Is there anyone out there who knows how someone in my situation can put on a good amount of weight? preferably in a short amount of time...
NOTE: This IS NOT the same as an average build or obese person trying to build muscle. i DO workout, i DO eat well, and i also spend 8 hours a day doing heavy lifting at work. i can sit around all day and eat or workout all day and eat. my metabolism WILL NOT let me gain 1 lb.
NOTE: This IS NOT the same as an average build or obese person trying to build muscle. i DO workout, i DO eat well, and i also spend 8 hours a day doing heavy lifting at work. i can sit around all day and eat or workout all day and eat. my metabolism WILL NOT let me gain 1 lb.
Lose Weight As You Get Older - Ezine Articles
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It seems that your main problem is that you are not eating enough. You could be eating well but simply not enough since you are lifting heavy at work for such prolonged periods of time. You need to fuel that with a lot of calories if not you will either stall or worse, lose weight in the process. If you are looking to gain weight, you will also need to spend a bit of time seeing if 8 hours of sleep is sufficient for you. When I was in the army, even 8 hours of sleep wasn't enough due to the highly intensive lifestyle I led then. Here are my suggestions on how to get your workout right, your diet to have enough calories to help you gain weight as well as how to sleep well.
In terms of diet, it is important to consider eating a high calorie diet filled with natural food. The foods you should eat more of are bread, pasta, potatoes, biscuits and rice. This will help give you energy to work on the pitch as well as give you the ability to gain weight by making your calorie intake higher than your output. You can also try adding milk into your diet to help you get the protein you need to help you to repair muscles which is the healthy way to gain and maintain weight. I would recommend starting out by drinking 500ml of milk 3 times each day if you are not lactose intolerant. Weigh yourself once every week and see if your weight increase, if not simply drink a 100ml more of milk each time. Once you spot a gain of 1-2 pounds, then it is time to hit the workout room and get proper rest.
The important thing to prime yourself up to gain muscle mass as weight is to sleep well. If you do not rest enough, your muscles and immune system will take a hit and make gaining weight even harder. Even though this may seem simple, it took me a while to get the hang of it and to apply it on a consistent basis. One test I would like you to try is to sleep and wake up by yourself on a day where you have no activities plan ahead. Take note of how many hours you need to sleep and keep repeating that daily in order to ensure that you gain the weight you need as well as keep your immune system strong so that you will not fall sick which will cause you to lose weight.
The last thing is to spot what workout fits you best. So far, I have found the workout at extremely good in terms of helping me and my clients to gain weight. I was able to consistently put on a pound a week without suffering much downtime. There were also months I can gain close to 5 pounds which is an extremely big motivation to spur me on to train, sleep and eat properly. Perhaps you could give it a try and see if it changed your life like it did for me.
- Subscribe to Men's Health Mag. This will give you work out tips and how to put on muscle healthily. Mainly do weight lifting/body weight exercises and drink/eat high protein after doing so. If you feel sore the next day, good! That means your doing something right, but if it is SEVERE then stop and seek a doctor.
- Ur so lucky! Im 123 and 5'7, and i cannot eat ever!
Grrr. Go to a vitamin store, like GMC, or Vitamin World, and ask for help. Dont go to wal mart, or be cheap about it! Buy protien shakes, and vitamins that build muscle. Get a gym membership, and use it! Along with the vitamins, working out will quickly gain MUSCLE. - Start weight lifting and drinking that muscle powder stuff they sell in stores next to the granola bars. Make sure you increase the weight you lift gradually and try not to eat a ton of junk food.
- you need to eat 20x your body weight from calories
1 gram of protein each pound u weigh
an lift weights.. heavy weights, do your deadlifts, benchpresses, an squats
an take creatine before u workout
an take whey protein after - Your a hard gainer like me, which means you will need to eat more calories than most. For me to pit on ANY muscle I HAVE to eat atleast 3,000 calories a day, sounds like your in the same boat which means you have to work twice as hard as guys who's genetics are better for muscle building. Not only hard work but eating right, like I said 3,000 calories is what I have to eat, no matter what. And they have to be good calories, not just junk! If you want more help email me at: also you'll have to commit to a good workout program!! Email me and I'll go more into depth of what you need, us hard gainers gotta help each other out!
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