How do I lose a lot of weight at 15?

I weigh around 102 and I'm fifteen. I try to exercise everyday but I find myself not getting any skinnier. I'm 5'1 and at an ideal weight, but I want to be 95-97. I try not to eat sweets, but I do sometimes. How can I lose weight and get a thigh gap? Do I need to starve myself or throw up like I did before?

Recommanded Answer:
No dont starve yourself because that wont work. you'll hardly lose any weight. i had an eating disorder and I used to starve myself. after about a week or so, i got really dizzy and went to the hospital. I lost a lot of blood.
if you want to lose weight then do this: Drink A LOT of water. at least 8 glasses a day and eat 5/6 small healthy meals every day. and make sure you manage your meals (by that i mean if you ate breakfast at 8 am, do it at the same time next day) and walk for 30 minutes every day. im almost positive you will lose about 12-14 pounds. AND i lost about 2 stones doing that.

  • Totally.
  • ok sweetheart, i understand youre looking for someone to care and tell you youre not fat or acknowledge your problem, so im going to tell you that you are NOT FAT and you DONT NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT

    Im sure youre very attractive the wway you are and im telling you you dont need to lose weight.
  • You need to change your life style such as many be every day run for 3 to 4 miles per week day. After the first horrible month you will start to enjoy running because your body will be able to handle 4 miles per day, then after a while you will start running more. After 4 months me and 3 of my friends were running 7 - 8 miles per day. And when your running 4-8 miles every week day take weekends off, you will loose the weight you need to and be able to eat more at the same time. Your legs will have a good tone to them without showing muscle. You also feel a lot better every day because your body is doing what God made it to do. Enjoy and Good luck !!
  • you are probably gonna gain height soon, so your body is holding onto any fat it can so you can grow. you are not overweight, trust me. I am 5'6 and weigh 135 pounds and I don't have any extra fat on my body, and i'm not particularly muscular, so you don't either.
  • ok your not fat for 1, and 2 to get a "thigh gap" maybe just try some yoga, or dancing that uses your legs because maybe your not working on certain parts you may be working out but not getting the results you want because you weren't working on the right parts. you don't need to starve yourself or make your self throw up. i never did that. you don't need to do that! maybe if your like a lot of people that can gain weight faster because of your metabolism you can try methods to raise your metabolism which will help you not gain weight(?) i have a naturally high metabolism so i don't gain weight >.<
  • If your starving yourself and throwing up typically your NOT healthy. If you are doing these things u need to seek help. You want to help yourself get healthy. That includes long Term health you don't need your body to have health issues when your 30 or a heart attack by 40. You have to eat right. Cut down on white carbs {your potatoes, fries, white starchy food like white bread} and increase your veggies. Lay off the fruit or high sugar things like pop or soda, fast food. Try googling Winsor Pilates 20 min Workout on You Tube. It's a quick cheap workout. That with a hour of Cardio a day and you should be good to go. Remember Muscle eats fat in your body so you need proper nutrition to help muscle grow. Stay away from scales because they lie. You might be a higher weight because muscle is increasing and muscle weighs more than fat. Don't let the scale fool you if it starts to go up one month from the next. Invest in a tape measure that way u can she the results faster.
  • You are the perfect weight. Everybody wants to weight that much. but its not enough. I'm not saying gain weight (that would suck), but losing more isn't a good idea. I know being under 100 sounds like a good thing, but if you ever get back above 100 after being down there, it is so awful. I would stay right where you are, you don't have to do anything else. And dont go back to that place, hon, nobody would want that.


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