Can I Maintain my body weight with a 2000 calorie diet?

I recently lost weight (a lot) because I had all my teeth cut out. I'm male, 5'8, 90 pounds. Will 2000 calories per day help me at least to not lose anymore?

How to Lose Weight Drastically

Recommended Answer:

There are a lot of things that factor in to weight loss/gain such as age, exercise level, genetics but at a height of 5'8 and 90 lbs, a 2,000 calorie diet will probably cause you to gain weight. At such a low weight your metabolic rate has plummeted to around 1,400-1,600. So eating a 2,000 calorie diet for a little while will cause you to gain weight until your metabolism raises again. Then you will start to maintain that weight. Hope that helps!

Other Answers:

  • Will you gain a little weight because your so small
  • You're underweight now, you'll get malnutrition. 2000 calories of healthy food might naturally bring your weight up without adding fat to your body.


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