How to Get Rid Of Excess Weight Due to High Salt Intake?

I''m deployed right now and the food we get is nothing beyond bland. To help the taste, I add soy sauce or salt just about everything I eat. I''ve been on a low calorie/carbs diet and have been working out daily in order to lose weight. It''s almost time for me to return home and I want to see how much I''ve lost but to do so I need to get rid of all the bloat I''m experiencing due to my high salt intake. I know, get rid of the soy sauce and stop salting everything. But what else can I do to help speed this along?

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Recommended Answer:
do more high rep weight training... combined with cardio exercise
60 mins weights
30 mins cardio..

drink green tea... an take omega 3
also you can try CLA supplement

  • U do know salt has the most amount of sodium right? and sodium retains water weight. Which gives u that bloated look. So ya first of all stop eating tons of fackin salt, thats mad stupid. That being said. cut carbs, and the ones u get, get em from potatos, brown rice, nuts. No pastas no breads, no white rice. Also drink tons of water, and do cardio exercises. Eat lean meats, such as chicken turkey, fish. Avoid red meats. And eat ur vegetables, and fruit, and for fack sake stop eatin too much fackin salt. Otherwise ur whole diet and workoutroutine is useless. U m ight as well just go crazy on the junk food.


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