How long would it take to lose 50 pounds?

Im 16 years old
Im 5''3
I weigh 199 pounds
(I used to weigh 215)
Im trying my best to lose weight and at least be 150
(I dont eat any type of vegetables and will never eat vegetables no matter what)

Why Losing Weight Fast is Bad!

Recommended Answer:
Well people say it is not good to lose to much fast so losing 2 lb. a week is healthy. I would just do the math. If you lose 2 lb. a week it be 8 lb. a month. and you want to lose 49 pounds so it be about six months. That is if you lose 2 lb a week.

Also if you don''t like vegetables why not try V8 Fusion. Not the V8 as it is gross. I like the V8 Fusion strawberry banana.

  • It varies.

    In all seriousness there have been human cultures that did not eat vegetables. Hundreds of generations of ice age people and Inuit, for example, never touched vegetables.

    But if you''re not going to eat vegetables, you''d better live off fat and protein, as they did. Ie, meat and fish, dairy.
  • 1 year
  • Cut off your will lose 50 pounds real quick.

    Otherwise, if you are going to be a bitch about the vegetables, then stay fat. I don''t care.
  • Good luck losing weight without vegetables. Vegetables are one of the biggest parts of losing weight, thats why salad is so popular. If your not gunna eat veggies you might not even wanna bother trying to lose weight quick. Its going to be a very slow and long process.

Is burning 300 calories everyday going to give a well difened six pack or do I need more?

I am 5"11 170lb 21 years old, I also lift weights and workout my abs everyday so I am guessing that''s a little bit more calories burned.
I also have a designated cardio day, which I burn no less than 720 that day.

I am on a diet that consist of chicken, steam rice and beans.
I exercise 5 days out of the 7 days of the week, so in essence I burn around 1900 calories in a week.
Do I need more?

Why Had I Stopped Losing Weight?

Recommended Answer:
I hope your eating enough calories to begin with, starving yourself and doing too much cardio will give you abs alright, it will show up your bones as well

Dont try and rush this, takes time. Maintain a healthy weight, eat smart and daily cardio to maintain that weight and burn excess fat


  • so you work out a lot. thats good. make sure you eat enough though. like the previous poster said. more workout means more calories.
  • Accurately estimate the number of calories burned by hundreds of activities, using the very latest formulas and data.

Tips on loosing weight? Low cal recipes? Thoughts?

I would like to be able to lose 10 or more pounds by June and 30 pounds by September. I was looking to see dieting tips healthy recipes or any of your thoughts! Thanks!

Lose Weight Fast - Don''t Its Unhealthy!

Recommended Answer:
Go low carb. I''ve lost over 50lbs this way. No need whatsoever to count calories. I''ve never been hungry and I''m eating delicious food until I''m full!

  • You don''t need dieting tips or healthy recipes you need to get off your a** and exercise...
    Exercise more... eat less... more vegetables... more fruits... less salt..sugar...carbs..and sugar.
    Although if you exercise daily you can eat what you want and still loose weight.
  • I lost 30 pounds in 12 weeks and I have kept it off for 2 years now. I did a little research and came up with my own plan.

    If you want to see what I did to lose weight I wrote about it at
    It doesn''t cost you anything, I didn''t take any diet pills or join a weight loss company, I just wanted to share my story. Check it out and see if you think what I did could work for you.
  • I recommend visiting for an awesome weight loss and toning method

How can i get skinnier without running?

What are easy things to do that is not running and will make me skinnier? Also, what are really fattening foods to stay away from?

How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Recommended Answer:
So many people (especially on this site in this category) are under the impression that all you have to do is exercise like crazy at the gym to lose weight -- NOT TRUE AT ALL. I have lost 85 pounds (going from 220 to 135) with hardly exercising until recently.

It is truly all about diet. The exercise just makes it EASIER to lose if you have a difficult time keeping your caloric intake in check. Figure out your BMR, calculate in your daily activity level, then drop that number by 500-1000 calories to lose weight. It should be around 1200-1500 calories a day.

Count your calories diligently using a tracker (like MyFitness Pal) and switch to low calorie foods. Thing egg whites instead of whole eggs, sugar free maple syrup instead of regular, an americano instead of a latte, mustard instead of mayo, low calorie bread instead of rolls, fat free dressing instead of regular. You get the picture.

There aren''t any foods you have to "stay away from" to lose weight. You just have to count your calories!

  • Join a Zumba club or if your two embarrassed then get a Zumba DVD for you to do at home
  • Drinking water before, during, and after you eat a meal can give your stomach a sense of fullness. Drinking cold water will make your body use energy to heat your body up, making you use sugar into energy instead of fat. Stay away from drinking sodas because they have too much sugar in them. Even Coke Zero will not help because your body cannot tell between the substitute of sugars they use from actual sugar. Avoid sweets and things with corn syrup in them, because if you are not going to run, the sugar will turn into fat instead of energy to be burned. Donuts, hamburgers, and french fries should be avoided completely, unless you made them without the use of oils.
  • Eat better. I have not run a foot and lost 30 pounds in past 2 months.
  • Try going on a raw food diet for a month! :) Buy a calendar (to get you started) and everyday you stick to your diet (which should be everyday) cross it off with an X! Once you''ve completed to diet look in the mirror and check if you see a difference (which you will).

    Besides the diet, drink LOTS of water. From 6-8 glasses a day :) just don''t over drink if you feel sick hahaha :)

    And get the niketraining app! It''s free, tracks your progress and minutes, and requires no running.

    Good luck!! Answer my latest question?(:
  • Avoid processed foods, fast foods, fried foods, anything in these categories; You would be surprised how much you lose and how your cravings for fast food diminish after a while. Also, stay away from sugary drinks. Just limit it, im not saying go pro-water, but look at the nutritional value and if one serving for a 12 or 24 oz bottle has 24g of sugar then you may want to avoid that drink. Personally, I drink milk, for the nutrition, coconut water, all natural drink sugar free (yet still tastes sweet), and water. Although I can''t lie, I drink hot chocolate often. Adding a "bad" food to your diet only helps if eaten in moderation, it helps with craving control.

    P.s. It''s usually the drinks that kill a diet, so especially watch out for the content of a drink.

    Hope this helps
  • French fries, potato chips, cake cookies, cinnamon rolls, donuts, pizza, ice cream. I could go on and on but you know what junk foods are, just don''t eat them. Eat mostly vegetables, a lot less meat. Add fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth.

    You have to run a long way to make up for all the junk food. It''s easier just to eat better and run less.

Month old baby budgie having trouble weaning?

I know it''s early in the game, I just want to know what I can do to help or make it easier on her. My budgie is 4 weeks and 2 days old, she''s with her dad in a nursery cage and her mom''s in another cage below her. She can jump, somewhat fly (though she falls), climbs, and tries to chew on seeds. She hasn''t touched her food though and I have specifically mashed it with greens and a weaning food, plus regular seed, romaine, carrot, and celery and millet. She still whines to her father for food but he ignores her. Instead of following him she goes to the bottom of the cage to either sit at the corner and rest, (she''s resting a lot), or chew on fallen sees but doesn''t break them.

She''s semi-tame, I can hold and pet her and take her out with little to no fuss and I did call a vet and she said that at a month to five weeks she can eat on her own. I just want to know what I can do to make it easier or maybe something i''ve missed that''s crucial for her? She hasn''t lost any weight so far either so i''m not worried about her starving, unless she doesn''t eat herself and father won''t feed her.
@Abigeal - I question your ''experience'' because one who is an experienced bird breeder would know that occasionally the parents can attack their young - which is exactly what happened when I put the mother with her baby and the father. She wouldn''t let her baby eat, she would bite her and push her to the bottom of the cage and then leave her alone while the baby sat in a corner and slept. I had to remove her temporarily. Also, you can''t just ''point'' at the food and expect them to go to it like that. My birds aren''t hand tamed, aside from 2 who are partially. The baby still won''t eat the food but her father keeps trying to show her. He feeds her on occasion. I have food on the bottom and top of the cage because she likes to climb and sit at the swing at the very top where she occasionally sleeps. Thank you for answering but it didn''t help, though some blame falls to me for taking the advice.

9 Essential Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:
A normal weaning age is usually 5-6 weeks of age. Depending on each individual chick, weaning times actually vary. Some take longer, others are weaned in no time. You are doing great by offering it the diet that you do. Continue with the diet, and perhaps in a week introduce to her vegetables that aren''t mashed. Things like broccoli is bright, and gets their attention, and they are very curious so she may take a taste. If so, she may become intrigued to try other things too! She will get better and better as she ages with weaning, just be persistent with her. She is doing what a 4 week old would normally as far as getting the seed, but not breaking it open. That behavior is common, and shows they are actually beginning to become curious about seed, and are beginning the stage of weaning. Sleeping in the corners is another normal behavior for her at this age. They are like newborns, they don''t have the best balance, and they get very tired, very often, so they will rest on the bottom quite often.

Also, don''t let a little bit of weight loss panic you. They will lose 10 to 25% of their body weight before they are fledged (weaned) It is because of the behavior that you are observing. The parents simply ignore most of their begging pleas for food, and will instead give instructions to them as your male is doing. They do gain back some of the weight after they are weaned, but not all. The father may be feeding her when you aren''t observing, during weaning they feed a few times a day, and that''s it. This may be why you haven''t noticed a weight loss quite yet.

You do have to keep in mind that parents teach them by example. If dad doesn''t eat the mashed food, chances are, she won''t either at this moment. Once curious however, she may. You could mix some seeds with her mashed meal since this is what she is familiar with, and she will identify that.

Since she isn''t with mom you can attempt weaning by co parenting, which means you remove her when you are feeding her more solid foods. When she is around a feeding parent, she may rather beg for food, than eat some on her own. It sounds like she is developing with weaning appropriately for her age. I wish you the best!

