How do you make your overweight sister workout?

She is overweight and at risk for diabetes. At 13 years old she is 5'-0" and 160 pounds. I am 18, 5'-5" and 145 pounds. I had the same problems as her but I was motivated to lose weight.

My sister wants to do volleyball but doesn't lift a finger to get ready for the physical activity. She just sits down all day watching tv and doing nothing. When I try to workout with her, she tells me she has a lot of homework. I went to the same school as her and had the same teachers and I NEVER needed 5 hours to do three sheets of homework. She eats junk food and eats between meals as well.

One kid made fun of her. He told her she will die in her thirties if she doesn't get her ass moving. I told that kid to piss off and comforted my sister. They say be happy with the way you look but that to me is overly simplistic. You have one body and therefore have every obligation to maintain it.

I know girls her age are very self-concious and I try to be patient, but the bottom line is, if she doesn't do something soon, the doctor says she will have diabetes pretty soon.

She didn't make volleyball tryouts as she was out of shape and unable to keep up with the other girls.

I know I sound callous but I am really not. I just don't want my sister to have to have diabetes and further social issues. I exercise with her when she does and I try to be as patient as I can.

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
You are absolutely right, your sister needs to make some effort.

However, what did you say to her when that kid said what he said to her? Did you tell her he was wrong? Because I think that you should have said very kindly but very firmly that he was right. That he has a point, and that she needs to get moving and get some exercise in every day. There is no point in pretending to her that all is well when clearly it isn't. Tell her you will exercise with her, but that her healthy is ultimately NOT your responsibility - it's hers. She needs to focus on her health, and now.

  • (I haven't tried the software.)

    Here is an exercise plan that has been successful for over 90 years and requires no equipment:
  • Make it fun. Go and walk the mall and chat. Go to a public garden to see flowers. Make the focus on something besides the exercise, but she has to move to do it..


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