1. Could I do the cardio everyday (5-6 days/week) and add the strength every other day? I think they have you alternate to keep your workouts shorter, but I don''t mind spending up to an hour total exercising.
2. If I do cardio and strength in one workout, which should I do first and why?
3. Once the roads get clear of ice and snow, should I add running? If so, what rotation should I do with road biking (or on the machine if weather is bad)?
I am about 50 pounds overweight, so the training is part of my weight loss plan.
How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off - Don''t Read This If You Aren''t Serious About Losing Weight
Recommended Answer:
You can exercise cardio and strength 5 days a week, stay under an hour. Do the cardio first to warm your body up, it will help your strength training and help prevent injuries. Once the weather gets better street cycle an hour a day 5 days a week and still do your strength training every other day. Because you''ll start cycling more building up to whatever a daily requirement of the race is. Always wear a helmet and keep water with you.
- Well i dont know your goal or body type;
but i workout 3 days a week in the gym. After i finish my weight workouts i do about 20-30 minutes on the treadmill followed by pushups and ab workouts. 3 days i dont go to the gym i do a light workout at home (squats simple weight moves pushups etc.) This way i can increase stamina endurance and increase body size and strength.
But my personal advice to u is if u have an intense bike riding trip try to focus mainly on biking with different intensities, try to increase the distance and resistance week by week. - 20 mins is better than nothing but 60 mins is better than 20. What''s the goal we want to reach together; The two of us sitting at our computers? I think it''s that I get to help you lose weight for your trip.
The secret to diet and fitness is in finding out what the answer to YOUR secret is. There is something that will work best for every single person, individually, at one moment or another. And that person is the only one who knows what that is. In other words, listen to your body. Some days you''ll feel like doing the heavy weights, and another you might feel explosive, still other days might have you feeling like climbing something, you can even have days where you can''t move at all. Anyone can only suggest a few things to try out but only you know what works.
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