  • Let her in to her mother and let them all in a room together and put seeds on front of them. Point to the seeds and leave them alone for a while and then check back on them and if they havent coached the baby bird to eat then there is something very wrong. :)
  • take her to the vet

How can I lose 10 pounds off of my belly and thigh?

I want to get in shape and look skinnier. Any ideas?
Note: I cant do any diets of any kind

How to Lose Weight Fast: 14 Things You Can Do to Lose Weight Quickly!

Recommended Answer:
First off why can''t you diet? Can''t because of medical reasons or won''t because you are a food addict??
I will tell you right now that you will not lose fat and inches without a combination of diet an exercise. There is no magic pill to help you lose weight and aside from starving yourself which takes away muscle not fat then the only way is to choose to commit to a diet and exercise plan.
I would recommend either joining a gym or you can view many workouts free on YouTube. But the healthy diet is not optional you need to eat healthy foods to lose weight. You can eat a ton of food but those foods need to be fruits and vegetables salads an lean proteins and low fat dairy etc...
Try joining it''s free. Track your food intake for just one day and see if you are setting yourself up for disappointment by overeating etc...
Good luck

  • You can''t target weight loss when you workout and diet you will lose it all around not just one area

    is there a reason why you can''t diet? i don''t consider it a diet i consider it a life style change to just eat healthier you should eat 6 small portioned meals/snacks instead of three large ones

    its 20 % diet 80% workouts
  • Well, diets will help a lot, but sometimes they are my needed anyways! If you do not eat good you will not lose weight! I would do lots of running! If you have an iPhone get the app 0 to 5k (the free version) it''s a running guide for beginners, and it''s easy in the beginning and works GREAT for getting in shape! Squats and lunges really help thighs! Do sit-ups, crunches, and planks every night to help get you stomach more flat! But again, if you are not eating right, nothing will help! Include lots of fruit, veggies, and water with what you eat! If you drink a glass of water before every meal you tend to eat a lot less (which is good if ou over eat)
  • If you can''t diet then exercise more, you need to burn more calories to lose weight.
  • do cardio everyday except weekend (you can do it on weekends) and just eat healthier you should eat 6 small portioned meals/snacks instead of three large ones

I wanna loose weight ?

I''m 5''10 127 lbs I''m so fat I wanna become like Victoria secret models I wanna become 115!!!!
What should I do I need tips for exercise I want someone to help me because whenever I say I''m fat ppl tell me to shut up this really hurts my feelings and besides I wanna become a model I hate it what ppl fell me and I feel i have a big butt I don''t like it please help me
My email :
Please email me too if u can thanks !!!!!
I''m 15
124 lbs *

Fast Ways to Lose Weight - Do Such Methods Exist and Are They Effective Over the Long Term?

Recommended Answer:
Doing an effective whole body conditioning and weight loss workout
can be done entirely at home without any fancy equipment. A couple of
dumbbells is all you will need. (Even if you don''t have dumbbells
there is usually something lying around the house that is heavy enough
to substitute in for them).
Here is a list of 20 exercises you can do right in your own home for
a great whole body conditioning and fat loss workout.


Group 1:

Bodyweight Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats
Prisoner Squat
Reverse Lunge
Step Ups
One Leg "Get Ups"

Group 2:

Push Ups
Push Up and Point
Mountain Climbers
Decline Push Ups
Push Ups/Stick Ups
Step Up and Press
Squat and Press

Group 3:

Side Plank
Curl and Press
One Arm Rows
Bird Dogs
One Leg Deadlifts

Pick one exercise from each group and do them all back to back for a
mini circuit of 3 exercises. Do each exercise for a timed interval of
10 seconds for a total of 30 seconds per mini circuit.
As you get better at them work up to doing each exercise for 20
seconds for a total of 60 seconds per mini circuit.
Take 30-60 seconds rest between mini circuits.
For beginners do a total of 3 mini circuits to start. Working up to 4
or 5 as you get better at them.
Once you''re ready to move to the next level add a second mini circuit
by choose 3 different exercises (one from each grouping). Do your
second mini circuit with the same time of work to rest ratio as your
If you feel you are already at an advanced level you can add one or
two more mini circuits up to a total of 4 mini circuits. These 20
exercises are just an example of what is possible, there are dozens
more that would work in this mini circuit style, you can incorporate
any exercise that you like into these mini circuits. This style of
workout is a great complete whole body conditioning and fat loss
program you can do right at home in under 45 minutes.

  • My emails are down so this is the best i can d

    I used to be chubby and I judged myself worse than I was what I did was cut down on all bread like I had a light up and go breakfast and in afternoons would run around shooting hoops for about 1hr and I lost a lot of weight
  • I would try weight watchers as it helps you lose weight for life and start doing cardio at the gym and lots of lunges
  • If you need to lose your weight , don''t care about what people say but make what they say as a challenge for you and as an Incentive to reach your goal.The best two keys to lose your weight are doing daily exercises for 60 minutes and following a healthy diet plan which contain fruits , veges , fish,milk,chicken) and keep away from fast foods,Pepsi,potato chips).

What is the physical process of getting a flat stomach?

Hello there,

So..I''ve been working out for 2 weeks. I know, changes don''t happen over night..but I was wondering what/where I should watch for to see if I''m working out correctly..?

I would just like to know where I should be losing fat around my body first and how will I know?

So far..right under my belly, I can feel it getting harder..but my belly is still out there (is that normal?)

About me:
-20 years old
-160 lbs
-5''1 or 5''0
-Apple shaped body/ beer belly?

Workout (6 days a week):
-Pilates- 1.5 hours
-Running/ Walking -2 hours
-Weight lifting-20 mins

(With all these, I feel my body burning in different places)

I cut out carbs and junk food from my diet.

(I want to lose 30 lbs in 3-4 months)

How to Lose Weight Without Losing Meat - The Weight Loss Program For Meat Lovers

Recommended Answer:
If you feel your abs getting ''harder'' it means you are building muscle underneath fat. I suggest you do a combination of strength and cardio (HIIT are the best) to get those abs out of hiding.
Because you are apple shaped, the last place you are going to lose fat from is your tummy. But don''t be discouraged! It''s great that you cut out junk food but don''t give up carbs entirely. (they are not as bad as some people say)
Also, don''t workout that much. 4-5 times a weeks, max 2 hours per day is more than enough.
Good luck!!

  • If you run every day or at least every other day for the next 3-4 months you will be epic.
    Eat right, drink water instead of soda as much as you can, beer sucks, etc etc

    Just get a sick playlist for your ipod and run at least a mile a day or some heart racing activity for 20 minutes a day. Get active.

If I have a smoothie for one meal a day and do some cardio everyday will I loose weight?

I''m not fat,but i want my body to be more toned... If I have a smoothie for one of my meals everyday will it help me loose weight?(ice,fat free yogurt,milk or juice and then fruits)

Also I will walk/ run for 30-60 minutes,swim,or do a 15 minute cardio video

Will this help me loose weight?

10 Reasons to Lose Weight & Improve Your Weight Loss

Recommended Answer:
Maybe.... hard to say, without knowing if you''re creating a calorie deficit daily.

To lose weight you just have to eat slightly less than your maintenance calorie needs and yes, cardio helps.

  • If you do that you will become less toned because you will lose muscle. Muscle is what makes you look tone so if you are not eating enough your body will use muscle as fuel and you will not look good. You should actually normal 3 meals a day and workout with weights and do cardio. Look at the girls that do track and field they are very tone.

I lost about 1 1/2-2inchs off my waist in 2-3 that losing weight too fast?

All I''ve really been doing is dieting

How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Recommended Answer:
It doesn''t necessarily mean you have lost that, it just may have relocated to your butt and thighs! You have to measure everywhere, and notice a loss, before you can say you are losing weight. Losing size means nothing!

  • Yh
  • No, it''s ok
    yeah it''s most depend upon your workout

How to lose 50 pounds by April?

I think I''m on the right track so far: 200 cals or less a day combined with 4 herbal diet pills, interval training (starting today), water, water, water, sip of black coffee when I want the taste of something (probably stopping that soon), mutiple cigarettes to curb hunger and distract me, researching thinspiration and positive quotes to keep me motivated, staying upbeat and happy, enjoying the empty feeling in my stomach knowing I''m doing something right, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep a night. What else can I do? Will I lose 50 pounds by April if I continue this? I prefer sooner but my mom''s birthday is in April and I want her gift to be a FINALLY not-so-fat daughter. But most importantly, I''m doing this for MYSELF. To feel beautiful like I did at 100 HEALTHY pounds. Thank you and please no negative or hateful comments/answers.

Is There an Easy Way to Lose Weight?

Recommended Answer:
okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess fat and lose weight ,,,,,do as follows:

Stop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly)
eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a slow cooker /food steamer & rice/pasta cooker to make it easy on you)...(vegetables might not seem "tasty", like junk foods,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)...avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc...and drink mainly water (green tea , juice & milk being the other options you drink). If you eat meat ,,use only steamed, baking or grilled methods for preparing fish or chicken.

also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise.

* you should lose about 10 lbs per month

How much weight will I lose pleaseeeeeee help? thanks.(:?

Okay I am a 15 year old female. My height is 5''3 I weigh between 160-165 ( I know I''m fat ) but anyways my goal is to weigh 117. I''ve never been this big I''m haven''t pretty small. But the question is, I plan on going to the gym on Mondays Wensdays & Fridays and all the days between I plan on doing exercises at home, I plan ok eating healthier gods and smaller amounts. But approximately how much do you think I can loss in a month if I push myself? Please help I want to feel beautiful about myself. Thank you.(:

Lose Weight the Right Way and Keep it Off

Recommended Answer:
hey, good plan that go gym and other time workout at home. if you use insanity workout to do at home, After 2 weeks, you can get some results. And Total 60 days you will get your weight loss and get your body in large change. it is the useful workout.

  • You''ll need to see a dietitian or trainer. Depending on metabolism, foods you eat, specific workouts, it could vary a lot.

