixed with Coconut Oil2 cans of tuna fish and half a can of corn with half an avocadoA plain turkey sandwich with like 7 slices of turkey1 appleSupplements:1 Multivitamin1000mg of Vitamin C2000Mg of Vitamin D400Mg of Vitamin E5000Mg of Biotin3000mg of Fish Oil4 cups of Green TeaWhey ProteinNitric OxideZMA-Testostorone BoosterHorny Goat Weed (Do not take Creatine because I heard that it makes you gain weight and thats the last thing I need)Any advice is greatly appreciated and let me know if im doing something wrong. Im in a caloric deficit diet to lose the fat but does it harm my muscle?How long before I see significant Muscle gains? I already lost 5 pounds in 3 days so far doing this. Is this the right strategy?Sorry for making this long.Oh yeah I forgot to mention Ive only done this for like 4 days and im super extremely sore that I cannot even walk. Im also very hungry. Is this normal?

How to Lose Weight With a Six Week Program

Recommended Answer:

yep symptoms are normal and significant gains take years, that body will take 5 years to achieve atleast from where ur now

exercise routine to drop weight fast?

Iwwas quite skinny last year but over the summer i got lazy and gained about 10 pounds... Does anyone have any good tips or some good short workout routines that have quick results? I'd like to lose the 10 pounds that I gained in at least 2 months if possible! But I wanna stay healthy of course!

How to Lose Weight Without Exercising

Recommended Answer:

Here is an excellent page filled with great tips and ideas for getting in shape, fit and toned. It covers everything from nutrition to the importance of drinking water and so much more.It's a very inspiring and motivating story and page.It talks about becoming very aware of your muscles and using them on purpose throughout your daily activities and how everything adds up to exercise.The title of the page is for women over a certain age, however you'll find value in it and what this women shares about losing weight in a very healthy way.I highly recommend you check it out, you'll be able to use the tips and start applying these today to get on the way to very healthy weight loss.

is it really healthy to eat cereal at breakfast ?

I love eating cereal at breakfast and I get used to it. I eat epecial K or Nestle fitness cereal for breakfast with skimmed milk and some fruits. is that a healthy breakfast ? and is these cereals really heathy ? because I heard that sugary cereals make you gain weight !!

How to Lose Weight Drastically

Recommended Answer:

The rule of thumb is that if the total sugars in the cereals or muesli are less than 15% they are OK.Some cereals contain as much as 25% or even 35% of total sugars and that is far too much.Some cereals that contain more than 15% of total sugars are OK as long as you only eat them occasionally. It is probably better to just eat the ones that contain less than 15% of total sugars.

Other Answers:

  • Cereals are junk food with too many carbs and very little nutrition
  • Sugary cereals can totally make you gain weight. It is the worst. But you seem to have it all worked out: If you eat healthier cereals without sugar and with stuff like bran, then you're eating healthy!Here's a great guide which helped me with healthy eating:

Is there a fastest way to lose weight for a 1st year college student?

I am a 1st year college student and I really want to lose dis weightBut problem is tat my college is too far from my house n I don t have the time to exercise early In the morning so please help me!!!

How to Lose Weight as a Kid

Recommended Answer:

Dude i was the same and I just lost 40 pounds in 2 months. It's simple and I am 15. I helped many people get in shape in my school. Anyways. First: cut out all sweets, fizzy drinks, sweets, cakes, ect. Eat only brown rice, no BREAD!!!! Drink plenty and plenty of water. I drink about 15 glasses a day, eat veggies, lean protein like chicken breast, tuna, or fish, exercise everyday. By exercising I mean, everyday when u wake up, walk for a full hour on an empty stomach!!! Just walk nothing else man! Make sure u eat right!!!!! My inspiration and how I lost 40 pounds was from my idol on YouTube. Search up "Elliot hulse," how to lose weight? Watch the 2 videos and follow what he says. Eat clean, walk everyday, and DRINK WATER 24/7. Simple! Good luck. If u have "kik" u can add me and I'll give u even more info. My kik is "they_call_me_kero"

Other Answers:

  • You can start from waking up earlier and walking to college on your feet.Second step might be not eating junk food.Third step, exercise in the evening, not hardcore training, just a few movements for twenty or 30 minutes Then shower and sleep.

Why Cant I Get A Strong & Stiff Erection anymore?!?

Im a 16 year old Male, Im currently in a relationship with a girl. for the past month or so ive been having soft erections or sometimes I dont even get erections its like if my dick is dead ): im a little over weight but for the past month ive been exercising & eating right. this has never happen to me ever this is the first time this has happen. I have been masterbating for a couple years now & now I cant. Im scared idk what to do. Is this Normal? Will this go away ? Do u have a problem ? Is it because I masterbate too much ?I need answers!

How to Lose Weight While on Effexor XR

Recommended Answer:

