How can I convince my 400 pound girlfriend to lose some weight?

I love her so much!!! but am starting think that she's too big for me :( She's 5'5 400 pounds, 20 years old. How can I tell her nicely to lose weight? I want her to lose atleast 250 pounds.What happend if she doesn't want to? Should I brake up with her?

Lose Weight, No Sweat!

Recommended Answer:
really? if he loved her he would accept that? if she love HIM, she would try and look half way decent for him. tell her she needs to lose weight or your leaving. you can do better than that.

  • Wow. Her weight should have nothing to do with you. If you truly loved her you wouldn't care what size she was.
  • If you care that much about her appearance then you should dump her....
  • Bring it up with her. I am betting she has already thought about losing weight. Work out with her. Give her all the support you can. Make it fun!!
  • Oh damn dude okay just well there is no nice way to put it just kinda talk with her and if she doesn't wanna lose the pounds well then keep talking about it either she will give in or leave you that sounds kinda mean but that's the best I can say man hope it helps
  • If you really love her you should be concerned about her weight and general health. Get a whip and chase her up and down the street. At the very least you will have a bit of fun.
  • There is no nice way to tell her you think she's too big for you. You need to focus on telling her that you're concerned about her health because of her size. Encourage her to eat better and get checked by a doctor to make sure she's healthy enough to exercise. It would be very uplifting for her if you got on the eating-right and exercise band-wagon with her.

    If she doesn't want to lose weight, that's her decision. Unfortunately, you don't get to dictate what size she is. If that's a deal-breaker for you then break up with her. But don't hold her to an ultimatum to bully her into losing weight (ie: Don't say "I'm going to break up with you if you don't lose 250 lbs).
  • Tell her you are concern about her health and wants her to be a healthier beautiful woman.

    Losing weight is not an easy task. It takes a lot of determination and will to reduce eating a lot of unhealthy food. I watch on a TV program, it takes a full year of workout and healthy food to lose 100 pounds and be on shape. So what you are asking maybe difficult for her.
  • Show her this, it may convince her. It's not likely she'll succeed any other way.
    Also, she's not likely to live long if she doesn't. This man suffocated to death at 38 eight because of his weight:
    And keep in mind, even though severely obese people sometime do succeed in losing enormous amounts of weight through dieting, they always put the weight back on, always. It can be fixed now with gastric bypass surgery, it's a miraculous permanent solution. Look again at Iz, think what a tragedy it is to loose a Beautiful person to this disease. I think she is a beautiful person to you, so talk to her about it.
    And here's a beautiful lady that died young from the same thing, this can now be fixed!
  • Dude, she's got the figure of a bean bag couch. Yuck.
  • physical appearance should not be the reason you love her. if you would break up with her because you don't like the way she looks then you need to reevaluate your relationship. I understand if you want her to lose weight for her HEALTH but it should never be because you want her to look a certain way/.
  • I would use shame. Call her chunk. Make her cry. She'll come around.


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