Water fasting , I'm interested not motivated?

How much could I lose in 7 days of water fasting ?

Foods to Lose Weight Healthily

Recommanded Answer:
I agree. you might lose a few pounds but it slows down your metabolism & you'll be soo hungry that you'll eat more than usual & probably just gain even more weight back. you should try dieting low-carb. you can lose A LOT of weight that way, if you need to. however, if you don't want to really eat at all, you could always use the master cleanse aka lemonade diet. look it up online. I lost a good bit of weight when I went on it. you go on for at least 7-14 days (no more than 14). it's A LOT easier if you have a juicer cause you'll be juicing A LOT of lemons & I think you can use limes, too. either or.
either way, this is a lot better than just giving up eating because every time you feel hungry, you just drink more of the lemonade concoction...you can get the recipe for free online, if you don't buy the book. I'd buy all of the stuff, except for the lemons, that you need for the diet off of amazon (link below), though, cause they have these huge packages with everything you need in them, with great prices & it's cheaper that way.
still, good luck with whatever you decide! "D

  • Nothing that you won't gain back the minute you start eating again.

    Forget this, it is a stupid way to try and lose weight.
  • Instead of water fasting, I recommend intermittent fasting. Keep yourself at a caloric deficit, but keep the calories within an 8 hour eating window, fast for 16 hours. You could also do a 24 hour fast once a week.


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