*SEX IS BETWEEN 2 EARS [BRAIN], BUT NOT BETWEEN TWO THIGHS* 10 side benefits---Sex Relieves Stress, Sex Boosts Immunity, Sex Burns Calories, Sex Improves Heart Health, Sex Boosts Self-Esteem, Sex Improves Intimacy, Sex Reduces Pain, Sex Reduces/Prevents/Cures Prostate Cancer Risk, Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscle, Sex Helps You Sleep Better. In ‘coitus', by heavy pumping of blood into gonads by the heart and the heart also pumps blood simultaneously into all other internal organs. As a result, blockages of energy + toxins shall be pumped into excretory channels [lungs, skin, urine and feces + menses for females] and invigorate the entire immunity system. The best medicine for anxiety neurosis, depression, a ray of hope to find interest in life with onset of pregnancy. Natural Remedies for boosting-up Sperm count vis-a vis semen flow with full orgasm for both; LIBIDO*, to counter Early Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction & Impotency/Infertility, prolonging coitus with well perceivable orgasm—for a happy married life:By indulgence in frequent masturbation, most of the youth waste lot of semen--the nectar of the human body. Hence, such problem of early ejaculation, lack of self-confidence in sex, erectile dysfunction, impotency, heavy loss of immunity for life, etc. But, no regrets et all. Let the bygones be bygone. Early ejaculation & prolonged sex within the wedlock. How to increase semen/sperm count? 1. I got the formula from a 80 years young man @ Lucknow who was sexually active almost unto death.Take dry and cleansed fruits-- one each of almond, fig, date, an-jeer, cashew soak them in a big cup of water overnight and on the next day morning bite & chew each fruit 25 times and drink the sweet water in an empty stomach.2. In the night. before going to bed, take one cup of hot milk + one cardamom [hindi-Ilaichi] after grinding/crushing + 1 tsp of misri/crystal sugar. We give these items to issue less couples too."Free sex within the wedlock". --------------------------is panacea for multiplicity of your symptoms.In coitus, male organ is aroused by pumping of lots blood by the heart into gonads. While pumping blood, all organs also receive sufficient circulation of blood.The benefits are 1. Immunity power increases by leaps and bounds.2. Both partners feel high and well inspired. More so, the male gets highly enthused with new thoughts, ideas, inspiration and dreams, etc., to achieve anything in life with self confidence. With stronger pelvic foor muscles + guaranteed sleep.3. In fore-play, female gets protected against breast cancer, with perfect hormonal balance. Her immunity power gets invigorated by leaps and bounds. All her/his premarital health issues, if any, get resolved automatically. With more ejaculation, male prevents prostate cancer.4. Both life-partners shall get charged with dynamic energies with high esteemand more intimacy. Sufficient calories are spent to add to invigorate immunity system. Less stress & better BP with a healthy & booming heart.5. With issues/progenies, they shall have a goal to bring up their kids and life becomes more and more interesting to give the kids the best out of them.6. The best natural remedy for loneliness, depression, anxiety and all issues related to mind.1. Gokshura – 2 caps in an empty stomach in the morning.2. Vita Male – 2 caps in the night before sleep.3. Triphala - 2 caps after lunch and dinner.4. Musli - 1 cap after lunch and dinner.Patented Ayurveda Food & Nutrition Supplements manufactured in India and USA, approved by USFDA, in KOSHER, HALAL, GMP, ISO ETC., and made available at Stores in your vicinity in 40 countries all over the globe. No Side Effects.It is not the question of enjoying no. of times. Fore-play is a MUST to arouse and lubricate the respective organ & talking vulgar language while on bed is a MUST.One should indulge in prolonged, slow but steady coitus--which every male/female relishes. The yard stick for success depends upon the counting of no. of shots given by the male. A young man should be able to count and deliver 1000 shots also. So that his anxiety shall be diverted to counting work. More over, if one is likely to ejaculate @ the 30th shot, one should foresee @ the 20th shot itself. By the 15th shot he should withdraw and indulge in talks to divert and postpone ejaculation. Resume coitus after 15 minutes to recoup and proceed to increase the number slowly, but steadily. Daily one should increase the yardstick with increased no. of counted shots.That's how every husband should target to reach and satisfy his beloved life-partner.Natural Aphrodisiacs— Libido boosters--Water melon, oranges, asperages, garlic, honey, avocados, oysters, salmon; and alcohol, chocolates..

How to set up a Weight Loss Pool with 15 people? Does it matter our start weight? ie:%body fat? Help W/Math?

So Im wondering...... what is the best way to do a weight loss pool? This is where we all chip in $10 or so and the winner (who loses the most) takes home the pot.I have started a weight loss group, and although we are in the obese category, more of us are medically considered to be "morbidly obese" which is fine because we are working on losing weight as a team, and together between all 15 of us have lost over 100lbs. So Im wondering, is FAIR for people of different weights to have an equal opportunity to win this?What if Sally weighs 300 and Jim weighs 400?Jims weight would fall off quicker than Sally's. So how would this fair? OR would I need to have 2 separate weight groups?Thanks for the help with the mathematics here =)

How to Lose Weight Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Recommended Answer:

One solution would be to measure percentage loss rather than absolute loss. ie if Jim lost 10lbs his percentage loss would be (10/400)*100 = 2.5%If Sally lost 8lbs her loss would be (8/300)*100 = 2.7% so she would win.

Is Garcinia Cambogia Ultra a good brand that helps to improve health and promote weight loss?

There are too many Garcinia brands out there, I want to know if Garcinia Cambogia Ultra is a good brand.

How to Lose Weight on Lexapro

Recommended Answer:

Yes, it is a good brand. I've been taking that product for a while now and it has been doing wonders with both shedding weight and and maintaining my cholesterol level. I've already lost a little over 15 pounds since I started taking the supplements. Anyway, if you still haven't decided on what brand to get, I would recommend that you give the site a call. A friend of mine got one of those free trial offer and she has been getting charged without authorization so she had to change her bank account. Just be careful.

Other Answers:

  • I take Garcinia Cambogia and I can't tell much difference and I workout and eat super healthy food.
  • Yes. Garcinia Cambogia which studies have shown contributes to weight loss, suppressed appetite and improved overall well-being.

How to gain weight? Very skinny boy?

I am 15 years old and i am pretty tall. I weight 112 lbs and my whole body is just thin! I look sideways in the mirror and my chest and arms and legs are all skinny... Its making me depressed since all my classmates are average and above, but me..not.I need to start putting on weight, so please please give me tips. Fastest way to gain weight and fast workout tips plz!

How to EASILY Lose Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:

To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

Other Answers:

  • Use weight gain products. Protein shakes and things like that. DON'T over eat as it's extremely unhealthy just use added supplements on top if your regular diet and also build muscle by lifting weights
  • Anobiolics, protein shakes.drink two a day, one in the morning with milk, one after the workout with high intense weight workouts, such as push ups, go down to the ground and push up slowly, pull ups are a fantastic way of bulking up.
  • Eat healthily, don't have junk! You're just growing at a different rate to your classmates, and some people are naturally slim anyway. Although it does mean you will look more tones more easily. Hit the gym but don't overdo it. :)
  • You should be happy you are skinny. Eat more protein, do not eat an excess of carbohydrates. You should start lifting weights and doing sprints. Anything to add muscle, not fat.
  • Eat or go to the gym and try some powercleans, bench presses, just lift heavy weights. If you are using heavy weights always have a spotter.

Just started alternate day fasting. Are these good calorie amounts for weight loss?

On up days I eat about 1,300 calories & on down days I eat about 300 calories. My metabolic rate is around 1,300. I don't even feel hungry on this diet.

