I'm not sore after working out and tips on losing weight?

Im around 135/134 and I've been trying to run everyday, but I'm never sore. I'm trying to get down to 110-115 lbs (I'm 5'1) and I try to watch my portions. Whenever I work out, I'm NEVER sore. I work out for around 30 minutes, plus leg exercises, etc. Today I did interval training for about 30 minutes (5 min brisk warmup walk, 60s running; 90s walking for 20 mins, and then a 5 minute cooldown) I'm increasing the times over the weeks of my progression. Then I did another 15 minutes of brisk walking. As the weeks go by, I plan on making the workouts more intense. I find it hard for me because Im not in the best shape but I never get sore. But when I'm at PE we do 4 laps around 2 volleyball courts and I'm very sore the day after. Is there something I'm doing wrong? And if I'm not sore, does that mean I'm not losing fat? I plan on reaching my goal by summer break. It's my new years resolution.
Tips on diet and exercise for losing weight? Is there things I should add on to my workout? And are there any good foods that would be good for losing weight and health? (:
I want to know that if I'm sore does that mean I'm not pushing myself hard enough to lose weight.
It does hurt when I run, I just don't hurt after.

Lose Weight As You Get Older - Ezine Articles

Recommanded Answer:
If you're increasing the times then don't worry, sooner or later you will be sore. Don't worry about that just worry about breaking a good sweat and pushing your body to it's limit. Remember to get good rest each night and have a balanced healthy diet that includes veggies and fruits. Try to cut out soda and juice and limit your beverages to just water and occasionally milk. Also there is plenty that you can add to your workout such as pull ups, push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks...whatever gets your heartbeat going. Your doing fine, keep up the good work.


  • Here are some ways to get sore if you really want to get sore. I'm not sure why you would want to get sore though. It can prevent you from working out sometimes.

    • If you have a smartphone, try setting an alarm on it to do 20 push-ups hour. If you do this often, before you know it, you'll be healthy and fit!

    • If you don't own a smartphone, try to remember.

    • If you have an Xbox with kinect, try to buy an exercise game.

    • During commercials when watching TV do 7 push-ups every other commercial. Increase the number if you think you are able to.

    • If you actually want to get abs, do sit-ups. It's a great workout to get abs.

    • Laughing. Laughing is a great way to burn off those calories with simply flexing your stomach. (Flexing your stomach happens when you're laughing)

    • Swimming. It's another great way to burn those calories. You can also tread water whe in the water.
  • It's very interesting that you don't get sore, you should check it out with a doctor just to make sure there's no nerve damage and if there isn't, your very lucky cause you can run a bunch until you do EVENTUALLY get sore, maybe try strapping extra weights to your self! Hop it helps:)
  • wearing heavy clothing while working out can help you burn more calories, i usually go running with like two hoodies on and sweat pants. Drinking a lot of water b4 bed and throughout the day. Since you work out on a consistent basis you will not get sore from doing the same workout, i would switch it up a bit like go swimming or ride your bike, and increase the intensity and amount of time you run and if it hurts to run you need to be getting more calcium in your diet, i would def try swimming or biking.. As far as foods, grapefruits are known to burn fat even though they may taste real tart you have to eat them, foods with good fats like nuts and avocados, peanut butter is good source of protein and the grapefruit also has many antioxidants to keep u healthy, plain no fat yogurt is also really good for you, remember u eat to live not live to eat, dont worry about how it tastes. you can easily get to where u want to be by summer time if u keep up the good work.


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