Fastest and Natural Way to Lose Weight
Recommended Answer:
If you didn''t do these things, you wouldn''t be the way you are.
You can''t spot workout your body to lose weight in one area. You can''t decide where the fat will leave your body first when you start working out.
What you need to do is eat healthier, eat less, not have dessert every night of the week (two pieces of dark chocolate is good though), and you need to exercise. Do you like dancing? Try different exercises and start doing pilates to help tone your body and I recondment you start running/swimming/cycling or other aerobic exercise. Do it for at least 5 minutes a day, and when you are feeling tired, try going for an extra 10 seconds, then slow down, then when you feel better, go fast again!
To be healthy, you must eat in moderation and in normal sized proportions and must exercise.
- it could be baby fat, you didnt say how old you were....................try the A, E.. I... O U exercise...just say it slow and open your mouth wide saying it, may work.
- Running
- Chewing gums helps
trust me!
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