How to get rid of belly fat?

Hiya, so I'm 15 years old. (Sixteen next month) and for the past year I've had a belly fat problem. See the thing is, I'm quite skinny (I'm quite tall too.) although I eat a lot when I want. And the last two years I've been on holiday just eating all summer, so I was bound to get a little fat. But, when I come home, I pretty much stop eating. I never eat breakfast and I barely have lunch or dinner. So, I lost a lot of weight but the fat is still there. I used to be very active, but now I don't have the time because I'm always studying. I don't want to be anorexic, I just want a flat stomach again, because a fat one is actually making it difficult for me to do anything like sit ups or even sitting down! So, if you could help me out, that'd be really great. Thank you. x

How to Lose Weight With a Six Week Program

Recommended Answer:

you have to sort out your eating planreduce all your carbs an sugarseat more proteins an vegetablesworkout more5-10 mins of ab training.. an run for 30-40 mins 3 days a week

Other Answers:

  • Drink green tea, reduce amount of calories taken in. Do the plank exercise (google it)


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