Easy ways to lose weight?Ways to help increase metabolism? I have a low metabolism?Help for losing weight?

I''m 14 years old and I weigh 58 kg...These past 3 weeks I''ve been working hard by being careful of what to eat, avoiding fatty foods and eating just 2 meals a day. I exercise everyday in my gym doing bike for 30 mins, treadmill for 30 mins and airwalker for 10 mins...I also lift weights, skip rope and do 100 jumping jacks...(I do all this everday)
I seem not to be moving down for weight...I keep the same weight each week when I check. This is getting me so frustrated! Is there anything I can do?
Also, I want a flat stomach!?

Rapid Weight Loss Sucks - Why Losing Weight Fast Doesn''t Work and What You Can Do About It

Recommended Answer:
Good start. I do have some recommendations, though.

Eat 3+ meals a day, and make each meal smaller. When you just have two meals, your body tends to store more.

Make sure the diet stays balanced. Don''t cut out all fats, especially leaving in some good fat (such as olive or fish oil). Try to stay in the 2000 calorie range, or perhaps even 2500 with that workout. You don''t want to lose the weight too fast, or it tends to gain back just as fast.

Regarding your stomach, you could replace some of that cardio workout with calisthenics, such as crunches. Also, what type of weight training are you doing? Not all training regimens target the stomach.

There are several ''walls'' along the way, as your body readjusts and fights to not lose more weight. Perhaps you are hitting one early? Just be patient, it breaks down soon enough.

  • Diet and exercise! No healthier way
  • Stop weighting yourself. Once a month is enough.
    You are 14 so be careful not to blow out your adrenals.
    •Create a Comprehensive Plan for yourself.
    • Get a Moleskin Wellness Journal. Keep track of your daily activity.
    •Don''t over exercise, you have to let your body adjust and react.
    •make sure you are working with your caregiver and surround yourself with people who want your success.
    •Dovetail The Mediterranean Diet and Weight Watcher''s Points System. Do Not skip meals.
    •Get "Creative Visualization and create a Vision Map of what you want your life to be like once you meet your goal.
    •Remember you still have to make a life for yourself once the weight is off.
    •See: Wishcraft by Barbara Sher.

What''s the best exercises to do to lose weight?

Im trying to find good exercises to do to lose weight faster,any suggestions?

16 Reasons to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
^_^ Exercise Twice Every Day. Morning Sports, Evening Walk
Exercise Twice a Day
If you really want to lose weight fast you have to exercise regularly, preferably two times a day. Do the more heavy sports in the morning and make a long walk in the evening. If you don’t like exercising you can make it more fun by doing a different kind of activity every day of the week. Or find someone to team up with, this will make it a lot easier to maintain a daily exercise schedule. Exercising this way for a longer time period will result in you losing weight quick. Scientific studies have also shown exercising regularly is good for health and can even extend your life span. More on exercising twice a day on our workout twice a day to lose weight page.
Tip:Do a cardio exercise right after you wake up, before breakfast. It’s a well known fact that doing cardio before breakfast gives added benefit to your fat loss rate when exercising. This is because your body is close to starvation mode after waking up, your body is out of energy because you didn’t eat for a long time.^_^

  • If I had to pin-point to 1 exercise that everyone should do to lose weight, I''d have to say kettlebell swings.

    However, there is no exercise that is the "ultimate lose weight exercise". That simply doesn''t exist. You''re looking for an easy way out by searching for the "1" exercise.

    Change your lifestyle instead. Stop focusing on finding a miracle approach.
  • Dead lifts, squats, bench press, pull ups, any one but depends on your interest.
    and the best one is, that burns up the most calories, most efficiently,
  • alvaro
    Get exotic

    Adding more exotic foods to meal plans can help keep foods exciting and prevent derailment as well as introduce new foods and cultures. Indian curries, asian stir-fries and Mediterranean salads tops with an abundance of fresh veggies, herbs and exciting spices can transform the diet blahs into an exciting experience.

    Making foods at home will insure creams and oils are kept at bay while the enjoyment of different foods is retained.
  • Don’t Eat Emotionally

    If you are serious about losing weight you have to force yourself to stick to your weight loss diet. Don’t use food as a way of satisfying your emotions. If you have emotional problems you should face them instead of using food as a way of masking the problem. If you can’t do it on your own, contact a psychiatrist to help you.

How can I lose 40lbs in 4 months?

I am 5''2 and I weight approx. 230-235. I am considered obese. Over the summer, I want to lose about 30 or so pounds in 4 months or so ... These numbers aren''t set in stone. I just want to become more healthier.

If you have suggestions on types of cardio to get me started and back in the routine of working out, that would be amazing!
Thanks Cutie, I wasn''t aware that I said that was all I was going to weight. This is for starting off, thanks.

Weight Loss - Are You Fighting With Yourself to Lose Weight?

Recommended Answer:
You might try this diet. My dad did it. He was 6''1 315lbs and dropped to 215 in one year. It is just a very low carb diet. Which means no chips/crackers/fast food or at least in extremely small quantities. But the good thing is you can eat as much meat as you want. You want to try to keep your carbs below 50 grams/day

This will give you some more information on it.

This site is a bunch of other people together in one community who have or are going through keto. They post before and after pictures, tell their stories, and post delicious recipes for this diet. Many of them work out with it, which is great. But many of them don''t do any exercise, just the diet.

If you are against diets because they are too hard, just give it 2-3 weeks. It is extremely tempting in those first 2 weeks but you will find yourself thinking less and less about food that you can''t have

Also, I''ve heard that running is the best way to lose weight. If you don''t like running, try swimming or biking, thats what my dad did. An all around work out is extremely beneficial along with running but I believe running is the most important and helpful.

Good luck!

  • Lose 10 punds per month
  • You need to loose way less than that to get to the normal weight. Im 5''2 and weigh 118-122 lbs.

Going Healthy- Advice?

My diet used to consist of junk food, pizza, soda, and candy. The past two weeks I''ve been eating fruits, salads, juices, vegetables, and drinking much more regular water. I''m still working out as well. I''ve had no results and I''m starting to crave lots of junk food (I''m also getting stressed- classes are stressful (I''m an 18 yr old college freshman) and my grandpa died yesterday) and so I just don''t want to treat myself to candy once or a few times this week and end up gaining weight :( I''ve really been trying and I don''t know what to do. My self esteem''s been really low lately, and I''m usually the happiest person I know. I know everyone has ups and downs, but please help me get through this. All advice is welcome and greatly appreciated

Stop Trying to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
I''m so sorry to hear about your grandpa. You''re going through a hard time right now, so go easy on yourself. It''s great that you cut out junk food, but you really do not need to cut it out entirely. You''re already experiencing the problem that happens when you cut it out completely - you crave it! So, it''s perfectly okay to have a treat a couple times a week and as long as you stay under your calorie goal, you will still lose weight. You should feel great about yourself and your new eating habits because you are on your way to losing weight and keeping it off. You''re making a lifestyle change, not going on a diet and this is what really works. Diet''s DON''T work, changing your whole lifestyle does. But, be careful drinking juice - it has a LOT of added sugar in it. Don''t forget to eat lean proteins like turkey, fish, chicken, plain greek yogurt, etc. Protein helps you feel full longer and retain muscle, which burns more calories even at rest.

I would recommend you join a website called My Fitness Pal or download the app. It''s a site for adults looking to lose weight and get healthier. It''s free to join and they tell you how many calories to eat based on your height/weight/age and how much weight you want to lose per week. It''s also great for connecting with other people who are also trying to lose and get healthier. You can add friends, ask questions, create a blog or you can just use it to log your food and exercise.

You are a strong person and you will get through this. Know that it''s okay to feel sad or bummed out about your grandpa. I would recommend talking to your parents about this, especially whomever''s parent it was because it''s very likely they are also feeling sad about it. Good luck!

Am i over exercising? Is it causing my hair loss?

Hi iam 16 years old and I have struggled with anorexia since I was 13 years old. It has been a roller coaster of going up and down with the calories, but now, I have been eating 2200 calories everyday since octobor. I have notice hair loss, which is why I started eating again. My weight is back to normal; however I hula hoop for 40 minutes in the morning, then I go to figure skating practice for an hour or so, and then at night, I hula hoop for another 40 minutes; I hula hoop all that time without a single break.

Is this causing my hair loss and am i over exercising?

9 Essential Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Recommended Answer:
Eating too much will not cause hair loss.
Not eating enough vitamin A could cause hair loss.
For healthy hair (the ones that are growing now and later) look into vitamin A (and NOT a pill, but the food so you can absorb it).
Liver, egg yolk (no more than one a day, eaten, the rest used as hair mask) cheddar cheese, whole milk, heavy whipping cream, and anything orange (beta carotene)…sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, apricots and of course broccoli (those fits anywhere).

You could also have a scalp fungus so you need to see a dermatologist.
I lost half my hair once (like 1,500/day, you’re supposed to lose only 100) until I saw my dermatologist (during my annual checkup) and she prescribed a special shampoo as I had a scalp fungus (my hair grew back).

You’re not over exercising if you hula hoop which might have the lowest calorie expenditure of all the exercises (like 3 or 4 calories per minute, that is why you can last 40 minutes).
You burn more calories just walking (as you’d have to move your body forward).

  • Too much excersiced shouldn''t make you loose hair bt axensitey can stress to .are you. Drinking enough water also ?? Maybe your dyredatred ...
  • No it isn''t the exercising. Make a list of what you are eating, not just the calories. Take that too your doctor and ask.

    Calories are only part of the picture, it is the kind of foods that those calories contain. Do you have protein, grain and fruit at breakfast (Kashi cereal with a whole banana is good). Lunch can be soup and salad or a sandwich and an apple or another type of fruit. Dinner protein, vegetable and fruit again. Drinking water is always good and fruit juice mid-afternoon is a good idea as a pick-me-up. If that is what you are eating to make the 2200 calories. Yey! But still go to the doctor and ask.

