Recommanded Answer:
You can't lose weight quickly... in a healthy way I mean.
Firstly, cut out all the junk food, processed food, sugary foods, sugary drinks, white rice, white bread etc etc.
What you want is brown rice, brown bread, all the complex carbs. They're healthier for you as you break them down slowly so it provides you with a constant source of energy, whereas (i.e.) white bread would give you a sugar spike which isn't healthy.
Secondly, eat several meals a day. Don't eat too much at one time. Eat a balanced meal, enough veggies, proteins, carbs. Try not too eat too late either. If you're eating real late (i.e. midnight snack) be vary of what you're eating. You also don't want to eat out that much, never sure what they put in your food. READ NUTRITIONAL LABELS. You just gotta.
Thirdly is Sports/Activities. You gotta do them. Use up your energy, burn up the calories, stay healthy. I.e. go jogging. What's best though is interval training. What I mean by that is running for 1min, jogging for 1 min, repeat several times. This'll really get your heart pumping and'll shed tons of fat from you. Resistance training (working out) also burns lots of calories. You should mix up your exercises.
SLEEP IS IMPORTANT. You need at least 8 hours of sleep per day.
If you're really serious, you can count your calorie intake.DRINK PLENTY OF WATER! 4 Litres a day. Stress also directly & indirectly causes you to gain weight. So chillax if you're feeling stressed out :D
check this link out:
- If you don't want on exercise, try walking. Anywhere you have to go walk there. Try to find something you like which will motivate you. Kickboxing is fun as well as spin class. Find something you enjoy so its not a chore
- you really need to exercise even if when your walking round your house you jog on the spot lots and never stand still - this way it will take a long while though
- Although I always prefer exercising there are ways other than that.
I think you really should consider exercising it is the best way to lose way (although not for everyone).
Most of the weight loss products are not that good and if they help you loose your weight they can ruin your health a bit.
I recently found a good way to loose weight. When you are lazy you can still do other things of course it's just that it is harder without exercising (in some cases impossible). Well you can check the video which recommends the way I lost my weight.
Just check the video first and if you don't like it just don't buy it. I just have no reasons to not recommend it, it's your choice in the end.
Never forget considering exercising! - If you're trying to lose weight fast then you can lose at least 10 pounds in one week. All you have to do is not eat anything but fruit except bananas and exercise at least 5 times a day
- okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess fat and lose weight ,,,,,do as follows:
Stop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly)
eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a slow cooker /food steamer & rice/pasta cooker to make it easy on you)...(vegetables might not seem "tasty", like junk foods,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)...avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc...and drink mainly water (green tea , juice & milk being the other options you drink). If you eat meat ,,use only steamed, baking or grilled methods for preparing fish or chicken.
also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise.
* you should lose about 10 lbs per month
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