sar • casm
The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
How to Lose Weight Without Losing Meat - The Weight Loss Program For Meat Lovers
Recommended Answer:
Yes, but you will look much like that grumpy cat in your photo. :) By The way, you may want to answer your own question with the answer you gave someone else...
This is psychotic and won''t work in the long-run. You''ll end up hurting yourself. You need to approach your health from a holistic standpoint and be less extreme about it. Stop thinking in black and white.
Experience, I used to be stupid like you.
- Yes but its incredibly unhealthy and you would undoubtedly regret it..
- Do the Atkins... .it''s a great diet. Get a used copy of "New Diet Revolution" off of Amazon Books and take a look. You''re fat because of the unbelievably sh*tty diet that Americans have - it''s loaded with sugar.
So read the book... First you find out what sugar is and then you QUIT eating it. It''s quite simple really. People lose weight on it really well. And it''s great for cholesterol and blood pressure numbers. - No, You will Die!! So I guess you''ll lose weight!!
- You wouldn''t last a week doing that. You will give up
- Definitely but you''re not going to keep doing that for even one week... Or 8 hours jogging at night? Ha ha.. !!!!
- Yeah, you''d lose weight, and you''ll probably be sick or injured. Your body needs proper nutrition, and jogging for 8 hours at a time can do more harm than good.
You know how every diet and exercise plan on the market says to start by talking to your doctor? You should do that.
You should watch the movie, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" It is a documentary about a guy who began juicing. He lost a ton of weight. It''s very inspirational. It''s available on Netflix. - You''re going to die. That''s not enough to count as a day''s worth of food, and your body needs certain nutrients to help grow and burn fat naturally. And if you''re actually overweight, do you really think you''re going to be able to jog for 8 hours? No, even fit people would have a hard time doing that.
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