    Try considering that sugar is not a food is an ingredient and it is something that no one needs that much. Chips are not a value added. As for exercise try skipping rope, swimming, riding a bike. But keep those fluids going, drink water, milk, juice.

    During your down time start reading books on nutrition and balanced diets.

Can I lose 8-9kg in exactly a month?

I don''t care if it''s not healthy it''s only for my sisters wedding I''m starting my diet on 150cal a day and burning 50-200cal in exercise to shed 20lbs for my Sis wedding THIS IS ONLY FOR A MONTH after that I don''t care if I gain more weight(IF I DO I''LL LOSE IT THE HEALTHY WAY) but losing the healthy way takes long and I''ve only for exactly 4 weeks so will I lose between 8-9kg plzz tell me

Losing Weight and Losing Those Love Handles

Recommended Answer:
This is a one week program . You will have to replace recipes with other ones with the same caloric amount .

DAY 1 :
Breakfast : 30g Special K cereal (or any other cereal with less than 150 calories per 30 g) with half-fat milk
Brunch: yogurt
Lunch: 180 g Grilled Chicken breast fillet (olive oil and oregano ) with 100 g of boiled broccoli (NO BUTTER)
Dinner : Boiled Broccoli (or grilled) with olive oil and salt
Late snack: One medium apple/pear etc

Fitness: 30 minutes cardio

Day 2:
Breakfast : 30g Special K cereal (or any other cereal with less than 150 calories per 30 g) with half-fat milk
Brunch: One medium apple/pear etc
Lunch: Pasta with tomato&basil sauce (a normal portion)
Dinner : Boiled Cauliflower (or grilled) with olive oil and salt
Late snack: One medium apple/pear etc

Day 3:
Breakfast : 30g Special K cereal (or any other cereal with less than 150 calories per 30 g) with half-fat milk
Brunch: One medium apple/pear etc
Lunch:Medium Breaded fish fillet with one tomato
Dinner : Boiled broccoli (or grilled) with olive oil and salt
Late snack: One medium apple/pear etc
Fitness: 30 minutes cardio
Day 4:
Breakfast : 30g Special K cereal (or any other cereal with less than 150 calories per 30 g) with half-fat milk
Brunch: One medium apple/pear etc
Lunch: salmon with teriyaki sauce
Snack: Ice cream 110g
Dinner : Boiled Cauliflower (or grilled) with olive oil and salt

Day 5:
Breakfast : 30g Special K cereal (or any other cereal with less than 150 calories per 30 g) with half-fat milk
Brunch: One medium apple/pear etc
Lunch: Greek salad with feta cheese
Dinner : Noodles with vegetables
Late snack: One medium apple/pear etc

Day 6:
Breakfast : 30g Special K cereal (or any other cereal with less than 150 calories per 30 g) with half-fat milk
Brunch: Yogurt
Lunch: Lentils
Dinner : Boiled broccoli (or grilled) with olive oil and salt
Late snack: One medium apple/pear etc
Fitness: 30 minutes cardio

Day 7:
Free day but dont overdo it !!!!!

Questions about cardio and strength training?

I need to lose weight. I am also starting training for a 2 week long bike trip in August. It''s still winter here (I''m in Alaska), so I have an exercise bike I can use. I found a strength training routine that is about 20 minutes long. It says to alternate days with it and cardio.

1. Could I do the cardio everyday (5-6 days/week) and add the strength every other day? I think they have you alternate to keep your workouts shorter, but I don''t mind spending up to an hour total exercising.

2. If I do cardio and strength in one workout, which should I do first and why?

3. Once the roads get clear of ice and snow, should I add running? If so, what rotation should I do with road biking (or on the machine if weather is bad)?
I am about 50 pounds overweight, so the training is part of my weight loss plan.

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off - Don''t Read This If You Aren''t Serious About Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:
You can exercise cardio and strength 5 days a week, stay under an hour. Do the cardio first to warm your body up, it will help your strength training and help prevent injuries. Once the weather gets better street cycle an hour a day 5 days a week and still do your strength training every other day. Because you''ll start cycling more building up to whatever a daily requirement of the race is. Always wear a helmet and keep water with you.

  • Well i dont know your goal or body type;
    but i workout 3 days a week in the gym. After i finish my weight workouts i do about 20-30 minutes on the treadmill followed by pushups and ab workouts. 3 days i dont go to the gym i do a light workout at home (squats simple weight moves pushups etc.) This way i can increase stamina endurance and increase body size and strength.
    But my personal advice to u is if u have an intense bike riding trip try to focus mainly on biking with different intensities, try to increase the distance and resistance week by week.
  • 20 mins is better than nothing but 60 mins is better than 20. What''s the goal we want to reach together; The two of us sitting at our computers? I think it''s that I get to help you lose weight for your trip.

    The secret to diet and fitness is in finding out what the answer to YOUR secret is. There is something that will work best for every single person, individually, at one moment or another. And that person is the only one who knows what that is. In other words, listen to your body. Some days you''ll feel like doing the heavy weights, and another you might feel explosive, still other days might have you feeling like climbing something, you can even have days where you can''t move at all. Anyone can only suggest a few things to try out but only you know what works.

Haven''t had a bowel movement in about 5 days?

Within the past seven months I''ve lost about 65 pounds. I have been eating a lot less than I used to. I''m mentioning these things that way someone might be able to help me out. I haven''t had a bowel movement in about 5 days, and this is the third time it has happened to me the past week. The only way I''ve been able to go is by laxative. I don''t know what is going on. Normally I will have a cup of cereal for breakfast, and then a salad for lunch, followed by some meat and vegetables for dinner. There was a week though that I did not have anything but vegetables when I was staying with my aunt because she is a vegetarian.
And it''s not that I''m constipated, it''s just that I don''t have the feeling to go, at all. I have been taking Metamucil for a fiber boost and also some Apple Cider Vinegar. Nothing''s worked well.
I used to weight about 250 and I currently weigh 180. I bike ride and do weights every day.

Why Losing Weight Fast is Bad!

Recommended Answer:
I actually need a little more info, have you been working out? Because that''s a good amount of weight loss, but with working out you could upset your body to not have a bowel movement. That or if you''ve recently changed your diet quickly and recently, that could do it. You could be used to eating more. Great progress, keep it up! But go to your doctor, if your worried. I''d suggest it, because this could be something, uh.. Not so great. My brother can''t stop going! He has a fast metabolism, and yours could be slow. If you we''re heavy at all, then lost the weight, that might have been why you were. Due to a slow metabolism and overrating.

  • Maybe you need a laxative
  • You probably need to improve your diet as you seem to have a constipation problem.

    For constipation, castor oil is very good for a one-off remedy as in but it is unsuitable for regular use.

    For constipation, suppositories, laxatives and enemas are all totally unnecessary if you eat the right foods.

    All fruit and vegetables in very large amounts are laxative.

    You need to permanently change your diet or you are likely to get colon cancer.

    Constipation can make you extremely unwell and can lead to colon cancer as it causes a build up of carcinogenic toxins in the system.

    The intake of foods such as milk, cheese, white rice, white flour and red meat should be restricted, because they tend to contribute to constipation.

    Any food that has had the fiber stripped out, the nutrients processed out or slows down the digestion is a constipation culprit. Here''s a list of foods shown to cause constipation problems:

    •Meats, especially fatty meats, red meat and processed meats,

    •Dairy Products, such as cheese, ice cream and whole milk,

    •Fast Foods – burgers, French fries and other fried foods, pizza, etc.,

    •Refined grains, like white rice or any refined white flour products,

    •Highly starchy foods – white potatoes, corn and all refined grains,

    •Pastries and other high sugar products, such as cakes, cookies and pies,

    •Deep-fried foods, chips and other foods that are high in bad fats.

    You can see lots more in which tells you "Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation" and the right foods to eat.
  • Increase your fiber intake. Drink plenty of water.

How do i gain weight?

im so thin, and everyone knows im way to thin, does anyone have any suggestions how to put weight on, or a diet schedule to get bigger?

Why Had I Stopped Losing Weight?

Recommended Answer:
I understand how you must feeling right now. I was in your situation before and was ridiculed to no ends. I found out that in order to gain weight, you need to eat a high calorie diet, sleep well and do the right workout regime to help you gain weight. Here is what I would recommend you to do.

The key thing to get right is to eat a high calorie diet. This does not mean eating a lot, but rather eating a lot of meals in a day. Your body can only utilize so much nutrients and anything more will simply turn out as waste, making you burn more calories in the process. What you need is a strict 6 meals diet daily. This can be difficult to achieve but I found that if I eat my 3 normal meals with more carbohydrates like bread, noodles, pasta, biscuit, bread and rice and supplement it with drinking milk 3 times a day it really helps me to gain weight. The idea is to eat a high carbohydrate meal, rest for 2 hours and drink 500ml of milk. Keep doing this until you achieve your 6 meal quota each day. Once you have done so, try it out for a week or 2 and see if you gain any weight. If not, simply increase the milk you drink by a 100ml each time you drink it. I''m certain it will help you gain the weight you need.

Next thing to take note is to find out how many hours of rest you need. When you have poor quality sleep, lack of sleep or interrupted sleep, you will burn more calories as your body is woken up abruptly from its normal sleeping cycle. The way to gauge how much sleep you need is to turn in and wake up all by yourself. Try doing this on a weekend where you do not have anything planned so that you will wake up by yourself. Simply then calculate the amount of sleep you need from there and sleep the same exact hours everyday.

Lastly, what you need is a workout regime that will help you build some muscles. Most of the weight you lose comes from essential muscles which protects your body and bones from the knocks as well as maintain the amount of blood sugar level in your blood. In order to build back or get the essential muscles, I highly recommend the workout called the real natural guide to gain weight at It has helped me in my time of need when I was struggling to stay healthy when I was skinny.

