How many abs exercise should be done?

Hi. Am 19 years old and am a girl. I have decided to stay fit, lose weight and especially lose belly fat. I have reviewed my diet and my cardio and these are both OK. BUT, I have a question concerning abdominal exercises. i have been working out abs 3 times a week ( Till now, its good, because i learnt that we should NEVER work out abs everyday, or we might overwork muscles; also i dont want to develop muscles, i just want to have a slim belly.)
My question is: The day i am working out my abs, how many abs exercises should be done?
I have been doing 5 abs exercises and for each of them, i do 4 sets of 12. But, my friend told me 5 is too much. Can you plz tell me how many should be done? Please...!!!

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommanded Answer:
Try this:
2 sets crunches,max reps reps in strict form
2 sets situps,max reps in strict form
2 sets the plank,max seconds in strict form
What matters is if you do them right.Dont pay attention to reps,pay attention to form.
8 reps in perfect form are better than 20 reps in bad form.

  • pump your abs pump them nice
  • Do insanity it's way better, you lose weight and you get abs in no time
  • Scooby, from , gets his abs by doing crunches, bicycle crunches and side planks, alongside weight training which requires further support.

    Tip: When walking, carry a heavy bag and keep your shoulder back. The bag will try to bring you back and down, so to stay upright, your abs must be tense.
  • 3 or 4 is plenty enough
    the rest is good fitness, an conditioning, an good diet

    if your in the gym

    rope pull downs
    weighted plate to chest
    ab crunch machine

    at home

    bicycle crunches
    leg lifts


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