Tired of being made fun of.?

Im a fat lazy ass 15 year old boy and all friends are getting girls friends while im fat and not getting girls i want to change at all cost what are the best workout and diets to lose wieght and gain muscle

Is It Possible To Lose Weight Fast?

Recommended Answer:
The best thing to do is what you just did. Admit that you are fat. Don''t try those "lose fat quick" things. They WON"T work. it took you a long time to get this big, and it''s going to take some time to get down to normal size. The best thing that you can do is just start walking. If you can, start walking to school, or walk to a different bus stop 5-6 blocks away. Then on the way home, get off 5-6 blocks away as well. You need to move more.
The most important thing you can do is to slowly start building muscle. You might want to start by talking to a coach at your school. Tell him that you want to start building muscle so that you can start burning fat. Remember-muscle weighs more than fat does (it''s more dense) so don''t get discouraged if you weigh yourself and haven''t lost any weight. Actually, don''t get on a scale. Take a picture of yourself in your shorts (and hide it from everyone). Then wait a couple months and look at the picture and look at how much your body has changed.
Cut back on your soda intake by 50 % for the first week, then another 50% the next week, and by the fourth week, stop it all together. Caffeine is a drug that is addictive, so you''ll have to cut back on it slowly and let your body get used to not having it anymore.
Don''t use anything that says "Diet" on it. They use all types of chemicals that trick your body into thinking that it''s actually consuming sugar when it''s not.
Start eating fruits and vegetables-the real stuff, not "fruit flavored" things. Have your parents get some fruits & veggies at the store. Apples are really good to eat when you have a craving for something sweet. They''ve got a good "crunch" too! Just eat the whole thing - ok - you don''t have to eat the core if you don''t want to, but the skin is good for you to eat.
Don''t worry if you fall off the diet wagon and eat a burger or piece of pizza or two. It''s normal to crave those things, so don''t fight it, just eat them in MODERATION.
I hope these things help you out.

  • Going on a strict diet will end in failure.
    You already know whats healthy and unhealthy, and a good half a hour of cardio exercise is all you need.
    Once a week take a break day and eat what you would normally eat, but not more.
  • Start to jog and you get confident go to the gym. If that never works out get a cubby girlfriend more cushion for the pushin.ツ
  • If you are really interested in getting off weight, then you should start walking. This will cost you nothing, and you will get all the fresh air that you need. Walk for one hour every day, with a rest on Saturday and Sunday. Try and walk faster every other day, and that way you will achieve your goal.You will be surprised at the amount of weight you will lose and in a short time. Also eat healthy food, with plenty of greens, protein, and fruit. This will get you started, then you will be ready to pump iron after that. But you must start somewhere and it might as well be with the first step. So start walking.
  • Look at tmw on youtube. just eat less and move more. run for an hr everyday or use a cardio machine. i was 15 when i statred too now im 19 and i can tell u it does get better just stay persistant good luck
  • listen to Not A Happy Guy. His advice is the best.


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