How to Lose Weight with Chinese Herbs

Recommended Answer:

have you considered the 5:2 fast diet by dr mosley? for 5 days you eat normally and fast only for 2 non-consecutive days? you limit the amount of calories during fasting period to 500 (I guess you are a woman :) ) and eat a lot of protein rich food (think eggs, chicken...) and avoid carbohydrates. why protein? because it stimulates the body to produce more PYY hormone which is believed to decrease your hunger mentioned before, drink a lot of water, or tea. water helps you filling full and so you can control your appetite.

Other Answers:

  • It's not as much about calories (despite the media), as it is about WHAT you are eating..for example, i live ona slow carb diet and eat a protein (eggs/meat), vegetables, and beans (lentils, refried, black, red) at EVERY meal.. i am never hungry.also, drink lots of water, no matter how you eat

What's the best exercise to lose belly fat?

I have a bit a belly chub, I have been pretty active my whole life but it never seems to go away. Every exercise I do, I feel like it doesn't help me lose the weight off my belly. So what is a good exercise to lose it and break a sweat

How to Lose Weight on Lexapro

Recommended Answer:

There isn't any that will target belly fat. You just need to lose weight. The human body tends to burn fat in every part of body, before the belly.

Other Answers:

  • Easiest way to lose weight and get in great shape. RUN! Speeding and slowing the heart rate will do tremendous things for your body. For example, run 3 mins at a jog pace (5-6mph) then 2 mins at a higher pace (7-10 mph) keep this cycle going. Start off at 20 min run for the first week and work your way up. Eventually going on hour runs switching the pace between a jog and a more upbeat run.
  • Take both hands and push yourself away from the dinner table.

Will being vegetarian help you lose weight?

Like at all, we eat quite a bit of meat in our house, and i weight quite a bit for my age. Will being vegetarian help me lose weight at all?

How to Lose Weight Quickly for Women Over 40

Recommended Answer:

No - there are plenty of overweight vegetarians. Chocolate, fries, pizza - all vegetarian, but you won't lose much weight shovelling that into your face every day. The only way to lose weight is to eat less energy (counted as calories) than you expend in walking, talking, breathing etc.

Other Answers:

  • No u still need to eat good foods just like someone who not
  • it might... as long as you don't commit the number 1 mistake of most people who switch: many people feel a void when they give up meat so they cram themselves with carbs and cover everything with cheese. remember the main part of being vegetarian is the vegetables!!why don't you start with cutting your meat and carb servings in half and doubling your servings of FRESH fruits and vegetables.
  • It might, though it certainly won't guarantee it. There are plenty of ways to still gain weight on a vegetarian or even on a vegan diet if you're not careful. As with all diets be sure that you carefully consider your nutritional needs against what you will be taking in
  • Don't you think it would be simpler to cut back on the amount you eat? You don't have to match the rest of the family ounce for ounce.
  • yes it will, but also you should control eating fatty products.
  • Yes, it will definitely help you but still you need to control foods that contain fat and high calorie.
  • Yes of course.
  • Yes it can help. Usually veggie foods have lesser calories as compared to non veggie foods. And if you want to lose weight,you might like this fact : Watching horror movies can burn upto 200 calories.

why do I get hungry quickly ?

I get hungry after about one hour of eating. I feel like I need to eat. I'm afraid if it is overeating . I don't want to gain weight because of this. is it about my metabolism ? or what ?

How to Lose Weight Gain Muscle

Recommended Answer:

Here are some possible reasons that you're craving for foods and how to deal with them:1) Boredom. Find something to distract and change your mind. Take part in other activities like going for a walk for 10 minutes or carry out your hobbies. 2) Dehydration. Drink more water before thinking whether you really need to eat. Instead of eating drink some tea or coffee.3) Your previous meal isn't fulfilling or lasting enough. Include grains (oats are the best foods to make you feel full for a longer time) and plan a well-balanced diet with vegetables, fish, beans, fiber and some lean meats. Go for warm food or beverages like soups. Some caffeine, herbs and vitamins can suppress hunger too).4) You are used to eating more meals. Limit yourself to eat only 3 meals a day.

Other Answers:

  • you should take healthy diet not just filling the appetite.

How to get a doctor's ignorance on the radar?

I went to a doctor (I never go because of money, so I had no regular doctor) first time. I strongly believe I have ADHD. I described my symptoms. I had looked up adult ADHD and my symptoms are TEXTBOOK. He tells me I'm paranoid and that my symptoms don't sound like ADHD. Well that's funny, because when I look up symptoms it describes me to a T! Then he asks if I smoke. I say yes. He says that if I smoke I probably don't have ADHD. Well that's funny, because every bit of information I found says that adults with AdDHD are FAR more likely to be smokers at 40% and on the rise. THEN he gives me Zoloft and I notice a rash and shortness of breath a few hours after taking it and so I call his office. His assistant relays the message to him and calls me back, "Dr. doesn't think it is a reaction to your meds and says keep taking them". I am so angry and upset. He treated me like I was stupid. And yet everything he said to me about doubting I had adult ADHD is BACKWARDS AND he tells me to continue this drug. I am livid! I really need help! I have no more money to go to another doctor. I have tried anti-depressants on the past and sworn them off before because of weight gain, loss of libido, etc. What do I do now! I need HELP and I have no more money for another doctor visit and now this! Help me please! How do I report this guy? Or what can I do?

How to Lose Weight Naturally

Recommended Answer:

First off you can always report a dr to that area's licensing agency.2nd. ADHD. It is a behavior that you can learn to deal with if you want to even without meds. Medication should NEVER be given/taken unless it enhances your life. If ADHD makes your life unlivable then maybe meds, but there are plenty of things you can do without meds.. BUT REALLY did you not read the article abt the Dr that made up the dx to fit certain people. And so yrs later we medicate for personalities that don't "FIT" in. hmmmmm.

Other Answers:

  • As you may know, over 90% of the information on the internet is false. You need to keep that in mind when using it as a reference. Anyone can write anything they want, no matter how wrong or harmful.As for diseases, real diseases never look like "the textbook". Books give general outlines of the average of the way a disease presents and then the human brain in the form of a doctor has to take the information combined with the 100's of cases of that same disease that he has seen and make a diagnosis on that basis. Experience is not in books and certainly not on the internet.If you don't trust this doctor or don't like him, you have little choice but to go to another. Free clinics and emergency rooms serve many people who can't afford a regular doctor. If you have no insurance, you are toying with owing all the money you make for the rest of your life in medical bills should you have an accident or sudden illness.

