Lose Weight the Right Way and Keep it Off
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It will require a lot of work but to lose 20 pounds if you do the workout everyday it will probably take 3-4 months. Now when I say 3-4 months that is including a proper diet. If you are still eating ice cream and candy then it will take over 1 year so its useless. Stay away from white bread, popcorn, butter. Also dont go too healthy because that isn''t always good. Hope that helped :)
- Yes that looks very doable. I recommend taking a fat burner on non cardio days to control appetite
But you should take a non-stimulant every day. I recommend ursolic acid.
good luck! - I understand you I''m 5''1" and 146.5lbs and didn''t even know I was fat until yesterday when my mom yelled at me in public. On top of that I wasn''t sure if she was just over reacting so I posted this along with my mesurments bust:42 waist:43 and hips:56 (all inches) and a bunch of boys teased me for my size so I''m with you. Use me as motivation. It seems you aren''t as fat as me but if you don''t try hard to change you could end up being called a "chubby heavyset girl" by your mother in public. So I''m with you sister.
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