Help with getting a six-pack?

Im 13, 5''7 and weigh around 125 pounds. I have a flat stomach due to running more frequently (mile every other day). I did swim in the summer which really made me lose weight, and now I have a flat stomach. The problem is that I dont have a 6 pack like all of my friends and i want to know the secret to getting one. Ive been eating mostly cooked at home meals and have eaten minimal junk food lately. I have a split down my stomach and that is the closest I have to abs. I really want to know how to get the toned abs that I really want. I don''t own any excersising equipment whatsoever, although my mom goes to the gym 2-3 days a week. I would also like to know how to really get motivated. Mainly due to the fact that I want to attract more girls, and have a better chance at making the baseball team in a month. Im so close and I know I am and I just want those abs. How do I get them? Im in the third stage of puberty if that is needed to tell what I must do. Thanks for the help!

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It seems that you have a low body fat percentage, but no muscle tone. Not to worry though, abs are a relatively easy muscle to sculpt due to the fact that six packs look good even when they''re showing just a little. What i would truly recommend is starting a complete workout regimen. Training just one part of your body will not make it grow effectively because your body doesn''t want to be disproportional. Check out, there is really some amazing stuff on there and they''ll teach you every last thing you need to know about building muscle. Also one more thing, you''re going to have a hard time gaining muscle since, just by what you''ve described, im guessing you''re a very skinny dude. You need to start eating appropriate calories for your body weight to gain lean body mass. Lean body mass includes muscle and minmal fat gains. A proper amount of calories for someone who is as active as you would be your body weight x 22 on working out days, and your body weight x 20 on normal days. This will help you gain weight in a very sufficient and healthy way. make sure you''re not eating crap though. Make sure you''re getting the right amount of macro-nutrients per day. assuming you don''t know what that means, macro nutrients are carbs proteins and fats. You''ll want about 250 carbs a day, 125-150 grams of protein a day, and around 40 grams of fat. I know its a lot of information here, but thats the only way you''re going to get it done. Also, doing it the right way, (the way i described) will get you a legitamate six pack, and not just the skinny-pack that im'' sure the other 13 year olds you know have. Itll take some time, but go on bodybuilding and start learning man. Working out and bodybuilding are motivation enough once you go to the gym once. Its an awesome feeling.

  • do this everyother day : start with 50 jumping jacks,then 2 sets of 20 pushups , 10 pullups,3 sets of 10 crunches and end with a 10min light jog
  • High protein very low fat low carb diet with lots of exercise will give you the abs you want. You need a minimum of 1800 calories when you are trimming down, about 2200-3000 when you are bulking up. Good luck, GW


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