How to treat people who never gave you the light of day before you lost weight?

Most of the people in my high school go to my college, I went to school with them for 5 years, they never acknowledged my existence in high school or in college...except recently when I lost a lot weight. I was always nice to them, hoping they would be friendly back, but they weren''t, some of them even picked on me, which really scarred me.

They now say hello to me, and start conversation. I really dont want to be nice to them, it feels wrong to continue being nice to them. I have no idea how to treat them.

Help Me Lose Weight by Burning Fat in the Gym

Recommended Answer:
You will find fake people everywhere, unfortunately.
I understand what you''re saying with regard to not wanting to speak to old colleagues who were inconsiderate in the past. However, it will do you no good to hold onto bitterness and to be blatantly rude to them.
What you can do is ignore them especially in situations where you aren''t required to respond to them and generally just brush them off and show a lack of interest. If they stop to speak to you, say hi and give very vague responses and pull yourself out of their company as quick as you can by simply saying that you have to go or you''re busy. It''s hard to learn how to ignore especially when you''re a nice person and your immediate reaction is to be polite and friendly. Don''t make a big deal out of it, just focus on the positive people and don''t make time for those who bring negativity into your life.
Personally, I never add or talk to such persons on social networks either and I delete/block when I have to and I do not care what they think of me.

Congrats on the weight loss! No harm in feeling proud of your accomplishments (and the fact that people have noticed ;)). Keep it up! All the best.

  • Be nice to them, but don''t be friends. If your horrible to them your just as bad as they are! You''v seen them for what they really are and know your a better person. Walk away with a smile.


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