How to lose weight (im a guy)?

I need to lose weight fast........... Give me a diet and exercise plan.

Best Exercise to Lose Weight For You

Recommanded Answer:
Try to eat less but more throughout the day if that makes sense. Don't skip meals it anything that'll make things worse. Eat regularly and way things like grilled chicken, salmon, boiled or grilled veg. Don't make it feel like a diet, that'll just make it harder. Eating an apple in the evening can speed up your metabolism as well as exercise. The exercise really depends on you I guess. There's the gym or you could do sports or take classes. Jogging or running is nice because you could go early or late when there isn't many people about and you can go at your own pace. But to really shift the weight you should have a cardio based workout so running is good but anything that really makes you sweat. Like, dripping with it. Remember to keep active and always keep moving. It sounds stupid or obvious but if you don't generally move about a lot your metabolism will be like a snails. Before exercising eat good carb filled food for slow release energy. And drink LOTS of water. At all times. Trust me.

  • eat less
  • There are all kinds of ideas out there. I'm trying to lose weight, too, and I've tried many different things. I'd say do little things, one at a time. For example, I started out giving up one thing I really like - staying up late. I found that I snacked way too much late at night, and then I'd go right to bed. I have a treadmill that has been mostly used as anything but a treadmill, but I'm trying now to get on it at least twice a week, just for 10 minutes or so. It helps to have some music to get along with it. Good luck!


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