  • I can help you. In order to gain weight, you have to eat more obviously. Even if you think you''re eating enough, you''re not. This is a good rule of thumb that I found on various websites. Try eating at least 20 times your body weight if not more.

    Also, eat 1 gram per body weight in protein, 1/2 your weight in fat grams and upwards of 4 times your body weight in carbs. If the scale doesn''t budge, up the calories. You also need to lift heavy and hard.

    Stick to compound lifts. These include bench press, squats, dead lifts, lunges, pull ups, chin ups etc. Keep the rep range in the 6-8''s. For legs, you can go a little higher (no more than 12). Once your strength increases, increase the weight. You want to stimulate your muscles with progressive overload. If you find this helpful, check out the link below. There you''ll find high but clean high caloric meals to meet your macros as well as demonstrations of lifting routines; essential to see so you don''t run the risk of injury. Best of luck. Link below.

How can I eat healthily without losing weight?

I want to eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables but these are very low calorie and I want to maintain my weight without losing weight
how can I do this?

Why People Want to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
Just make sure your eating 2000cals a day and if you do exercise make sure you up the calorie intake!

  • you can eat fruit, vegetables, dairy products, dry fruits these foods keeps you healthy without losing your weight.
  • if you eat healthy, it will get rid of bad toxins in your body. if youre already in good shape you shouldnt lose any weight
  • you need to have carbs, fat and protein in your diet, and control your portions.
    here is the list of foods, separated into 3 categories:
    - good sources of protein
    - good sources of carbs
    - good sources of fat

    Good Sources Of Protein

    Chicken (without skin)
    Turkey (without skin)
    Lean cuts of beef
    Lean cuts of pork
    Lean cuts of lamb
    Lean cuts of veal
    Egg whites
    Tuna fish
    Milk (2% or skim)
    Cottage cheese (low fat/non fat)
    Yogurt (low fat/non fat)
    Black beans
    Garbanzo beans (aka chick peas)
    Kidney beans
    Lima beans
    Navy beans
    Pinto beans
    Pistachio nuts
    Natural peanut butter
    Pumpkin seeds
    Sunflower seeds
    Protein powder, protein shakes and protein bars

    Good Sources Of Carbs
    Brown Rice
    100% whole wheat bread
    100% whole wheat bagels
    100% whole wheat pita bread
    Whole wheat/whole grain pasta
    Sweet potatoes
    Bran cereals
    Garbanzo beans (aka chick peas)
    Kidney beans
    Black beans
    Navy beans
    Pinto beans
    Lima Beans

    (Fruits And Vegetables)
    Brussels sprouts
    Romaine lettuce
    Bok choy
    Green peas

    Good Sources Of Fat
    Fish oil supplements
    Natural peanut butter
    Olive oil (extra-virgin)
    Flax seeds
    Flax seed oil
    Pumpkin seeds
    Sunflower seeds

Is it possible to lose 35 pounds in 60 days?

I''m 195lbs, 5''7, 20 years old, and female.

Great Options For You to Lose Weight Naturally

Recommended Answer:
It is very possible. Make a motive for youself though, determination is the key. Run everyday if you can go to the gym whatever exercise you enjoy doing on your own. Eat healthy i can not stress enough about that aha. eating healthy is the key to losing weight. Do hot yoga also burning off your water weight. And whatever you do, do not give up or get lazy thats what takes you down.

  • It''s humanly possible but you''re not going to do that, sorry. That''s the kind of weight loss 400-pounders may get when they finally stop eating 10,000 calories a day and go on a real diet.
  • No your only supposed to loose 3 pounds a week at the most or else it is unhealthy and very bad for you
  • While that is possible, that is an aggressive amount to weight to lose so quickly. It is better & easier to lose weight slower, good luck.
  • Probally not without INSANE WORK! I suggest going to a vitamin store, like GMC, or Vitamin World, and getting a metabolistic vitamin (dont b cheap) That will also help you gain muscle. Do shakology, or special k. I suggest you try vegetarian, and blend ALL your food. Dont eat grain, and dont eat 3 hrs b4 bed. Dont pig out, and do lots of research. Buy P90X, or INSANITY, and do what they teach you to do.

    I DONT SUGGEST TRYING TO LOSE THIS MUCH WEIGHT IN SUCH A SHORT TIME! But, if you spend some money, and have the proper determination, you will look super sexy by summer with this way of living. STAY HEALTHY!
  • Holy Mother******. Start running for like 4-5 hours a day.

How much weight could I lose for not eating for a week?

Alright, I know I''m probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, but how much weight can I lose for not eating for a week? I know it''s disgusting but I''m willing to do it of it means being skinny. Go ahead and judge, just remember being judged is what got me here in the first place. A legit answer would be really nice though I doubt I''m gonna get one. But please please please if you could, give me a serious answer. I need to know. Thanks guys.

Lose Weight At Home

Recommended Answer:
First of all; this is extremely unhealthy and can lead to some serious issues. Even if you did do this, as soon as you ate something again you''d instantly gain weight back as your body goes into starvation mode and stores EVERYTHING from the food. Just drink more water and cut back on what you eat as well as cardio and some weight training. That is the best option.

  • You wont lose anything but heart health and water just exercise vigorously and try juicing
  • By not eating you aren''t really going to lose a lot of weight, you will just get weak and sick. Starving youself doesn''t work. Reducing your food intake will work, but you still have to eat and drink many calories do you usually consume? How much weight are you trying to lose?
  • if you want to be skinny. Just work out. You''ll lose the fat in your body and in the process youll have a healthy body
  • You spelled gain wrong.

Diet and weight loss help!!!?

I plan to change my life around, but I have a question..?

I am planning on loosing weight.
To Better fit myself, and my life.
Today completely gave me a wake up call. And i think I''m tired of looking the way I am, and feeling the way I do.

So please someone help me, I don''t want no negative comments, I''ve done got them enough.

My question is, If I exercise for 20 minutes a day, and drink only water (& milk cause I have school and that''s all they serve without paying a fortune for it) will I loose weight.

I am 250 pounds and I am 5''5.
All this weight gain happened in 6th grade when I quit sports
I''m a senior in high school now.

I just want to be happy with myself.

I need workouts I know I can push myself to do, and I will get the results I want, I want too loose at least 60-70 pounds.

My goal is 180. If I can get there I know I can do anything!

I have set my mind to loosing weight.

Does anyone have any tips for loosing weight?
I can spend money because well I don''t have any and already having enough trouble making ends meet.

So any workout plans that would be good for me.

And the 20 minute workout a day Monday-Friday (rest weekends)

Is that a good workout plan it consists of
25 squats
25 crunches
25 squats
25 crunches
(I just repeat for 20 minutes)

I know it''s not a very good workout but I feel the burn in my lower stomach when I do them so I assume it''s good.

Stop Trying to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
To now that will start to help you loose weight but you should do that in the morning b4 school to eat maximum results. You will also get more toned which will make you appear a bit thinner too. I would also after about two weeks ( just so you can get used to working out) at about 45 min to an hour of walking 4-5 days a week. Start off slow and work your way to speed walking. And drinking water and some milk sounds great just if you can get fat free. And if yo can try packing lunch I did that and it helps tremendously school lunches are so bad for you and you don''t realizes how much more energy eating healthy gives you until you stop eating the junk. Good luck and do t give up :)

  • If you want to in losing pounds visit this amazing site
  • One thing I will tell you is don''t starve yourself I''m 6''2 280 pounds but I was 140 a year ago I gained another person in fat because I got to 140 because I was aneorexic and now I''m 280 your workout sucks dick too CARDIO your heart Is important to keep healthy at you''re weight just do like 3 mph on a tread 30 min and eat 1700 cals write everything down and you''ll be fine

If I only do cardio (cycle, spinning, walking) everyday without resistance training and eating really clean?

Every day for and hour or two, will my legs get really thin?

How To Lose Weight With Low Carb Diets

Recommended Answer:
Eventually, but what you eat is just as important. A good diet/exercise plan would be:

Breakfast: Cook 9-grain cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran. Make a big pot of it on weekends and scoop out 1/2 cup each morning. Add low fat milk, nuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day to raise blood sugar level which falls during the night.

Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey ½ sandwich on whole grain bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts and yogurt w/fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich on whole grain bread (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham, or beef stew.

Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit: banana, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes, peach, nectarine, cherries, pineapple. No chips and nothing ever from a vending machine.

Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it.

Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.
Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.

Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and green or red peppers.

Foods to avoid: junk food, fast foods, pastries, desserts, sugar, salty foods, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, soda, chips. And of course no tobacco or alcohol in any form. Both of those add wrinkles and destroy your brain. No oil except olive and mac nut. Coffee also rots your brain.

To keep your skin clear, drink water. Veg. juice is good too. But not canned juice (too much sugar.)

Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer..

If you lack energy to exercise, take Super B complex.
To lose weight, try an appetite suppressant.

  • yeah but it will take a while! just keep that in mind, it''s not just gonna come really fast it takes work and dedication!
  • Yes it''s way like this to get nice legs and body. And good health and Fit For Fun.

Need to lose it (weight tips)?

It''s march at this moment, and I''m going on a vacation in the beginning of July. I want to lose some weight and I have about 3 months to do it, but I don''t want to do crazy hard exercises every day. I started my diet of eating healthy and limiting myself on food already and I just want to know what are some simple exercises I could do before bed to drop the weight a little quicker? Ideas and tips please & thanks :)

How to Lose Weight Without Losing Meat - The Weight Loss Program For Meat Lovers

Recommended Answer:
Try green tea metabolism boosters, I think spices help. I know if you don''t eat when you wakeup your body breaks down possibly some fat, but also some muscle.

  • You don''t want to exercise right before you go to bed. I lost 30 pounds in 12 weeks and I have kept it off for 2 years now. I did a little research and came up with my own plan. Part of it using video games for exercise.

    If you want to see what I did to lose weight I wrote about it at
    It doesn''t cost you anything, I didn''t take any diet pills or join a weight loss company, I just wanted to share my story. Check it out and see if you think what I did could work for you.

