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If you feel your chinchilla is underweight, you should book an appointment with your local exotic vet to get her checked out to make sure that there aren't any health or teeth issues that need treatment before proceeding. Some chinchillas are on the small side, though, like my oldest female. She was always small, and is a bit on the bony side. Buy youself a good digital scale so you can routinely weigh her. A healthy adult chinchilla should be over 500g. Females are normally larger than males, but, like I said, some are just small. My female is in perfect health and usually weighs between 535 an 560. I've had her to the vet to make sure she was fine and to have her teeth checked to be sure.You don't want to just feed a bunch of random stuff. Never feed a chinchilla fruits or vegetables. They contain too much moisture and sugars, which can make them very sick. Also, avoid the dry ones, except for an occasional TINY piece of dried apple, or papaya. Raisins just have too much sugars in them. Also, while nuts and seeds will make them fatten up fast, they will also kill them in time. They contain too much fat, and a chin can't digest that because they don't have gallbladders. It causes liver damage.The main diet should be timothy pellets and hay, but you can offer a bit of alfalfa hay a couple times a week to her. It contains a lot of protein, used to bulk them up. Don't feed too much or she will just get fat. You can also put a tablespoon of old fashioned cut oats into her food once a week. As for the comment about dandelion treats, unless she means dried, organic dandilion leaves, don't feed those junk drops you can buy at pet shops. They are full of sugars and bad things for chinchillas. The leaves should be given as treats, not food.With a healthy diet, though, she will eventually gain weight again. Be sure you provide a quiet, loving environment and feed her the proper strict chinchilla diet, and she will put on weight again.Other Answers:
- Chinchillas need a timothy based diet. They must always have a supply of timothy hay to eat! They should also only eat timothy based pellets. Do not feed her any of the mixed fruit, nut, and pellet foods. As for gaining weight... dandelion treats are great for their tummies! One every other day is a healthy amount to give them. If you ever start seeing her poos turning soft, she is eating too many treats! You should stop giving them to her until her poos are back to being solid and dark colored. Then, try again only give her the treats less frequently.
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