Recommended Answer:
I would say 3-7 lbs, it depends on your height and weight. I once lost 12lbs in a week because of this diet, and yes you can lose belly fat, try sit ups and biking helps with belly fat loss.Other Answers:
- Sounds really unhealthy. I would not do that. First low-carb diet is a no-go. I would stick with biking for one day, than swimming, than biking, and so on. Also eat under 2000 calories, healthy foods only. No foods with too much sodium, and cholesterol. You will lose around 4 pounds a week, and yes you will lose your belly fat after a few months. Your plan seems something only body builders can keep up with.
- You don't need to be doing roughly 3 hours of working out a day to lose weight. Not to mention the human body needs a minimum of 130g of carbs in order to function. Without 130g of carbs our body's "eat" our lean muscle tissue for energy. Our lean muscle tissue is metabolically faster at burning calories, way faster than fat - which is what you'll be left with. Eating 5 small meals wont do ANYTHING for your metabolism if you're not eating enough fat, carbs, protein and calories. Learn before you ruin your body.
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