Is this what losing control of an eating disorder is?

2 months ago I crash dieted and lived off of 300 calories or less for 2 weeks. I told myself once I got down to 130 pounds I'd stop (I'm 5'6). Well I got down to 130 pounds but I continued restricting calories. I had to increase my caloric intake to about 500-1000 calories a day because I've been on a long LONG road trip with my parents, and there was no way to get around meals. I haven't been able to use a scale, but I don't think I've lost any more weight. I guess my metabolism is in pretty bad shape right now.I'm so hungry most of the day, but there's no way I'd let myself eat anything fattening. If I overeat I'll purge because I'm so scared I'll just gain everything back. Today I told myself I'd eat a good dinner (500 calories) and I won't purge after wards. I ate the dinner. I purged. A part of me wants to accept myself, but the other part of me wants to be thin and beautiful. I'm scared that if I up my caloric intake past 1000 I'll gain weight even though I sometimes want to lose weight the conventional way.Am I losing control of restricting calories and purging tendencies? If so, how can I regain control??Thank you for reading.

How to Use Free Weights to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

control is an illusion, there is nothing to regain. there is nothing to lose. do not waste your life on this. Every moment you share with this world is precious, each day you exist loving yourself and caring for others makes everyone's lives better.

Other Answers:

  • Since you're not keen on calorie intake, do NOT count the calories for fruits and vegetables that don't grow underground. The energy your body now needs to digest them cancels out the calories in the food. This way you can snack on things like cabbage and green peppers all day without having to worry about weight.If you're very worried about your metabolism, going on a low-Carb diet will alter your metabolism to burn off excess fat without feeling hungry or worn.Good luck! c:

How big do guys usually get after weigh ins, in the smaller divisions?

I know the heavier divisions guys will gain up to 20 plus lbs after weigh ins. But do the smaller guys like the lightweights and below go that high in weight after their weigh ins?

How to Quickly Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

Not quite so much because their metabolism is usually a little faster and their average, walking around weight is considerably less than those fighters in heavier weight classes. Seven to ten pounds though is not unusual from what I have observed the few times that I have attended pro weigh-ins the day before judging those fighters fighting. Even after putting on several pounds they are still easily several pounds or more below their usual walking around weight. Adding too much weight back on like that can leave a fighter feeling bloated and sluggish for the fight and so they are not trying to put everything back on which they have lost. Instead they are just trying to regain any strength they may have lost as well as rehydrate adequately so they don't have any problems being weak or becoming dehydrated during their fight then. When I fought full contact that was always my end goal and I never wanted to go into fight with a full stomach. Instead I wanted to go into the fight slightly hungry still and not feeling bloated or sluggish. MMA type fighting really puts more stress on your core area and I can't imagine fighting in that with anything in my stomach at all.

Other Answers:

  • The heavier divisions, they get bigger because it's the biggest division. From 205-265, that's a huge gap. Most divisions are only 10 pounds different. It's not uncommon for guys to put on 10-30 pounds day after weigh ins. That includes the heavyweight divisions. Theres only so much weight you can put on in a day.
  • About 10 lbs.
  • No, 20 pounds to a big is less percentage of his weight than a smaller guy. Whether your big or small your going to gain back about the same percentage of weight. For example say a 200 lbs man gains back 20lb. A 100lbs man who cut would gain around 10lb back.

How to gain weight for adolesent male?

I am 5 8/ 5 9 and 115 pounds I am 14 years old and am really having a hard time gaining weight. I eat regular meals but usually skip brekfast. I could run the track but I'm afraid ill burn fat and lose more wieght. I am active play multiple sports but being so skinny and tall just looks really unhealthy. I really need help gaining weight because as I'm getting taller and taller I'm just getting more skinny. My sternum pokes out and maybe because I'm so skinny. Any medication to slow my metabolisim or certain foods i should/shouldnt eat would be very helpful thanks. Would really appreciate some help.

How to Fast to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

If you want to put on weight, you should work out, to insure that youput on muscle and not fat. Healthy weight gain, just like healthyweight loss, takes time and requires a conscious effort to apply goodhabits.Recommended Ways to Gain WeightHave meals with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and theright kinds of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fats,olive oil, canola oil, pistachios, almonds and walnuts). Heinemannsuggests the following ratio: 60%-70% carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein,and a small amount of fat.Eat foods higher in calories, vitamins, and minerals, as opposedto higher in fat or sugar. Pack more nutritious calories in eachserving. For example, you may add grated cooked eggs to mashedpotatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, cheese in casseroles,eggs, and soups, and nonfat dried milk in soups, shakes, milk, andmashed potatoes.If you get too full too fast, try having more high-calorie foods orslices of foods as opposed to consuming the whole thing (raisinsversus grapes, granola and Grape Nuts versus corn flakes, mango slicesversus the whole mango).Limit drinking beverages to a half-hour before and after a meal.Drink mixed juices (apple/berry, peach/orange/banana as opposed to onejuice beverages) for a higher calorie intake. With moderation, you mayadd in good fat sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, andfatty fish (salmon and mackerel).Snack in between meals. Nuts, dried fruits, and yogurtare good options, but it's also important to find nutritious foodsthat you will enjoy. Have a nutritious snack before bedtime, such as apeanut butter sandwich.

Other Answers:

  • Maybe work out and build muscle
  • eat cheese
  • Honestly buddy, don't try too hard to gain weight until you're about 16, when you can start taking protein,creatine, and lift heavy. You'll just stack on fat if you try to now. Besides, it's too hard at your age. Your metabolism is burning like a wildfire, just burning everything you eat.I'm not trying to persuade you not to work out or eat healthy, but at your age, you should just be creating a good foundation for when you do want to bulk up. Just do lots of bodyweight exercise and lift some light weights. Don't lift weights over your head yet, as they can compress your spine and possibly stunt your growth. Don't try exercises such as military press or dumbbell press until you're at least 16.Good luck!
  • To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

How is eating vegetables good?