Is it possible to lose weight fast?

So, I''ve been trying a new diet and it''s actually working. Last week I lost 3 pounds in 5 days (I''m doing it in a healthy way so it''s not that fast). But today I went to the fair with my boyfriend and our families and I ate a lot (corndog, gyro, ice cream, hot chocolate), so my question is, is there a way to lose weight fast?? I''ll start eating only apples and tea and fish for lunch, is this healthy??

3 Wonders Why Using Hypnosis to Lose Weight is Effective

Recommended Answer:
Eating and drinking apples and fish and teas for breakfast isn''t enough. Try drinking a glass of water each day. Try to avoid soda and sweetened juice or fruit-juice cocktails. It will take a while to lose weight if you use that strategy. I''d suggest drinking it as part of your breakfast , dinner , and lunch. If you have a back yard, try running several laps in there.

Will cutting my daily calories in half for 6 months have adverse effects on my academic performance?

I realize it''s somewhat ironic that I''m asking this question on here. However, I just read (in my psychology textbook) about a study on semistarvation in which men were given only half their required calories for a period of 6 months, and they stabilized at 75% of their normal weight.

I would like to try this. I like to experiment with fasting, but this seems more interesting because it''s so long-term. I know to expect a 29% decrease in metabolism, but I will take that into account when I begin eating normally again.

What I really want to know is whether this will impair my mental functioning. I can''t go ask a doctor because I know my doctor would not condone this, but I would still like to know what other people think the answer might be. I know I''ll lose a ton of weight and feel listless and low-energy, but is there anything else I should expect (mostly mentally)?

Easy Ways to Lose Weight and Burn Excess Fat Safely

Recommended Answer:
interesting question. i doubt anybody on here can actually answer that question accurately and correctly.

i''d assume it wouldn''t have significant impact on your academic performance, but it probably would minorly affect you mentally.

still though.. half the food? >.> that sounds horrible. id rather just exercise and enjoy double the food :) lol. do what you will though.

  • Your brain needs a correct diet to function function properly; also your heart, organs, blood, etc. A good plan would be:

    Breakfast: low fat milk on cooked 9-grain cereal (from health food store), mixed with cooked oatmeal and wheat bran. Add some nuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine.

    Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts and yogurt w/fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham or beef stew.

    Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit: banana, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes, peach, nectarine, cherries, pineapple. No chips and nothing ever from a vending machine.

    Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it.

    Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.

    Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes.

    Foods to avoid: junk food, pastries, desserts, sugar, salty foods, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fatty/greasy foods (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza), pasta, potatoes, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, fast food, soda, chips. And of course no tobacco or alcohol in any form. Both of those add wrinkles and destroy your brain. No oil except olive and mac nut. Coffee also rots your brain.

    To keep your skin clear, drink water. Veg. juice is good too. But not canned juice (too much sugar.)

    Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Also hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, badminton, tennis...

    If you lack energy to exercise, take stress B vitamins.
    To lose weight, try an appetite suppressant.

How does a teen girl gain weight?

Let me just be clear thati am NOT anorexic or bulimic. Im 17, 5 foot 6 and 108 pounds. I know im underweight because last time i weighed myself was when i was likr 15 and i was 111 pounds. I dont know how i lost weight. I eat A LOT and i do mild excersize like walking to and from school (about 2 miles total) and some ab excersizes. I dont know how to gain weight. I am healthy, i eat 3 meals a day and a couple healthy snacks and have dessert everynight.

Any tips? What to eat? What to do? Has this ever happened to you?

Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly? Not For Long

Recommended Answer:
You need to do weight-lifting, give your body a reason to hold more weight. Not walking, which just burns away more calories, and totally forget abs until you''ve been a bodybuilder for 2 years, then you might have a chance of understanding those muscles and how to work them. Also look at what you are eating, are they quality calories or just empty junk ? The dessert for night, that''s not so good, what happens is your blood sugar spikes after it''s entered your blood stream, then you go to sleep and the sugar levels start falling, your brain takes this as a sign that you might be starving to death and figures it should pull you out of deep sleep, or even sleep completely because you might just want to know and do something about it. SO have a protein snack at night, rotating leftovers from the night before works well, just a little something like 4 oz of chicken, steak, etc. Warmed, and your blood sugars will stay even and you can get a solid night sleep. Bodybuilding may seem drastic but it''s not, once you fit it into your life, it will become second nature. 5 days a week, building up to 45 mins a day. Divide your muscles/muscle groups over a 5 day week, so each gets worked once directly. Don''t worry that you''ll look manly, that''s just women who use steroids, you''ll only gain a few pounds of muscle a year, but it will give your body a reason to hold on to more fluids and calories. It will be a great thing in your life, and even help you with child birth on many levels, so join a gym, and keep it enjoyable ( that''s the key to success). I only recommend one supplement, for people who need it, because I know it works. And that''s Nutiva''s Organic Hemp Protein, the regular version, not the chocolate it''s nasty, you can add your own chocolate powder or just add the protein powder to your foods. It doesn''t have much of a taste, but it''s a little gritty, but it''s an awesome value for the body and brain and will help you put on weight quicker. Just one a day, no need to over-do it. It''s available online.

  • It''s normal for your weight to fluctuate especially at this stage of development. I wouldn''t try to gain weight if I were you, you''ll just start yo-yo dieting. However if you do have a higher than average metabolic rate consult a doctor.

Extremely overweight diet nd gain weight?

Hello I''m 19 years old nd have 2 kids I have always been overweight bt nw I wanna get in to shape for my kids I''m just tired of them asking me to play nd me play for bout 10 mins nd get tired

I have been eatin better nd exercising for bout 3 mths now and nothing I don''t even fell better I just need some help

b4 my was weight 267 now it 289

plz help & Ty

New Year Resolution Lose Weight - Get the Shape You Desire Fast

Recommended Answer:
Losing 10 lbs a month is a good and safe target. Any faster weight loss is likely to be temporary only and in most cases you regain it all.

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, push ups, sit ups, squats, brisk walking and power walking all help for weight loss but dieting helps more.

One of the healthiest weight loss diets is the DASH diet.

The healthy DASH diet can help you lose weight safely and effectively, lower your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure.

It is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy, with whole grains. It is a high fiber, low to moderate fat diet, and is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

You can see further details in a web search for "dash diet" + "lose weight".

Weight Loss? Healthy tips?

I need to lose 10-15 pounds!
What kind of protein shakes are good to drink while you''re on a diet?
should i drink it before/while/after my workout?
What should i eat during the day? I just ordered my insanity package, i should be getting it in 3-5 days.
What kinds of foods do i avoid while on this diet journey?
What kinds of foods should i get while on this diet journey?
There''s something else you should know, i''m only 15 and i weigh about 138 pounds, i''m 5''5''''
I need my summer body now!
I also don''t know what kind of lunches to pack, since school food SUCKS BUTT and gives me calories i DON''T need
plus their snacks are like chips, cookies and sodas; what can i bring to stop snacking on them?
thank you so much! sorry for the long summary

How to Get Motivated to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
Hi, I''m 15 too:D and im trying to lose the same amount of weight for the summer. I found these recipes useful, and it''s working.
Breakfast smoothie, btw you can take away the cocoa powder if you want, it kinda gives it a chocolaty bitter taste.
3/4 cup milk 100
1 banana 100
1 tablespoon cocoa 20
1 cup blueberries 80
= 300 calorie breakfast smoothie

And whole wheat sandwiches are good for you. Oatmeal with blueberries, milk and a little honey. Make homemade soups/stews, they are low calorie and are very good. I hope this helped, good luck:)

  • 1. Eat 30 Bowls of Kellogg''s Cereal and 50 liters of Yoplait Low Fat Yogurt a day.
    2. Tug on you Uvula every hour.
    3. Cut all your hair off. (trust me it counts)
    4. Do not drink water. It just sits in your stomach and adds weight. Don''t do it.
    5. Don''t Wear Clothes. They are unnecessary weight that are an easy fix.
    6. Avoid learning. The more you learn, heavier your brain weighs. (exception to learning all these tips for loosing weight. These are the only exception.)

What''s the most recommended bodybuilding protein caplet?

Hey, everybody. So, I''ve started to go to weightlifting a few nights a week so I can play football for my high school next year.
I''m about 6'', 215 lbs, and I really need to start building muscle. I''m totally aware there is no better way than to go to every weightlifting session, and pushing myself, and I''m all for that.
But I really want a protein supplement to help. I need to start piling on muscle mass fast, I need results that I can see and feel.

I specifically ask for caplets or capsules because I can''t stand powder mixes, even though I''m told every time that powder''s one of the best ways to go. I''d rather just take a few pills and be done with it.

I''ve Googled a few things, checked out a few sites, seen BCAA and creatine, but I don''t know what to use. As I said, I need true supplements, with gains I can feel and see if I push myself while using them.

So what does Yahoo! Answers recommend? I''m young, jobless, and my family isn''t quite top-dollar so I''m definitely looking for a budget-friendly purchase, and I''m also looking that I don''t have to take 14 caplets every day, because I personally feel that''s ridiculous.

I need recommendations, if Yahoo! would be so kind. An affordable, easy-to-take protein capsule that will help me to bulk up quick and give me results that I need to become stronger. Any help at all on the topic of caplets would be a help, seeing that I don''t really even know all that much, I''m relatively new to the world of protein supplements.

Thanks to all that can help out! :)

How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Recommended Answer:
You rarely need to take protein supplements. You get enough protein from your daily diet.

According to the Mayo Clinic, 10 – 35% of your daily dietary intake should be protein – whether trying to gain weight, lose weight, or maintain weight. Most of this comes from our regular food and we seldom need to take protein supplements. Even more damning for this myth are two recent studies by independent sport medicine journals in which various people (including bodybuilders) were given varying extra quantities of protein each day; summing one study up, Dr Richard Krieder from the University of Memphis said: “Although it is important for athletes to get an adequate amount of protein . . . consuming additional amounts of protein does not appear to promote muscle growth.”

