Im 5'5 and i weight body fat is at 17 percent. im a female by the way and im 24?

would that be consider fit and lean? my trainer told me athletic would be around 15 percent..what do you think

How to Lose Weight With Sauna Suits

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Your trainer is not using proper adjectives. Sumo wrestlers are athletes and getting fat is part of their training. Here's your ideal weight range --> . As you can see, your weight fits the norm for your sex, age, and height. So, you probably don't have a problem there.You can't measure your body fat percent with more than a few points (+/-2% accuracy) unless you use some very expensive techniques like the bod pod or x-ray absorption. But, if it's near 17%, you're normal and should have no fat concerns.Fitness and health are not about numbers, however. What it important is how you look, feel, and perform. So, you'll know best if you have any body work you need to do.Notwithstanding the above, you could use more muscle. Muscle gives you the following benefits.• Stronger bones & increased mineral density (osteoporosis protection)• Stronger body & musculature (improved protection from injury)• More robust organic and systemic fitness (more survivable in crisis) • Improved cardio-vascular function (better than "cardio")• Higher basal metabolic rate (~5-50 cal/day/pound of muscle)• Easier fat loss (more efficient lipid consumption)• Greater calorie consumption (prolonged afterburn)• Supports body sculpting (hypertrophy)• Slows natural loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) over age 30• Minimal wear & tear (low risk)Strength training is the only way you can get all the above. Cardio doesn't do it. So, I would urge you to work on strength so your above the norms on weight owing to an abundance of skeletal muscle. Here's an excellent of the top gymnasts in the world today. She certainly looks fit and having won the most medals for WAG at the Olympics in London, I'd say she's fit.Good luck and good health!!♠


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