As the title says, why is it good to eat vegetables? Apart from giving us vitamins does it give us anything else. And why eat them when you want to lose weight? Also,compared to eating bread before you go to sleep, is vegetables still not good to eat before you sleep?Thanks!

How to Lose Weight by Walking Fast

Recommended Answer:

Aside from the vitamins?* Vegetables are generally lower-GI than bread. That means they release their energy at a slower rate, which means less snacking on carbs between meals* There is fibre to consider - both soluble and insoluble - which aide in maintaining a healthy digestive system, as well as making you feel fuller. * Vegetables contain healthy protein, which also help to make your feel full.* They are generallyquite low in calories, in relation to their bulk. Have a big serve on them on your plate, particulary the less starchy kind, I personally aim for 1/2 the plate. That way you get to eat a big plate of food, without alot of calories :)Vegetables can be a dieter's best friend.Bread less so. The grainy kind are okay in moderation, but you do need to be careful in regards to portion control. The lower fibre highly processed white kinds of bread should be kept to a minimum, a bit like junk food.When dieting in a healthy way, you have less calories to get your daily nutrition, so you need to pay extra attention to what you do eat.

Other Answers:

  • Eating Vegetables are good because: 1. Vegetables are nutrient dense.2. Veggies are a dieter's best partner.3. You can fill up for less. 4. Vegetables are fat-free and cholesterol-free. 5. Vegetables provide complex carbohydrates.
  • They are good thru different means of preparing them. Here are some dynamite recipes that are pretty easy too
  • Vegetables are good for human consumption and if you eat a small potful for lunch and meats and only vegetables for supper or snack time you'll loose weight vegetables fully cooked or raw and meats is'nt fattening. If you eat a small pot of vegetables at lunch everyday, then dont eat the same kind or you'll get tired of them fast, also stay away from lettuce and corn on the cob and Banana's.= not for the human body, no matter how much you like them. Not good to eat before sleep Eat about 2 hours before laying down to sleep. Mike

When you lose calories do you lose belly fat?

I saw on the Internet a way to lose 500 calories, but I wanted to know that i you lost that much calories will you also lose belly fat, to make you skinner

How to EASILY Lose Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:

Exercise burns calories on top of what your body burns just being when you consume fewer calories than you burn, you lose fat (provided you aren't dropping your calorie intake too low...keep it well above 1200, and should be 1500 or so if you are an active female)...When your body burns fat, it burns it from all the places it's stored in your yes, at some point belly fat would be burned also...the thing is, you can't do anything to cause your body to burn fat in a specific area...the body decides where to burn the fat and usually it's going to come from places like the face or breasts first...

Other Answers:

  • You lose fat all over, so yes you lose belly fat, but you also lose fat everywhere else. You cant spot reduce fat.

how to start eating more without gaining weight back?

im 5'2 112 pounds. I recently lost 10 pounds starting out a healthy way but then i started eating only around 900 calories at most daily and exercising at least half of them off so i would end up with negative to 300 net calories. I know this is bad for me, and i lost my period because of malnutrition. Im afraid to start eating more though because i REALLY dont want to gain the weight back. i was thiking maybe raise my cal intake by 100 every week until i get to 1,300? does that sound good? also, if i eat 1,200 then burn 500 should i eat the 500 exercise calories back making my total calorie intake 1,700 or not? thank you:)

How to Lose Weight with Chinese Herbs

Recommended Answer:

Your overall calorie intake should be roughly 2000 after exercising. It matters way more what you eat than how many calories it is. Fruits, vegetables and legumes are a great way to get your necessary nutrition. Stay away from processed foods, oils, sugars, etc. It sounds like the issue is deeper than just not wanting to gain the weight back though. I'd suggest talking to a nutritionist to find out what is best for you specifically.

how do i gain weight quicker?

please don't say something like 'candy!!!' or'eat more food!!' or'extra crispy KFC!!!! XD'please give me a reasonalble answer :) I'm not anoerexic, i'm just skinny. what are natural foods or something that makes you gain weight? i've heard of raw egg makes you gain weight. but i can't eat raw egg!!# i'm really sporty and love to walk around and run most of the day.

How to Lose Weight in a Month

Recommended Answer:

Hi,Just by eating more you cannot gain weight, yes it helps a lot but you cannot eat so much that it makes your stomach upset. You just need to approach a balanced diet.I am a part time lactovegetarian bodybuilder. I was skinny too earlier but I have raised my weight 5Kgs more in just 3 months.Do lots of exercise but eat lots of carbohydrates(grains are best source).You need to take medium amount of protein(legumes, daals, pulses, paneer, tofu, soyabean, mungo beans, and milk and its products).For fats you can add nuts, healthy natural oils- olive, mustard oil, desi ghee(milk fat) but only a little.Hope this helps you.All the best!Thanks!

Other Answers:

  • Eat more food...with rich of carbohydrate..
  • To be honest, and I know you'll hate hearing it but you have to eat more. You have to eat more calories than you burn. But they have to be healthy calories. Eat some carbs, some great weight gaining foods are mashed potatoes, brown rice, and beans.
  • Eating more junk food is not the key to healthy weight gain. Try building muscle, and eat lots of good carbs and protein.
  • Hey,gaining weight is a lot easier losing weight. To start with I personally don't suggest that you eat candy, this is because it will cause breakouts. Bananas and Potatoes are great for gaining weight. Eat larger portions of healthy food. If this is not how you want to gain weight, muscle does weigh a lot more then fat. Join a gym? or do your own personal work outs. x
  • Answer?Eat plenty food.Important- healthy diet.
  • In some cases raw eggs can give you salmonella and mayonnaise, that often contains some raw eggs, as well.To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.
  • Since you are active with your running and walking, you're probably burning more calories than you consume. To gain weight you need to consume more than you're burning. A quick solution? ENSURES! They come in three different flavors: strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. They might come in more. An ensure is a protein drink that people use to gain weight in eating disorder facilities. They taste like milkshakes, but they are made up of tons and tons of nutritious factors. Protein is the key to gaining weight healthily. Carbohydrates are not so healthy because they can cause diabetes and low or high blood pressure depending on how your body reacts.A list of heavy foods:-potatoes-corn-white breads-peanut butter-beans-hummus-fish/meatGOOD LUCK! And remember to not lose hope:)

How to get rid of belly fat?

