Will my binge make me gain all my weight back?

I've been dieting for over a month and I lost 20 pounds. I binged yesterday and today. I had pizza, fries, chips, chocolate, chicken. Basically everything bad in the book. And I ate a LOT. I feel bloated and swollen already. Will I gain my weight back? What can I do to prevent it? Should I take laxatives and do cardio? What will help?

How to Lose Weight Eating Every 2 Hours

Recommended Answer:

You will be okay. I used to binge all the time and the weight doesnt just magically come back all at once. Remember it took some time to come off so it will take some time to come back. Just relax and try to get back to your regular schedule. Try not to binge any more than two to three days in a row. Cardio will help and it will put your mind at ease and laxatives just make u lose water weight really.

Other Answers:

  • Nothing u fat cow ur fat again!!


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