Can i get some pointers on how to burn belly fat for a 14 year old male?

Just give me a short list or 5. Pointers on how I can lose the belly fat or access weight for a 14 year old male

How to Lose Weight: 20 Pounds in 60 Days Without Exercise

Recommended Answer:

jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weightevenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight inspecific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they areyour problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will haveto work double on them. The best approach is this:1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normalweight, lower for overweight).2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.3. Target your problem areas with excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on astool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make surethat it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or youwill damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of yourbody back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second andmove it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week addto the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,guaranteed! Your stomach would be flatter and stronger. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than thesecrunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results ATALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

Other Answers:

  • First of all don't eat junk food and you can do following exercise in the video


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