I have a belly piercing but i cant show my stomach at all due to 2 much fat?

I'm trying everything I can so that I can show my belly.. I feel like the 4th percentile is skinny enough for it.. I pierced my belly when I was underweight and now I'm 2 fat 2 wear it.. I'm 5 feet 120.. I just really really am annoyed and I want 2 show my tummy.. would I need the gym? I am pretty heavy..or just to barely eat..or both..I quit sugar a few days ago but I been eating raisins and dried apples a lot to curb the cravingslol @eric I see you have a bit of a weight problem due to sugar and cannot stop or control yourself. Restrain yourself on my questions ... perhaps have a piece of chocolate or candy.@erin what you need is a donut with sprinkles on it. Please stay off my answers.I always liked to put oreos and milk together and eat it.. since im off of sugar.. feel free to have yourself more than enough oreos and milk @erin@erin you may need a stretch jacket to keep yourself away from all that sugar and candy.

How to Lose Stomach Weight

Recommended Answer:

You need to drink lots of water and eat lots of vegetables and the right amounts of meat. Running helps a lot. Look up Tiffany Rothe workouts on YouTube. They work. Focus on your core and abs. Remember to eat healthy, water is really good and helps you lose weight.

Other Answers:

  • Take it out...
  • f//ck what the world thinks; show your piercing with pride :D who cares what the world thinks
  • run as much as you can and bike as much as you can everyday just do a bunch of cardio
  • Why do you want to show off your tummy so much? Why are you obsessing over this? It weird. Stop it. The only time you don't look like an absolute RETARD showing off your tummy is when you are at the beach. If you want to lose weight, cutting out sugar isn't going to help very much. You know what you need to do, stop being lazy. Get off you butt, get to the gym and put down the fork. There is no quick fix for this. You have to put in the work. Quit the pity party. It won't make you any friends.


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