How do i gain weight?

im so thin, and everyone knows im way to thin, does anyone have any suggestions how to put weight on, or a diet schedule to get bigger?

Why Had I Stopped Losing Weight?

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I understand how you must feeling right now. I was in your situation before and was ridiculed to no ends. I found out that in order to gain weight, you need to eat a high calorie diet, sleep well and do the right workout regime to help you gain weight. Here is what I would recommend you to do.

The key thing to get right is to eat a high calorie diet. This does not mean eating a lot, but rather eating a lot of meals in a day. Your body can only utilize so much nutrients and anything more will simply turn out as waste, making you burn more calories in the process. What you need is a strict 6 meals diet daily. This can be difficult to achieve but I found that if I eat my 3 normal meals with more carbohydrates like bread, noodles, pasta, biscuit, bread and rice and supplement it with drinking milk 3 times a day it really helps me to gain weight. The idea is to eat a high carbohydrate meal, rest for 2 hours and drink 500ml of milk. Keep doing this until you achieve your 6 meal quota each day. Once you have done so, try it out for a week or 2 and see if you gain any weight. If not, simply increase the milk you drink by a 100ml each time you drink it. I''m certain it will help you gain the weight you need.

Next thing to take note is to find out how many hours of rest you need. When you have poor quality sleep, lack of sleep or interrupted sleep, you will burn more calories as your body is woken up abruptly from its normal sleeping cycle. The way to gauge how much sleep you need is to turn in and wake up all by yourself. Try doing this on a weekend where you do not have anything planned so that you will wake up by yourself. Simply then calculate the amount of sleep you need from there and sleep the same exact hours everyday.

Lastly, what you need is a workout regime that will help you build some muscles. Most of the weight you lose comes from essential muscles which protects your body and bones from the knocks as well as maintain the amount of blood sugar level in your blood. In order to build back or get the essential muscles, I highly recommend the workout called the real natural guide to gain weight at It has helped me in my time of need when I was struggling to stay healthy when I was skinny.

  • I can help you. In order to gain weight, you have to eat more obviously. Even if you think you''re eating enough, you''re not. This is a good rule of thumb that I found on various websites. Try eating at least 20 times your body weight if not more.

    Also, eat 1 gram per body weight in protein, 1/2 your weight in fat grams and upwards of 4 times your body weight in carbs. If the scale doesn''t budge, up the calories. You also need to lift heavy and hard.

    Stick to compound lifts. These include bench press, squats, dead lifts, lunges, pull ups, chin ups etc. Keep the rep range in the 6-8''s. For legs, you can go a little higher (no more than 12). Once your strength increases, increase the weight. You want to stimulate your muscles with progressive overload. If you find this helpful, check out the link below. There you''ll find high but clean high caloric meals to meet your macros as well as demonstrations of lifting routines; essential to see so you don''t run the risk of injury. Best of luck. Link below.


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