Is it possible to lose weight fast?

So, I''ve been trying a new diet and it''s actually working. Last week I lost 3 pounds in 5 days (I''m doing it in a healthy way so it''s not that fast). But today I went to the fair with my boyfriend and our families and I ate a lot (corndog, gyro, ice cream, hot chocolate), so my question is, is there a way to lose weight fast?? I''ll start eating only apples and tea and fish for lunch, is this healthy??

3 Wonders Why Using Hypnosis to Lose Weight is Effective

Recommended Answer:
Eating and drinking apples and fish and teas for breakfast isn''t enough. Try drinking a glass of water each day. Try to avoid soda and sweetened juice or fruit-juice cocktails. It will take a while to lose weight if you use that strategy. I''d suggest drinking it as part of your breakfast , dinner , and lunch. If you have a back yard, try running several laps in there.


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