Hiya, so I'm 15 years old. (Sixteen next month) and for the past year I've had a belly fat problem. See the thing is, I'm quite skinny (I'm quite tall too.) although I eat a lot when I want. And the last two years I've been on holiday just eating all summer, so I was bound to get a little fat. But, when I come home, I pretty much stop eating. I never eat breakfast and I barely have lunch or dinner. So, I lost a lot of weight but the fat is still there. I used to be very active, but now I don't have the time because I'm always studying. I don't want to be anorexic, I just want a flat stomach again, because a fat one is actually making it difficult for me to do anything like sit ups or even sitting down! So, if you could help me out, that'd be really great. Thank you. x

How to Lose Weight With a Six Week Program

Recommended Answer:

you have to sort out your eating planreduce all your carbs an sugarseat more proteins an vegetablesworkout more5-10 mins of ab training.. an run for 30-40 mins 3 days a week

Other Answers:

  • Drink green tea, reduce amount of calories taken in. Do the plank exercise (google it)

I Need to be skinny?(please help)?

well there is a pool party I'm gonna be going to on Saturday and I need some tips on how to tone my stomach. I have a little bit of a gut but that's it. my boyfriends gonna e there so I need a lot of help

How to Use Free Weights to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Aw hun, first of all, you don't need to be skinny. A person's weight doesn't have/shouldn't have any effect on their beauty or appeal. I'm sure your boyfriend loves you as you are, and if he doesn't, well, he's probably not the one for you.On that note, 5 days isn't enough time to make a real substantial difference in your weight. Instead, if you're set on looking thinner, I'd recommend using a few of these "tricks" that'll make you look smaller without any actual weight loss. First of all, about 10 minutes before the party, hold a plank for about a minute. Follow that up with 15 to 20 crunches and 30 seconds of holding your head and feet off of the ground while lying on your back. These exercises will engage your muscles: it'll define your abs and also automatically make your stomach hold in. Consider a bathing suit with a high waist, sort of like this one here: Stand tall and throw your shoulders back..But most of all, just be confident with your body! It's a lot more attractive to look confident, no matter your size or body type. Please, PLEASE don't take any drastic measures to try to lose weight before the won't do you any good, and you won't feel well during the party, which will ruin the whole day.Good luck!

Other Answers:

  • There is nothing you can do in 5 days but buy a swimsuit that covers your belly. But long term I suggest running a mile or two a day to loose the "fat" then after loosing that you can tone by doing crunches, etc. be confident!Mine please girls??;_ylt=Au9i8UheRAIZgLM0NPeb7Hvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130827143355AABZbPp
  • I'm afraid thats not how it works:( It takes time to actually lose wight permanantly, although eating less just the day or to will help, cause you won't be bloated. Also, do an ab workout right before the party starts, and it will bring out the slight shadings of a toned stomach. If your really nervous, just keep your stomach under water for most of the time, and suck in your stomach if you are on land. Or use a cover-up or towel to block your stomach.

Possible for cold nodule to cause hypothyroid symptoms?

Hello. I am a 24-year-old woman who has recently been diagnosed with some cold thyroid nodules. The right lobe of my thyroid has a nodule that is almost larger than the lobe itself, and the left side has many smaller "cysts" and others that are just beginning to grow. My biopsy showed benign tissue for now, but my endocrinologist (who has been terrible at keeping in touch with me) is not interested in hearing about my symptoms because my TSH appears to be normal.For months now, I have had severe fatigue, which is not at all typical for me. My hair is in terrible shape (going grey, breaking, falling out). I have incredibly dry skin, and I get legitimate hot flashes. It will be 67 in our apartment, but I will be sweating so much that my hair sticks to my face. Additionally, I have a tendency to gain weight inexplicably, and even when I diet/exercise, I can't lose. These symptoms came on rather suddenly beginning in January, but because my TSH is showing as normal, my endocrinologist is insisting that these symptoms are not related to this nodule.I am currently working on getting a referral to a new endocrinologist for a second opinion, but I was curious if anyone else has had experience with this? My symptoms seem to point to hypothyroidism, but my bloodwork shows normal. Does anyone have any thoughts?

How to Lose Weight Fast by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

Get a new doctor. I have had thyroid problems for many years and I find that most doctors like to treat the lab work...not the patients symptoms. I did well on my dosage of thyroid medicine for 15 years but my new doctor saw my lab work and cut my dosage. Now I am having symptoms of low thyroid and am miserable. So with luck, you will find a doctor who will listen to your symptoms. Good luck.

Other Answers:

  • I have no personal experience with this, but it seems like the easiest way to resolve this would be to try a very tiny dose of thyroid hormone for several days, see what happens, and then stop if things get worse, or move on to a higher dose if things haven't changed. Then keep increasing the dose you have some type of your symptoms or reach a plateau.
  • The new doctor must run the test to rule out thyroid inflammation which cause hyper or hyper/hypo symptoms. One of the check will be the TPO antibody testing.Large benign nodules can be treated with PEI at first; if such treatment fails, surgery is indicated

Is applesauce not healthy for you?

I know it might sound dumb because I could just read the label or whatever, but I mean if you're trying to lose weight is it something you can eat that's healthy? Or is it just a 'in between' meaning it's sort of good for you, but not really?

How to Lose Weight Taking Apple Cider Vinegar Pills

Recommended Answer:

If you get the unsweetened applesauce all it is is apples cooked and processed to remove skin and seeds. It would be healthier for you to eat a whole apple as there is fiber and vitamins in the skin. But if eating an apple is not an option and having a serving of applesauce is the only option then it is fine.Notice I said a serving. Pay close attention to what they are calling a serving. It is probably 1/2 cup so don't go eating a bottle of the stuff thinking it is healthy.

Other Answers:

  • There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" foods. Just eat in moderation. And it does NOT cause cancer. -_-
  • he organic, no sugar or sweetener added, is good for you.
  • It is not going to fill you up, in order to stave off hunger and give energy for exercise, which would help in weight lose and maintenance. :)Eat a few apples per day w the skin for nutrients.If you like Apple sauce, make it yourself and add a little honey and lemon for sweetener. :) Don't forget the cinnamon.
  • it has a lot of sugar but if you like it enjoy iteverything in moderation
  • it is

How to lose weight when not in control of meals?

