Is burning 300 calories everyday going to give a well difened six pack or do I need more?

I am 5"11 170lb 21 years old, I also lift weights and workout my abs everyday so I am guessing that''s a little bit more calories burned.
I also have a designated cardio day, which I burn no less than 720 that day.

I am on a diet that consist of chicken, steam rice and beans.
I exercise 5 days out of the 7 days of the week, so in essence I burn around 1900 calories in a week.
Do I need more?

Why Had I Stopped Losing Weight?

Recommended Answer:
I hope your eating enough calories to begin with, starving yourself and doing too much cardio will give you abs alright, it will show up your bones as well

Dont try and rush this, takes time. Maintain a healthy weight, eat smart and daily cardio to maintain that weight and burn excess fat


  • so you work out a lot. thats good. make sure you eat enough though. like the previous poster said. more workout means more calories.
  • Accurately estimate the number of calories burned by hundreds of activities, using the very latest formulas and data.


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