Weightloss and tone up?

I am 6 ft tall male (18 years old) and weigh 14 stone 8lbs so I am chubby. I have lost 2 stone since October but recently have lacked motivation, probably because I have had the same regime over and over. What should I be doing exercise-wise to mix it up a bit yet still see results? I have 5 months until I go on holiday which is when I want to have the confidence to take my top off! I am surprisingly okay with the diet side of things, which originally was the biggest problem.

How to Burn Fat Without Losing Weight

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I hear you Chris, can I first suggest you:
Stop thinking weight loss and start thinking fat loss.

If your goal is to take your shirt off and look buff, then all you really need to do is remove the fat that is covering the muscles you already have.

To lose body fat you only have two options stop making it, and start burning it or surgically remove it.

You are not “chubby” because you are 6 foot tall and 14stone 8lbs or because your BMI is 26.9, it might surprise you to know Chris that when the 20 year old, 6’2” Arnold Schwarzenegger was crowned Mr. Universe his BMI was 30.2, because he weighed 235lbs. However Arnie only had about 4% body fat and a lot of muscle. So you are “chubby” because of your fat to muscle ratio.

To stop making more fat, you need to eat about 3200 calories per day if you are moderately active, this will maintain your fat level as they are now. In order to start burning the fat you already have, you need to exert yourself more ( burn more fat) or eat less (make less fat) To lose one pound of fat you must burn 3,500 more calories than you take in as food.

At your current size Chris, that would require you to add a 7hr 40 min long 4mph walk to your existing activities to burn the 3,500 calories so you can burn 1 pound of fat. Don’t forget that as you lose fat and weigh less, the amount of energy it takes to move your lighter body around is less, so you need to walk more to burn the same amount of calories. Simple math, but very annoying, because you have to do more work to burn the same amount of calories.

I know you said you had your diet under control, but you can see that it is much easier to remove 500 cal from your daily intake, so achieving the 3500 calories less in a week, than it is to walk an additional 7 hours and 40 min at 4 mph in your week. Just a thought, I hope it makes you think!
Enough about fat, now let''s talk about muscle, because remember it’s your muscle to fat ratio we are trying to address here Chris. The little organisms in your body that convert the stored fats to energy, are called mitochondria, they are your bodies energy factories, and 98% of the trillions of mitochondria in your body are in your muscles. So more muscles more mitochondria more fat burning, again simple math.

Growing muscle is genetically programmed into all healthy humans, and it is as simple as putting that muscle under stress through intensity so the muscle fails in its bid to move or lift or push. If this failure is achieved through exertion rather than exhaustion, the body recognises its failure, releases peptides to signals an anabolic response that after a rest period of a number of days will make the muscle that failed, bigger and stronger. The technical types call this muscular hypertrophy. But I''m sure you know all this because you go to the gym, but the point I''m trying to raise here is intensity. Resistance exercise that results in muscle failure is not confined to lifting heavy weights, sprinting is a good example.

The resistance comes from trying to accelerate your 198lbs to the fastest speed possible in the shortest period of time, and you can sprint on a pushbike, in a pool or on a running track, so it is easy to get variety in this form of resistance exercise.

I could go on, but I won’t because I think I have said enough to give you the idea.

Fat lose is simple, energy in and energy out. Exercise variety is simple, if your realize that resistance exercise with high intensity can be many things which do not all involve a Gym membership.

Hope this helps the new soon to be “Buff Chris”.



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