I still live with my parents and my mom makes me eat whatever she cooks. I try to tell her I'm trying to lose weight by controlling what I eat but my mom gets upset over it... How can I lose weight while still eating mom's cooking?

How to Lose Weight Even After Menopause

Recommended Answer:

ask for smaller portions drink a glass of water before eating. im gonna guess she only cooks dinner so ask for healthy low calorie breakfast and lunch foods (you'll have to figure out what you want) don't eat processed foods. you can find out what calories are in foods by Google, search 'how many calories in one apple' and other things you wish to find calories for.also find your BMI by Google search 'BMI calculator' to see what the healthy weight range is for your height.again Google search 'how many calories should i eat' there will be some website to let you know.with Google not all answers are correct so go to a few different websites for the information your looking could also look up healthy recipes and ask your mum to make a certain meal for the whole family, tell her its good to explore different foods ect hope this helped. good luck! :)

Vegetarian, could someone please help me out?

I'm a 15 year old female who has been vegetarian for roughly 5-6 months. I don't eat poultry or fish or red meat. What are nutrients I am missing such as protein, and from what could I get them. Thank you so much for your time!

How to Lose Weight With Portion Control

Recommended Answer:

Grains cooked with legumes are high in all essential amino acids; rice with Mexican corn, Asian soybeans, or Cajun red beans are all tasty dishes. There's a few other basic things to know about, so I'll put them in, and keep up the good questions!Tasty 5 basics: drink the right amount of water--use an online calculator, usually take a multi-vitamin, combine your food properly, exercise properly, avoid poisons (research fructose & aspartame, pesticides, gmos), look at getting the electrolytes and organic sulfur you need, research the best and worst foods. Increase health and cut costs by eliminating junk, all store drinks, cooking rice & beans together for a complete protein, and soups for breakfast, and invest in organic veggies as much as possible. more you know and do, the better you will be. Here are a couple bigger-picture ways of eating for some of the best things and ways to eat.Rip Esselstyn @ TED, former firefighter and 12yr professional tri-athlete, food that satisfies Texas-beef guys, dropping weight and their cholesterol by 60pts. body, naturally healthy weight, can lose up to 1lb/day when overweight:Dr Robert D. Young, medical microbiologist, on Alkaline Foods and Water -- CNN Alkaline Water --meas pH --acidic foods: animal protein The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health -- 100+ recipes health: physiology, psychology, spirituality; you and your body feeling good; one minute of stress can have the body become acidic. Healthy body: internal fluids are in total alkaline balance; mental clarity, energetic, healthy digestion, hwp, pain free. Replacing our water every 48 hours. Exercise causes sweat and respiration ridding the body of acids; over-exercise produces lactic acid making us sick, tired, and fat. Monitor 7.365pH is ideal, each point is 10-fold, test saliva or urine daily with pH paper. Blood pH of 7.4 is normal, 7.5 will soon be negatively expressed, like tissue pain. pH drops after reserves are gone. When blood pH goes up, tissue pH goes down. Urine pH should be 7.2+, 7.2-8.5 is ideal, morning test (last 24hr living), can range 5-8. Tissues can tolerate up to 11, but cancer starts at 5.5.Most alkaline foods: leafy greens (spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard, turnip greens, beet greens), lemons, cucumber, celery, spinach, avocado, hot & bell peppers, broccoli, unsalted olives, flax & hemp seeds, fatty fish (sea bass, tuna, trout, salmon, mackerel)Most acidic foods: beef, chicken, pork, dairy, eggs, vinegar, soy sauce, mushrooms, corn, peanuts, chocolate, tea, sodas (carbonated water); mushrooms & algae--found in rotting-toxic places, their purpose is to break down dead bodies, cancerous lungs are filled with them; dairy contains lactose-acid.Acidic body is not eliminating properly, symptoms: allergies, hair loss, toenail fungus, rough skin on feet, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rashes, coughs, constipation, bloating, over weight, red eyes, tense-hard muscles, pain, having to urinate during the night, strong body odor, gout diabetes, cancer, acid reflux, indigestion, high or low blood sugars, low energy. Arthritis is a symptom of acid in the bones and joints.Tap water: chlorine, fluoride, bromine, antibiotics, hormones, metals--need to filter these out as much as possible. Research fluoride is poisonous to the body with limited dental benefit; instead look at baking soda and seasalt.Good spring water, research find-a-spring, alkaline water filtration system, $1-3k, or filter it. Make your own alkaline water: 1 washed-sliced lemon per 1/2gal water, optional 1tsp seasalt (70 trace elements), table salt is sodium chloride sprayed with iodine and probably sodium aluminosilicate--linked to brain disease. Iodine is needed for health, the body doesn't store it, it's critical for the thyroid, controls energy and weight; research iodiDe with selenium. Potassium iodide tablets can counter radiation. Best Foods for thyroid: coconut oil, almonds, dark-green leafy veg: spinach, kale, collard greens, swiss chard, mustard, turnip greens, beet greens, seaweed (30Xdv), navy beans (1C=60mcg), potato w/skin (60mcg), cranberries (1oz=100mcg), strawberries (1C=13mcg), Himalayan salt (1g=500mcg), egg (1/10dv). Toxic iodine level 1000mg/day, symptoms: irritations--burning mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, and coma.

