How can i lose belly fat and upper arm fat?

I was very slim,but now i seem to be putting on a few pounds. can anyone suggest an excercise?(:(:🍟🍟🍟thx

How to Quickly Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Recommended Answer:

well, you can't specifically lose fat in only a few areas without surgery or liposuction or something equally as cost consuming. basically, you have to lose fat throughout your entire body, there's no other way. although, you can tone specific parts of your body with muscle to make them look less... well, loose. i would suggest doing any sort of cardio workout (running, biking, even walking) for thirty minutes a day and then arm/ab workouts for thirty minutes a day with a break once or twice a week. if you want specific cardio/muscle workouts then you can just google it or go on hope i helped and sorry if i didn't :)

Other Answers:

  • Simple Push ups, and Crunches can get you started good enough, plus get some jogging in, mix a little sprinting into your jogs once your warmed up good, calisthenics before you run like jumping jacks, there's others to do before a run in a link below, then stretch all your muscles after your run never before. IF you get a sprain or strain your muscles there's another link below, rest and ice!


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