I don't want to work Fridays..?

I just turned 16 and I want to get a job. I live in a small town so there aren't a ton of jobs available.. I'm looking to apply at grocery stores and fast food places and I'm putting in my hours and putting as many as possible because I still have school, but if I'm working immediately after school from say 4-9 I won't have any time for homework or rest.. is it okay for me to put down that I won't work Fridays? Or Sundays, or any other day? I don't know if this will stop them from considering me as a worker. please help!

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Recommended Answer:

Keep in mind that as a kid you're getting basically the "rest" of the work schedule, so don't expect to be able to pick and choose. First thing to do is to talk to the manager. Usually, they'll alternate hours for you (one weekend on, one off). But, if you're working at a grocery story also consider that they're going to want you to work the busiest hours for them.Again, you're 16 to try it out and if it doesn't work for you you can look for something else. But pickings are going to be slim.

Other Answers:

  • Every job I have ever had I only worked the days and hours that I wanted. IF I did not get the days and hours I wanted I simply did not take the job. So, it really depends on how desperate you are to get a job as to how much you want to limit yourself.
  • The more scheduling restrictions you give them, the less likely they are to consider you. They will only hire you if your availability meets THEIR needs. They don't hire you to work around your scheduling demands.
  • If you say you won't work on any of the store's busiest days, do you really believe they would hire you, over someone who doesn't set conditions??


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