Other Answers:

  • Personally i don't get the point of depriving your body of a whole food group, but peanuts have protein. Eat lots of peanut butter
  • There is protein in eggs and dairy, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, grains especially quinoaThen for iron eat green leafies, spinach, beans, wholegrains, nutsPlant based protein
  • Have your parent schedule you an appointment with a dietitian and be sure your Dr. knows so when blood work is done your diet is taken into consideration. Vegetarian/Vegan living is much easier today and there are lots of resources. You can start at for recipes and guidance. Good Luck!
  • Protein you can get from soy, and you may need omega 3, you can get that from flax seed.
  • The main thing you'll be lacking as a vegetarian are complete essential amino acids. Your body can combine the incomplete ones as long as you eat the proper food groups. Proteins and fats will be lower in your diet, so be sure to supplement with lots of nuts. Eggs are a good source of proteins, fats and micronutrients, nuts contain a lot as well. Try to eat a lot of grains, legumes and vegetables. Fruit are good for carbohydrates, but shouldn't be the main focus of your diet. Spinach is a good source of protein in general (More per weight than even red meat!) as well as being high in vitamin a and c.
  • The only thing you can't get from vegetables/fruits/nuts/grains/seeds/legumes is b12(which is easy to get in a supplement). I would suggest you go vegan. Cow milk is for calfs. Eggs are chicken periods. Neither are healthy for you. Both cause a lot of animal cruelty.
  • Protein and Iron are the only two foods you may need to worry about. You may need to make a conscious effort to eat more nuts/peanut butter, eggs, beans, soy etc as it is recommended that you get in at least 50grams a day (if your an athlete you want to shoot towards around 100)Iron can easily be found in raisins and sports drinks (if you drink sports drinks).
  • Hello, I am 15 years old girl as well and I decided on my own to be vegetarian about a year and a half ago. My mom was very worried that I would not get enough essential nutrients. I am taking a multivitamin with iron, which I miss from not having meat, and a blue-green algae supplement, Omega 3, which I miss from not having fish. If you buy supplements, make sure they are labeled vegetarian. My mom mainly worries that I do not get enough protein. Beans, cheese, yogurt and eggs are all full of protein. Hope this helps, those are the tree things most vegetarians miss from their diets.

How can I become a starting high school varsity running back?

Ok I want to know how to become a starting running back I am 15 years old a sophmore 5'9 230lbs I know im chunky but what can I do to lose weight and increase my speed and muscle mass? Oh yes my 40yd dash time is 4.7

How to Lose Weight Fast Without Drugs

Recommended Answer:

The important thing at your age is to become good at the technical parts of the position. It isn't just about running the ball, you need to be able to run short routes and catch, block effectively and protect the QB on pass plays, etc. The physical part will come over time, you're only 15 so you have a long way to go still before you are physically mature - and you've got a lot of time to train and get to the weight you want for your position. But if you can learn the ins and outs of the position, you stand a good chance of getting to see playing time even before your body is where you want it to be.Your speeds is good. Focus on working hard in the weight room, and during conditioning. Get yourself in really great physical shape, and your body's weight will adjust over time to where it needs to be. If you continue to get stronger in the weight room and add muscle, that muscle will help you reduce the amount of body fat you have faster. Eat healthy, and eat enough to fuel the amount of activity you are doing.

Can doing weed about twice ruin dopamine in your brain?

I did weed twice and felt that life was bland and boring after doing it I did 3 bowls 4-5 hit each time in a day and then about 3 weeks or a month later I did 1 hit of weed is there any chance that I destroyed my dopamine at all and also how long does it take for them to regenerate / recover also I'm not doing weed anymore because of the crash after it thanks! Please serious answers that aren't biased I need someone who knows the facts and is smart!

How to Lose Weight After Kids

Recommended Answer:

Please read this and take note, this is not for yahoo points or anything like that but is for YOU.I have smoked marijuana for a very long period of time, at one point I was smoking it every day for 2 months with at least 2 hits of a pipe/bong every day. Although I was enjoying myself I was binge eating from the munchies, socialising less and less and losing valuable motivation to go outside and actually do things. I by no means want to say that weed is a bad thing to smoke and you shouldn't do it i'm just saying that it seriously has to be done in moderation.And yes there are long term effects from constant/occasional smoking of marijuana but they can all be reversed with time.Many people will only realise it once they have been told but smoking causes short term memory loss, slurred speech and as I mentioned earlier loss of motivation and a high chance of gaining weight from excess eating, even if it does increase the speed of your metabolism.All in all smoking consistently (more than once a month) WILL eventually give you negative side effects.If you only smoke once or twice then you'll get none of these effects and you'll be in tip top shape after a couple days. You only experience these when you start smoking at least 3 times a week or more.Extra: I've been off smoking of all sorts now for 3 months and am feeling better and better every day both mentally and physically. If you do want to smoke a little, try to keep it as a treat.

Other Answers:

  • NoWeed does not have any long term effects, especially only after 2 uses.
  • No dude. Lol I have done weed.. A little to much to count but still it keeps me smiling and it has nO long term effects... You might wants some later but that's typical.
  • Weed can never and will never "ruin" anything in your brain. While long term cannabis use can result in a slight drop in dopamine levels (during a withdrawal), this is never permanent or as significant as it is with a drug like cocaine or tobacco, which is far more severe and harmful than cannabis. Seeing as how you only smoked twice, almost any affect of marijuana on your dopamine levels would return back to normal after one day or even sooner depending on your activity level.
  • Trade your weed use for other dop a mine causing drugs. choc a late releases dop a mine. so does cigarettes, caffeine, and sex. the cure for drug addiction or any addiction is TRADING one addiction for another. your brain and body starts to recover IMMEDIATELY AFTER STOPPING DRUGS. "dopamine" is a feel good chemical that tells your brain "repeat what you just did" thc in marijuana increases the serotine in the brain and it also increases dopamine levels. but weed is a physical and mental addiction. meaning your body and brain craves weed. weed makes you believe that dop a mine causing items, like sugar or sex is better while on weed. but when you stop smoking your body and mind craves weed. this is why stoners get lazy when stopping weed. weed actually decreases the synapsins in the brain. it causes less and less synapsins to fire off reducing pleasure. bottom line? you will feel TEN TIMES HIGHER after beating weed addiction and by simply drinking a star bucks coffe, or eating a candy bar. but for right now, candy bars or coffee will not seem as enjoyable cause your addicted to weed.

Belly fat and Triphala Premium?

As I get older, most of my fat settles in my stomach area. All the abs exercises do not help. Will Triphala Premium target the belly area where my fat is and make it smaller?

How to Set a Weekly Weight Loss Goal

Recommended Answer:

Yes, it works quite well with losing weight. I've been taking it for a couple of months and it has been working wonders for my body. It also works as a detox so it cleans out all the excess waste on your is stomach. There is a reason behind why the supplement is quite famous these days.

Other Answers:

  • No, you need to reduce your calorie intake or exercise more. Pills won't 'flush' away fat or anything else they claim.
  • I have been on the product for a 1 1/2 weeks with a weight gain of 4-5 lbs somewhere in the first week. I did feel smaller in my stomach area.