What is the best exercises for fat loss?

Im a thirteen Yr old boy who was precribed medicine that caused me to gain alot of weight in one month when I was little, So I wanna lose that fat. Dont give me any stupid answers or a 5 paragraph answer just gimme sumthing like Jumping jacks, puch ups, Ect only tell me the excercise and the apropriate amount of reps and time.

Quick Weight Loss Tips - How to Lose Weight Safely and Sustainably

Recommended Answer:
jogging lots and lots of jogging 20 to 30 minutes a day. If you want you can run more but I''d say at least 20 if want results

  • bulimia
  • running, swimming, jumping jacks, almost any type of sports (soccer, baseball, track, etc) I mostly recommend running. I personally hate running, so instead I speed walk or I swim.
    these are all very good for weight loss c:
  • 40 jumping jacks
    30 jumping rope (you don''t need an actual rope, just pretend)
    30 high knees
    30 mountain climbers
    30 jumping rope
    25 jumping jacks
    30 uppercuts (stand in place with feet spread slightly apart, uppercut punches)
    40 jumping rope
    30 high knees
    5 squats
    BREAK and repeat
  • Ok, to get muscles on your arms, push ups. For your abs sit ups or crunches. Also it may seem girly but ballet is incredible. I swear I take ballet, and I have like a four pack and I''m in sixth grade. Also girls dig dancers, trust me. If you r too macho for that, then swimming is also great.
  • If you''d like to in losing pounds visit this site
  • I lost weight doing insanity but other then that try jogging or cardio workouts such as jump rope for 15 min.
  • If you find it difficult to swallow weight loss pills or frequently find that you tend to be absent-minded in taking them after meals, then the following evaluated range of weight loss drinks and weight loss teas can make your weight loss aspirations even easier.
  • Muscle eats fat, so I would do three sets of pushups every other day on top of some running. Gradually increase the number in each set as you grow stronger. Reduce your fat intake and add a protein supplement. Good luck, weight control is a tough problem.
  • The best exercise for fat losing is the exercise that you that you like.
    As long as you move your body, you are losing fat. Move your body some more, and you will lose some more fat. No reps and no time.

    Exercises with weight lifting (push ups etc.) aren''t directly related to losing fat, but are good anyway.

    But if you''re so interested in a short answer, here''s an exercise: Run as much as you can every other day.
  • jerk off. builds big arms, but be careful to switch hands so u dont have lob sided arms. best exercise so far for losing weight.


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