  • Do u have any common sense food is better than supplements. The body wasnt made to absorb the chemicals that r in supplements.

What foods are okay to eat during puberty?

I need help but I want to be eating a healthy and well balanced diet, so that I don''t get a hormonal imbalance. People tell me that if I don''t eat well during puberty, I will stop growing sooner, get overweight (even though I''m already overweight), and possibly suffer a hormonal imbalance. I don''t want any of those factors.

I''m trying out this vegan diet, which means I''m eating nothing that is from animals. I''m eating some pasta, bread with strawberry jelly, plain soup, and crackers. But most of my caloric intake comes from frsh chilled fruits and vegetables. Will I lose weight eventually?

Stop Excusing Yourself From Losing Weight and Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:
Hunter, you are asking the right questions at the right time of your life. Your diet will NOT determine how tall you grow. We should care about the foods we put into our body. You are already old enough to be concerned about your intake of animal fats. Watch your sugar and salt intake, also. Hunter, along with a HEALTHY diet, we should also get a HEALTHY amount of exercise each day. For a professional opinion, I would ask my doctor my doctor about my diet and my exercise. I don''t care about weight. I care about health.

  • lots of chicken breast, eggs, fruits, veggies, steak, potatoes, beans etc
  • Just eat a balanced diet, watch your fat and sugar intake.. make sure you get enough carbohydrates and protein.

What are some good diets for losing weight?

I''m trying to lose my baby fat cheeks from my face but I need a diet I go to the 7 times a week and use the treadmill for 4 hours a day but I''m not losing enough weight because of my diet anything healthy you can recommend

How You Can Lose Weight Quickly and Safely

Recommended Answer:
DJ Keemstar
add some pepper

Hot sauces and spicy foods can help boost the metabolism while adding low calorie, low fat flavor. Add hot sauce to the usual morning egg whites or jalepeno pepper to a mexican salad can give food a kick and make it more exciting without the fat and calories that can accompany other additions. pickled peppers and spicy dressings can also pack a lot of flavor for very few calories.

Be wary and reach ingredient to insure excessive oils or sugars aren’t also added to spicy mixtures and sauces.

  • Weight watchers? I just didn''t eat for 3 months basically lost 3 stone .... Bad way of doing it! Good luck

Why/Does being on the birth control pill make your hornier and therefore increase your libido?

I got put on the birth control pill because of period complications problems but since i''ve been on it for like up to 7-8 months, I realised I have been masturbating more than I had before I had started the pill and been thinking about having sex more often (I am still a virgin by the way, just thinking about it more often) and especially when my period comes along, thats to die for and the highest libido stage ever, why am I feeling more hornier and sexier than I did before the pill? i want to have sex now, why am I feeling so damn horny whilst on the pill and is it supposed to be like this? what is making me feel hornier now that I am on the pill? I am 23 by the way, is that a indicator too? I am also on a weight loss diet too? need help?

3 Wonders Why Using Hypnosis to Lose Weight is Effective

Recommended Answer:
The pill affects your hormone levels and appears to increase your desire for sex.

How to lose weight at 13?

Im 13 4''10 and 96 pounds. I run and stuff but I still have big thighs and kinda a muffin top. What is a good,realistic diet and exercise plan at 13?

Best Weight Loss Diet - Why Eating Healthy is a Far More Effective Way to Lose Weight Than Fad Diets

Recommended Answer:
•Cardio exercise alone is not the best way to lose thigh fat. Yoga, which includes postures that can slim and strengthen your thighs.
• You also need to change what you eat. If you inherited the trend toward fat thighs, you will have problems if you eat a diet heavy in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium. You will keep liquid and fat.
•Stretch your muscles thoroughly before and after exercising.
•Your strength-building, thigh targeting workout could include leg presses, leg curls, and lunges. For extra strengthening.
•The best way to lose thigh fat includes drinking sufficient water throughout the day to keep your metabolism running full blast. You could alternate two cups of herbal tea for two of your cups of water a day.

How can I lose weight without going to the gym?

It''s winter and I can''t go running and my fitness center is closed for the next few weeks.
I eat very healthy and track all my food to make sure I don''t go over my calories.
What workouts can I do inside to help me lose 10-15 pounds.
I''m 5''3 140 pounds and I''m 21.

The Problem With Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:
What about Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics or Zumba dvd''s at home?

  • If it''s not winter i would suggest: Fasting
  • Do regular yoga, it is long lasting.
  • I have a stationary bike with moving handles, to work out arms and then watch TV and before you know it you have your time in.
    I tried weight watchers and still use the plan somewhat. But found the best way to loose weight was I allow 500 calories before noon, noon and after 500 more and then after 5 til I go to bed 500 more.
    1500 Calories supports about 125 pounds.
    I also have a exercise video for beginners I am not able to do more than that. For some reason dancing doesn''t seem like exercise. One friend joined a dance class to learn to dance and lost a lot of weight.
  • Women do not really need a gym to lose 15 pounds of body fat.
    Men need a gym to use gym weight machines to GAIN 15 pounds of muscle mass on their way to a six-pack and prominent pecs, biceps, triceps, deltoids, quads, gluteus…

    I hope you’re not running even when it’s not winter.
    Hopefully you’re not even walking/jogging.
    You can power walk (always keeping one foot on the ground).
    Above 130lbs, you cannot walk/jog nor do any other high impact exercises as you have to mind your joints (ankles, knees, hips).
    If both your feet are off the ground at any point (like when jogging), one of your knees has to handle TWICE your body weight on impact.
    For you, that would be 280lbs of one little knee joint, ouch!
    An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.
    At 140lbs/5’3, you’re borderline overweight (25BMI) at 24.8BMI.
    You’d be “officially” in the overweight category at 141lbs so do not jog.

    I weigh 120/125lbs and once I went up 130lbs and started feeling the pressure on my knees while jogging so I switched to power walking.
    I have very good strong big knees…because I always made sure to keep it that way.
    In the long run (can take years), I would damage my strong knees if I would put more than 250lbs of pressure on them.

    I don’t get your “It’s winter and I can’t go running”.
    Can you walk outside?
    Buddle up and wear layers if it’s cold.
    If you have snow…go skiing.
    Cross-country skiing on flat terrain.

    If you eat very healthy, you track your calorie intake to make sure that you’re eating enough to cover your BMR so you don’t send your metabolism down the drain.
    You cannot “go over your calories” if you eat healthy.
    Your BMR is 1,460 calories (female, 21yo, 5’3 and 140lbs).

    It’s not like a steamed cup of broccoli (50 calories) is going to make you “go over your calories”, even if you add a carrot (20 calories) and a serving of salmon (150 calories)…use a steamer.
    Then you can have 6oz (a bowl) or your homemade fruit salad (80 calories).
    Now you get a 300 calories tasty fulfilling healthy dinner unlike those 300 calories unfulfilling frozen commercial ones with ridiculous names like “Healthy Choice” or “Lean Cuisine”…right!
    More like “Still hungry after eating some defrosted commercial whatever this is supposed to taste like, and please, go easy on the artificial cheese flavor as it is burning my tongue!”

    If you used fresh broccolis (that taste like broccoli, not frozen ones), and an unprocessed carrot (not the dreadful baby-cut ones), and fresh salmon fillet and a steamer, you’ll get a good meal. And a bowl (6oz) of homemade fruit salad with your favorite fruits (6oz) is much more fulfilling and satisfying than any of those 80 calories commercial processed cups using conservatives.

    NOW you get a problem…as 300 calories dinner is probably not enough to reach your calorie quota (that is why you track calories, to make sure you eat enough, not to make sure you don’t eat too much) so you have to use snacks, like if you snack on half an avocado (great source of healthy fats) with vinaigrette, you’d get 150 calories from the half avocado and adding one Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil (another great source of healthy fats, 120 calories), you’d get a total of 270 calories intake.
    Men would need 2 of those, as they need 2 Tbsp of olive oil/day, so they can eat half an avocado for a mid-morning snack and the other half for a mid-afternoon one.

    So a 270 calories snack and a 300 calorie dinner = 570 calories so you still have to come up with almost 900 calories (to reach your 1,460 BMR) for your breakfast and lunch so you might have to have another snack or drink a lot of milk (almost 150 calories per glass if it’s whole) or a handful of nuts (around 150 calories for an ounce).

    Because you have a gym does not mean that you cannot have a stationary bike at home and burn 800 calories in two hours at a 12.5mph leisure speed (I burn 32 calories per mile biking) and it’s never boring because you’re safely sitting (not biking in traffic and wearing a helmet) and can zone out while watching TV or reading. Get a bike with moving handles so you also get an upper body workout and your arms can help when your legs get tired. Get an expensive, sturdy, silent, good quality bike that will last you a lifetime (not some cheap light crappy exercise bike made in China that will break or malfunction in a few years).

    If you need to lose 10-15lbs, that is 35,000 to 52,500 calories of exercising.
    Each pound of body fat is 3,500 calories.
    I would need to bike for 109 miles to burn one pound of body fat (32 calories per mile biking).
    2 hours/25 miles/800 calories at a time.
    I would need to walk/jog for 50 miles to burn one pound of body fat (I burn 70 calories per mile walking/jogging).

    (End of my answer coming up next...)
  • (End of my answer...)

    Get the right expectations, like half a pound of body fat loss/week…1,750 calories of exercising (like 350/day, 5 days/week with 2 rest days).
    Not total body weight on a scale as you need to GAIN heavy muscle mass while getting in shape.

    Do calisthenics at home (using your own body as weight) like when doing pushups, lunges, squats, crunches, heel raises…and get some small free weights for other exercises so you can gain muscle mass, rev up your metabolism and get strength to improve all your aerobics (you don’t need a gym for those).

