Note: I cant do any diets of any kind
How to Lose Weight Fast: 14 Things You Can Do to Lose Weight Quickly!
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First off why can''t you diet? Can''t because of medical reasons or won''t because you are a food addict??
I will tell you right now that you will not lose fat and inches without a combination of diet an exercise. There is no magic pill to help you lose weight and aside from starving yourself which takes away muscle not fat then the only way is to choose to commit to a diet and exercise plan.
I would recommend either joining a gym or you can view many workouts free on YouTube. But the healthy diet is not optional you need to eat healthy foods to lose weight. You can eat a ton of food but those foods need to be fruits and vegetables salads an lean proteins and low fat dairy etc...
Try joining it''s free. Track your food intake for just one day and see if you are setting yourself up for disappointment by overeating etc...
Good luck
- You can''t target weight loss when you workout and diet you will lose it all around not just one area
is there a reason why you can''t diet? i don''t consider it a diet i consider it a life style change to just eat healthier you should eat 6 small portioned meals/snacks instead of three large ones
its 20 % diet 80% workouts - Well, diets will help a lot, but sometimes they are my needed anyways! If you do not eat good you will not lose weight! I would do lots of running! If you have an iPhone get the app 0 to 5k (the free version) it''s a running guide for beginners, and it''s easy in the beginning and works GREAT for getting in shape! Squats and lunges really help thighs! Do sit-ups, crunches, and planks every night to help get you stomach more flat! But again, if you are not eating right, nothing will help! Include lots of fruit, veggies, and water with what you eat! If you drink a glass of water before every meal you tend to eat a lot less (which is good if ou over eat)
- If you can''t diet then exercise more, you need to burn more calories to lose weight.
- do cardio everyday except weekend (you can do it on weekends) and just eat healthier you should eat 6 small portioned meals/snacks instead of three large ones
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