Weight loss tips for someone who loves to eat?

I'm 17 years old and I need tips on losing weight. I have tried excercising but it doesn't work because I love to eat. I'm 5'7 and weigh 135. Doctors say my bmi is perfect but I still feel like I could lose some weight. I have emotional issues that make me a down-right food addict. Please help!

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im 5'7 and 17 too i know how you feel when i was 135 i still wanted to lose weight and it is hard, and its good that you love to eat. and what helps me is to find a lot of recipes that have your favorite food for example i love peanut butter so i find recipes that have peanut butter. and once a week i have a night where i eat junk food like crazy but only one night! and build muscle for sure that that helps burn fat. i have a wide-ish frame and everything ive done has worked for me so far cause im down to about 124. need any tips just ask

  • awwwww you like eating. grow a pair. if you want to lose weight exercise and eat WELL. be dedicated. without that you'll barely lose.

    the following isnt my answer...Trust me, gaining weight is very simple but losing weight is somehow complicated. I tried many times to lose weight but I used to fail on the way. What I forgot was weight loss is not only about exercising, but it's also about your mindset, dieting, motivation and the list goes on. I tried to do the dieting and exercising by my own but that didn't help me at all. Most at times, I would lose motivation and stop and at times I would not stick to the dieting and everything was a mess.

    This went on and on till I was very determined to lose weight and get in shape.
    I had a reliable source of dieting routine ,motivation, exercising routine, reminder notes and a lot. But trust me, you can't lose weight if you don't live a discipline life which will help you lose weight.
    To lose weight, you have to drink a lot of water, run a lot and minimize your calories intake. I have substituted soft drinks with water; I drink water whenever I feel like drinking soda. Whenever I feel hungry, I drink water first to see if it can satiate my hunger. Avoid the habit of going to bed immediately after eating. Walk around to feel that the food you've eaten has digested before you should go to bed. In addition, you shouldn't nor drink too much sweet or sugary food. In my case since I wanted to lose weight badly, I stopped eating and drinking sugary foods and drinks. I included a lot of vegetables in my food and ate a lot of fruits.

    I was able to lose weight and competed in the fitness model contest. And though I didn't attain the position I wanted to in the contest, I'm currently following the weight loss program strictly and I hope to win it this time.
  • If your going to over eat you gotta exercise, if your going to eat right you don't gotta exercise. One or the other you gotta do. I dropped 65lbs and counting just by changing what and how much I eat, I never exercise besides what I do at work.
  • It's okay, you can just eat. But my advice, do reduce your fat intake (fries, chicken and so forth).
    Exercise alone won't enough. People always though they could get the best shape with exercise.

    They were totally WRONG if the practice missing the main secret ingredient of success: CONSISTENCY (which really hard to maintain for most of the people).
  • you DONT want to excercise, but you love to eat?? really...?
    you can lose weight with focusing more on diet or excercise, but serously..if you are gonna eat then you HAVE to workout. its the only way...you need to prioritize. which is more important to you and which is easier, limiting your eating or making yourself workout?


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