Is a yoga instructor qualified to perform chiropractic?

This woman has convinced my husband that she can cure his spinal stenosis with "energy work" and diet. That seems harmless enough, but she also performs some VERY strenuous joint and lumbar adjustments, for which she has no apparent formal training.

Should I be worried?

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Recommended Answer:
Brenda is absolutely right.

I''d be worried! With the long
history I have with back
problems, I assure you I would
NEVER let anyone who is not
FULLY qualified ever touch my

She''s practicing chiropractic care
without the education/proper license,
which I''m sure REAL chiropractors
would flip out over if they found out.
She could be prosecuted for this.

  • Chiropractors are actually Doctors who go to specialized school and training and are licensed. If she doesn''t have that license, or a Physical Therapist''s training, certification & license, then she is working outside her training. Many people are well trained in the workings of the physical body and muscles, but still, there may be underlying causes of the pain, etc., your husband is experiencing and a regular doctor should evaluate that and recommend PT or chiropractic care once other causes are ruled out.

    You have every right to request her formal education, certifications and licenses if she is doing anything that requires them by State Law.


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