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Hi from France ♫
Only if you stop to eat at the same time ! But you also die... Drink to much water may be dangerous too, depends the quantity you drink.. Ask to your doctor without lie about how much water you drink.
Have a nice day
- You won''t lose weight if you drink water. But if you replace soda and sugary drinks with water, you will lose weight.
- You won''t lose weight drinking water, HOWEVER*
Drinking Distilled water in small amounts can strip your body of sodium very quickly which cuts down your fat very quickly. Careful not to drink to much as you do need some sodium in your body. - Well in theory yes. If you drink plenty of water it fills you up and hopefully help you eat when you are truly hungry. A lot of the time our brain mistakes thirst for hunger and we eat something when we should just have a glass of water. Aim to drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Don''t drink too much as it can actually kill you. Happy dieting
- You won''t lose weight but fat you can lose. It helps metablolize fat and increase your metabolism and flush your digestive system and kidneys. If its cold water your body has to burn more calories to heat the water up before absorbtion which takes energy. So water does help in a lot of ways lose fat. And the plus side of it is you replace it with simple sugars like what is in soda which is stored as energy or fat quickly because of how easy it is for you body to break down the simple carbs. 1 bottle of water can increase your metablolism by 30 percent.
- Water help more to get best results as drinking water helps to make you feel full faster and for along time if you keep drinking water for all the nest time , you will get better results than not drinking water in sufficient quantity .
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