I have a rather big tummy, a lot of fat on waist and thighs.
I used to go to a gym but that didn't help my man boobs at all. How do I get rid of them? Should I run A LOT and eat a lot of protein?
Help would be much appreciated. Thanks. :)
Recommanded Answer:
To lose stomach fat you have to throw out the junk food! You are what you eat, so don’t eat junk. Do not keep junk food like cookies, chips, sweets and other similar products in your house.
Try not to have late night snacks. The main problem with late night snacking is that there is not much activity done after wards. People go straight to bed.Decrease alcohol consumption. If you drink a lot, you will accumulate fat around your waist. Excess alcohol consumption can really give you a belly. Exercise is vital for weight loss and long-term health. Exercising has an immediate effect on weight, in that as you exercise you burn energy.The more muscles you have the more fat you will burn ? Don't starve your self and drink lots of water. Don't eat from a drive threw and eat small portion sizes.
My brother was 115 kg and with poison size eating , exercise and lots of water he lost weight up to 65 kg in 1 and a half year
- do push ups i also had man boobs, but ever since i started push ups, i partially have the shape of a ripped chest ./.......push ups would do the work,do 100 a day
in sets - okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess fat and lose weight ,,,,,do as follows:
Stop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly)
eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a slow cooker /food steamer & rice/pasta cooker to make it easy on you)...(vegetables might not seem "tasty", like junk foods,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)...avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc...and drink mainly water (green tea , juice & milk being the other options you drink). If you eat meat ,,use only steamed, baking or grilled methods for preparing fish or chicken.
also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise.
* you should lose about 10 lbs per month
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