I''m prescribed Megace for rapid weight loss and having no appetite. I''m 5''9/5''10-140lbs right now. I''m taking Megace 40mg/3x daily. It works well with my appetite and eating through out the day. My weight been up and down through out the years with my HIV conditions. Before I was diagnosed I was on my death bed I was weighing 175-180lbs. They want me to get back to that weight. I was just wondering what would be a good supplement for weight gain. I do eat good and everything I just want to take some good supplements to gain faster and build muscle and bone strength quicker. Please just list some good workout supplements only.
Fast Ways to Lose Weight and Keep it Off Forever!
Recommended Answer:
In order to build muscles and bone strength, you will have to do a high weight low repetition workout and not just rely on supplements to produce the result. I''m sorry that you have contracted HIV but that does not mean that your life will have to be being sickly and lack activity. How about hitting the gym, sleeping well every night and also doing the right workout to get some activity for you to enjoy a different but fruitful life from now on? Here is how I personally do it.
The key thing about diet is to eat more calories. This does not mean you feed yourself huge meals 3 times a day. This will lead to indigestion, gastric pains and other digestive complications because there is only so much your body can digest at one time. The idea is to eat more meals a day, preferably 6. This can be difficult if you are on the move all day like I''m so I suggest just stick to your 3 meals like you do but bring a long a liter of milk with you before you leave the house. Drink 500ml of milk in between each of your meal and finish the last dose 2 hours after dinner. This will provide the extra calories you need to gain weight. If after a week your weight is still not going up, simply increase the amount of milk you drink by 100ml and stick to your normal portions for your normal meals. Keep doing this until you gain the weight you need to. You should be putting on roughly a pound a week in my opinion. Once you gotten 2-3 pounds, it is time to focus on getting the right workout to help you build muscles and ensure that your body gain weight more steadily.
The best workout to do in order to grow muscle mass in terms of size is to do a high weight low repetition workout called hypertrophy. This will adjust your muscles to use the food you eat as the main source of energy rather than oxygen like smaller muscles do. If you are starting out to gain muscle mass, perhaps you should download the program at http://gohforth.com. This program has been extremely effective for me personally and also benefited my clients very well.
One thing that many people miss out is the fact that sleep is extremely important to help you gain weight and maintain a strong immune system. This is because when you stay up late, have interrupted sleep cycle or not enough hours of rest, you will burn more calories throughout the day and this means that you have to eat more or risk loosing weight. This is made worse if your metabolism is like mine in the past and this will probably mean you will lose up to 3-4 pounds in a week due to poor quality sleep. The road is long and tough, but as long as your stick by the 3 things which is a high calorie diet, sleep well and do the right workout regime, you will see roughly a 1 pound of muscle weight gain a week. I hoped I have helped you.
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