-Don't eat bread, pasta, rice or sugar
-Don't drink regular or diet soda.
-Don't eat fried foods
-Only eat fruits in the morning.
-Last meal should be no later than 6pm
-Drink ~half a gallon of water a day.
Quickest Way to Lose Weight - How Lose Weight Quickly
Recommanded Answer:
This is a simple, ordinary, healthy no-name diet. Seriously. It's how most people should eat depending on genetics and geographical location. An Eskimo couldn't be healthy eating the diet of someone who lives in a tropical area.
The only exception you might make to the general guide you were given is sprouted whole grains which digest differently than non sprouted and is ok for some who have minor gluten sensitivity. If you're supposed to be on a gluten free diet, you can check out recipes and suggestions at www.celiac.org For gluten free, try buckwheat! Awesomely yummy AND healthy! Especially buckwheat pancakes.
I would also suggest reading labels to avoid anything with the word "hydrogenated" since those are trans fats and are included an ingredient in all kinds of food products.
- Water and bodybuilding go hand in hand. Drinking plenty of water is absolutely essential when following a bodybuilding method. This is because when exercising, they not only sweat a lot, but the muscles lose some of their water as well. You need to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. Since the body is about 80% water, it can become stressed quickly if the water level is not replenished. You can live without food, but you cannot live without water. In order for all the body processes to happen, water is the key ingredient for breaking down protein in to amino acids and enabling your body to make use of the nutrients from the food.
check this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1aaedDq13w
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