How much should i workout?

I recently started going to the gym. i usually go 2 hours 6 times a week (Monday-Saterday).i do an hour of cardio and an houe of lifting. i sometimes do up to 2 hours of cardio. i want to lose weight but i don''t know how much time to work out. i''ve herd that too much time at the gym is bad and my question to you is how much time should i spend at the gym.
I also drink Whey Protein after each workout.

How to Lose Weight - Don''t Lose Your Sleep and You''ll Lose Your Weight

Recommended Answer:
Personally mate i would mix your days up so one day is cardio, the other is weights. Mon cardio tues weights wed cardio thurs weights fri cardio, saturday and sundays off. You are overtraining your body so muscle wise you wont see a lot of improvement. An hour to an hour and a half is long enough. On cardio days if its intense interval training i would do 45 minutes to an hour. Always warm your body up on treadmill/ stretching for around 10-15 mins at a steady pace. When you are doing weights stick to compound movements such as bench press, deadlifts, squats etc as they use a large range of muscles. Kettlebell snatches are a great fat burning exercise you could use on either a cardio/weight day. Make sure you are getting enough liquid and are eating a good balanced diet. Personally i would focus on cardio to lose the weight- with sprinting and so on. Then slowly edge the cardio out once youve lost the weight and do more days of weight training. Just my opinion, good luck!

  • ok to much cardio is never bad and either going to the gym every day as long as you workout different parts of the body and never over train 1 muscle 260 is allot but if you drink only water for about 1 month you will lose tons of weight you can also drink your whey don''t drink calories eat them


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