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Everything that you are eating is fine, however, you could add some carbs and other 'junk food', I know this may seem ridiculous, but you need to balance out your meals. I am a 13 y/o boy that is the best in the district for my weight class (90 pounds). My weight may seem a bit bizarre, but I am only 5'2. What I do is do intense workouts until the point I feel like puking. This way, when I am in an actual match, it is easy compared to training.My point being, don't worry too much on eating healthy, all you have to do is constantly move. I get up and walk up and down stairs every 30 minutes. This helps my body circulate blood throughout the day, so I stay healthy and active.Here is my workout schedule for everyday (excluding some):- 20 minutes jog- 10 minutes running and sprinting every minute for ~20 seconds.- 5 minutes high knees- 5 minutes butt kicks(By this point, you should be tired, but we do not stop here! KEEP GOING! DIG DEEPER!)- 20 pushups- 25 situps- 1 minute low plank- 20 minutes of cool down jogIn all, this should take you to around an hour workout. This may be extreme, but you were only born with one body, take care of it.You need to remember that your goal is to gain muscle, and not to focus on loosing weight. It will all fall into place when doing workouts like these. In the end, after doing this for several months, you should be more physically fit than any of your friends.C'mon, give me best answer! :D This took forever to write.Other Answers:
- The Bicycle workout do 50 a night and you'll loose a TON of weight! (:
- First of all if your thirteen forget dieting enjoy your higher metabolism as it only goes downhill as you grow older. Let me give you perspective I'm a male 5`9 156 pounds with less than 10% of fat on my body. Then again I'm pretty muscular so that weights a lot more, but my point is if your 5`7 and 115 your not fat. However, if you are really set on loosing weight this is how.It's all about how you diet and getting your metabolism. Frankly you can exercise as much as you want but if you eat incorrectly won't do much. So best way is simply eating correctly. So one major mistake is sodas, just stay away from them. You'll notice in bigger people when they quit soda they loose lots of weight fast. Next step is cutting our the amount of carbs you eat. Means stop eating all taht pasta and white bread. Try to eat meats and vegetables only. Fruit is good except it has a lot of glucose and sugar is a major part of your fat. Cut back on your sugar intake like sodas, candies, cookies, pretty much any deserts. If your really looking to loose weight fast you go on an all meat based diet. My friend lost 50 pounds in 3 months from this, only issues is that this can lead to heart conditions later in life os be careful.Next part is your exercise. Doing sit ups in your bedroom for loosing fat doesn't do sh*t. What you need to do is high intensity cardio workouts. I suggest sprinting 30 seconds and then walking 60 seconds. This triggers something called the after burn affect which pretty much boosts your metabolism and therefore burns up your fat storages. Hope this helped.
- you need to run for 30-40 mins4-5 days a weekdo 5-10 mins of ab trainingand reduce carbs an eat more proteinsan have more vegetables an less processed foods
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