    I have a good gym but I never use the fitness center there…too many distractions and I cannot concentrate on good form (aerobic machines and gym weight machines) while smelling nasty days old sweat (sweat is like pee…does not smell so bad fresh but the next day…eeww), I only use the aquatic center (Olympic size heated pool, whirlpool, sauna…).

    Aim for 20 to 30 weeks (or longer which is better to keep the weight off in the long run) to lose 10 to 15 pounds of body fat (5 to 7 months).
    I lost 10 pounds of body fat in 7 months once (never had to do it twice)…never regained those as I did it slowly enough to be among the pride 5% of successful losers.

    Get rid of your scale, unless you know how to differentiate between body fat gain/loss, muscle mass gain/loss and huge water/food/waste weight fluctuations and weigh yourself every day (after waking up, after peeing, naked, before breakfast…) but only do monthly assessment so water/food/waste weight fluctuations become irrelevant as you always have to stabilize.
    You can use your body weight as some additional data, along with body measurements, caloric intake/expenditure…
    Use a tape measure as you should not lose total body weight when you’re getting in shape and gaining muscle mass.
    You can maintain your weight for 3 to 6 months while getting in shape if you do aerobics to lose body fat while gaining muscle mass, so you get thinner, toner and stronger…but not lighter (as that would be a sign that you’re eating under your BMR and getting a lower metabolism as your body would adapt to lower caloric intake).

WILL I lose weight??? How long will it take?? I''m 14 :) SHORT QUESTION! :)?

So this is what Im doing:

*1,200 cals per day

*LIMITED dairy or gluten due to allergies... like for gluten, only ONE whole wheat tortilla and thats it. for dairy, a half a piece of cheese (:

*Fruit or veggie before/during each meal

* Right now, I''m jogging for 20min (elliptical) and strength training/circuit training for 15-25min. However, once the snow clears away, (I live in MA) I''ll be exercising MUCH more often.. :) (I''m thinking 50-90min? Jogging 4-5mi everyday for sure :] )

*Drink 5-6 bottles of water a day (= 10-12 cups)

*I am 5''7 1/2 tall, 140lbs... but I know a bunch of girls my age who are like 150lbs and LOOK much thinner than me! And its not muscle - most of them don''t exercise at all -.- I think its just the way my body is built, really.

= GOAL WEIGHT: 125-115LBS... Im hoping I''ll only have to lose like 15-20lbs but I''ve never been particularly skinny so I don''t know what Im going to look like... so I could be 125lbs, I could be 115. It depends on how it looks. (:

will I reach my weight loss goal? When will I reach my goal weight?? I want to lose the weight by the summer... I''m thinking June 1st is a good solid date... :)
also, I know when dieting you have a lot of slip ups, but for me, it pretty much is no exceptions except for holidays... my allergies are pretty bad haha

BTW, I started almost three weeks ago - HOWEVER, I did slip up pretty bad for the past 5 days b/c I was admitted to the hospital...


Make it Fun to Lose Weight Naturally and Healthily!

Recommended Answer:
well im 5''4" or 5''5" and i weigh 106. im pretty skinny so i would imagine most girls would be around my size.

  • Sounds like it. But you should be eating more than that for your age, height, weight and activity level. I eat 1400-1500 and every 4th day at maintenance (1900 cals) to keep my BMR from slowing and I''m a lot smaller and older than you and lose weight on that amount (lost 55 lbs). Eating too little will cause slow, stagnant weight loss after awhile.
  • You only need to lose about 10 lbs. A good diet/exercise plan would be:

    Breakfast: Cook 9-grain cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran. Make a big pot of it on weekends and scoop out 1/2 cup each morning. Add low fat milk, nuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day to raise blood sugar level which falls during the night.

    Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey ½ sandwich on whole grain bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts and yogurt w/fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich on whole grain bread (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham, or beef stew.

    Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit: banana, orange, apple, kiwi, grapes, peach, nectarine, cherries, pineapple. No chips and nothing ever from a vending machine.

    Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it.

    Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.
    Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.

    Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and green or red peppers.

    Foods to avoid: junk food, fast foods, pastries, desserts, sugar, salty foods, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream, soda, chips. And of course no tobacco or alcohol in any form. Both of those add wrinkles and destroy your brain. No oil except olive and mac nut. Coffee also rots your brain.

    To keep your skin clear, drink water. Veg. juice is good too. But not canned juice (too much sugar.)

    Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer..

    If you lack energy to exercise, take Super B complex.
    To lose weight, try an appetite suppressant.
  • That''s a pretty good plan! Drink as much water as you want - its good for you, and it has 0 sugars, 0 calories, 0 EVERYTHING! :)

    Before meals, always drink a full glass of water! It fills you up, & you won''t feel hungry when you''re done with your meal. This has really helped me! I always fill up on water!

    I''ve also found that walking for at least 15mins per day really helps with overall weight loss. I usually walk on my treadmill at 4 to 4.5 mph for at LEAST 15 minutes a day!

    I hope I could help! I''m 5''7" too and I''m trying to lose weight. My goal is 110!
    Good luck - I hope I could help!:)
  • "so I could be 125lbs, I could be 115. It depends on how it looks. (:"

    It depends on your health, NOT how it looks. Health should be your first priority
  • I need to gain weight, but right now I am in cross country and running on varsity. If I tried to gain weight now, would I become slower?
  • how much do you weight????

What is the perfect age to start workin out?

I''m 17 years old male .. Im skinny and i want to gain weight and muscles

what should i eat ? should i buy some protein if yes what is the name of it ?

and the most important thing is my age perfect to start working out .. is there any side effects on me if i started to workout at this age ?

help and thanks yall

Lose Weight the Right Way and Keep it Off

Recommended Answer:
In my opinion, there is no such thing as a perfect age to start working out because there is no such thing as a wrong age to exercise. The key to gaining weight and muscle is to eat a high calorie diet many times a day, sleep well and do the right workout to get you there. As for protein shakes and such, I would suggest focusing on your diet and only if you do find that you have a lacking of it to search through your nearest supplement store for what is missing. As for your concern on side effects, as long as you stay away from steroids and other anabolic agents, you should be fine.

In terms of diet, carbohydrates must lead the way. This means that each of your meal should have more than 60% covered with carbohydrates than the usual 50-55% of carbohydrates. Cutting down on the fat you need each meal as the surplus carbohydrates will also build the fat that you need. It is also important to take note the amount of meals you eat rather than focus on how much you can force yourself to swallow. I would advice going on a 6 meals diet a day which is spread out around 2-3 hours apart to help you gain the weight you need, particularly if you find eating so much in one go is difficult for you. One more thing to help you gain weight easily from your diet is to take 500ml of milk to replace the 3 extra meals you need. Increase the amount of milk you drink by 100ml every week until you see a positive 1 pound increase on the scale after a week.

Sleep has always been the downfall of bodybuilders, athletes and even skinny people when they are looking to put on mass. This is because sleep consists of 2 parts; quality sleep and quantity sleep. Quality refers to the state of rest, preferably REM sleep to get the most out of the hours you put into it. Quantity rest refers to the amount of hours you need. You can find out about quantity by sleeping and waking up all by yourself while quality is done by exhausting your body such that sleep takes you without you knowing. Only when you have both in cohesion, you will be looking to gain mass pretty easily as it will help to repair the cells that you aggravate in during your workout as well as prevent you from falling sick.

The trigger that so many people do not do when they are looking to gain weight is to do the right workout. Exercise is key to this because if you simply rely on diet and sleep to gain the weight, sooner or later when you wean off it you are bound to lose weight. Exercise helps you build up the permanent body weight and size you need without losing much of it when you are wean off it unless you fall sick from it. I would suggest taking a look at for that particular workout. I wish you the very best and hope you stay persistent until you gain the mass you need.

  • i work out and I''m 14 :P but you should work out its healthy and for foods, lots of fruits and meat. and you should expect to eat more if you work out more.

Is this a good dinner? ALSO why are Lentils so high in calories?!!?

Im trying to lose a little bit of weight, not rlly, mainly get slight abs.
Im making dinner tonight and Im makin veg lentil burgers.
1 cup of red lentils are like 600 calories?? why is that?

Also instead of frying them like it says online, im gonna put them in the oven. Im also using brown rice btw.

Then im making potato squares, gonna put them in the oven with lots of seasoning and whatnot.

Then have a side of spinach.
Is that good?
Since I wanna lose weight im gonna have a small portion of everything but have LOTS of spinach.
On my bag of RED SPLIT LENTALS it says 1 cup - 620 calories.

Pssst! The Secret to Losing Weight

Recommended Answer:
OK, the bagged red lentils you are using are dried lentils, so when they cook up, that 1 cup of lentils will swell to about 3 cups. 1 cup of cooked lentils is 225 calories and 1 cup of dry lentils is 600+ calories.
Your meal sounds healthy enough, but with a lot of carbs and calorie dense ones. Lentils, rice, and potatoes are all carbs and fairly high in calories even though they have a lot of nutrition. But in small amounts with spinach as a side and the fact that you are not frying your food, it is fine.

  • Sounds like you have a plan for a good, balanced dinner. Not sure where you''re getting your information on the lentils, though. Everywhere I look says 1 cup of lentils is about 230 calories. Maybe it''s the whole lentil burger than has 600?

    Could be that it''s 1 c dried lentils = 620 calories. The lentils will expand when you cook them, so you''ll end up with more than 1 cup.

    Anyhow, lentils are full of fiber, potassium, and iron so don''t worry so much about the calories and concentrate on the benefits you''ll get from eating them!
  • It sounds good food to eat but rather bland, and not much to taste

    Check your calories as that is far too high, a cup of lentils is 230 cal
  • Like the others say--1 cup of lentils is 230 calories.

    Most beans are high in carbohydrates as are rice and potatoes. Your meal is fine but not for someone trying to lose weight.

    If you are really interested in losing weight forget the calories and cut down on the carbohydrates