How to lose 80lbs in 4-6 months?

I weigh 175lbs and I want to lose 80lbs. I'm 5'4. I've been 95lbs before I gained all of my weight and it looked really good on me. I wanted to know what kind of diet would work to lose the weight? I walk about 2 miles a day at a fast pace. And I'm going to run a couple times a week. I want to do this a healthyish way so the weight stays off. I was thinking about eating mostly veggies and A LOT of water. I want to lose this weight as soon as possible:)

How to Lose Weight in Your Legs in a Week

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Hannah at your age the odds of ever weighing 95 lbs again are pretty much gone.Look at your parents and extended family. That is the genetically coded size and shape you have. Keep in mind if they are overweight and out of shape doesn't mean you have to be.80% of weight loss is diet. You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight. You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight. You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight. A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle! You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber! Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues. First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar. Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism. Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup. Oatmeal with berries or a bit of fresh honey is also good. Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best. Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output. This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion. A high fiber diet reduces transit time - the amount of time it takes food from when it is eaten to when it is expelled. This reduces toxicity in the system both from internally produced, ingested, and external toxins. I know it goes against everything you've heard or read but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight! Next, take an age appropriate basic daily multivitamin. Don't look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients. You have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins. Last, you need to get 8-9 hours of quality sleep depending on your age. All recent sleep studies report a connection between poor sleep patterns and weight gain. This includes going to bed as close to the same time every night including weekends. Most of us stay up late Friday and Saturday night and it throws us off. You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss. I lost 30 pounds in five months by spending my money at the grocery and gym and have kept it off for three years. Less than three% of people that attempt weight loss lose it and keep it off for two years. It is not easy. It is a lifestyle change. Good luck and good health.

Can I lose weight by this diet plan?

I weight 198 pounds and I'm 5'2. Can I lose weight by eating either a special K or slim fast meal bar for breakfast. For lunch eating regular school food (unless its something unhealthy like pizza, then getting a salad) And for dinner just eating fruits and veggies? And with of course at least 20 minutes of exercise or more.

How to Lose Weight After Kids

Recommended Answer:

You should weigh about 110. You can lose 10 lbs/mo with this ````plan:Breakfast: Cook 9-grain cereal (from health food store) in water with rolled oats and wheat bran. Make a pot of it on weekends and nuke 1/2 cup each morning. Then stir in low fat milk or yogurt, banana, walnuts and berries. Drink hot Ovaltine. Breakfast should be your largest meal of the day to raise blood sugar level which falls during the night.Lunch: Egg, tuna or turkey ½ sandwich on multi-grain (not just whole wheat) bread with bean or alfalfa sprouts, yogurt, fresh fruit. If you had meat loaf for dinner, bring a meat loaf sandwich on whole grain bread (NO mayo). On cold days, a squatty thermos of hot chili, split peas with ham, or beef stew.Snacks: Fresh (not canned) fruit. Nothing ever from a vending machine. Fruit smoothies. Dinner: salad with white meat chicken and fresh (not canned) veggies: tomatoes, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of shredded cabbage, shredded or sliced carrots, alfalfa or bean sprouts, zucchini, green or red peppers, hard boiled eggs, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, tofu, cottage cheese, spinach...Instead of dressing, squeeze 1/4 tomato over it. Or homemade bean/vegetable soups; great way to recycle leftovers.Or grilled fish with steamed veggies.Or omelet: In blender, whip together eggs, tofu, cottage cheese, onions, garlic powder. Cook with mushrooms, chopped tomatoes and green or red peppers. Avoid junk food, fast foods, gluten, pastries, desserts, syrup (even canned fruit in syrup), peanut butter, fat/grease (pork, wieners, chops, bacon, salami, pizza, chips, fries), pasta, potatoes, ramen, popcorn, white bread, rice, canned veggies, ice cream (it's lard + chemicals), chips, tobacco, alcohol (kills brain cells).coffee (carcinogenic). no oil except olive and mac nut. Sodas (loaded with toxins; leads to stroke, obesity, kidney damage, high BP and inhibits bone growth in kids), anything with sugar (cancer cells feed on sugar, it wreaks havoc on your liver, mucks up metabolism, impairs brain function, makes you more susceptible to heart disease and diabetes), To keep your skin clear, drink water, tea, veggie juice, unsweetened fruit juice.Join a gym; they have all the equipment and staff to show you how to use it to get the look you want to achieve, but you have to ask them. Much cheaper than buying your own equipment. Go hiking, biking, jogging, bowling, swimming, rowing, jump rope, play tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, jumping jacks, lift weights, trampoline? To tone your tummy, do sit ups, push ups, pull ups, leg lifts, butt raises and crunches.For more energy, take Super B complex.

Other Answers:

  • Yes you are gonna lose weight. You can even eat a healthy dinner too

Is it possible to be 5months pregnant without any major signs?

I haven't had sex since April but I have some pregnancy symptoms like tiredness, weird feelings in my stomach, and breast tenderness. I've also experienced slight weight gain, an increase in appetite, and a jellylike substance coming from my vagina. Is it possible or what else could it be?Also, I have had very irregular periods. As in 2 light/spotting in the 5 months.

How to Get a Chihuahua to Lose Weight

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Yes, it is possible to be 5 months pregnant without any major signs.I'm 5 months pregnant ( 22 weeks 4 days) and have hardly any symptoms.Well exept for the growing stomach, my little boys strong kicks and tiredness.Saying that, throughout my whole pregnancy I've never had many symptoms. I never had morning sickness which was lucky.If you are 5 months pregnant, you've made it to the second trimester. I did a little research and these are some of the symptoms.Bad dreamsEmotional changesBreathlessnessSigns of lifeSpotting can be quite normal during pregnancy, but can sometimes mean something very serious..

Other Answers:

  • No. You did not mention the obvious...have you missed 5 periods? If you have had your period since you had sex, you are not pregnant. Pregnant women do not get periods. If you are concerned about discharge, speak with the gyn.
  • Yes I just found out I'm almost 5months Pregnant after having Sex for my first time on my 19th bday I didn't notice I didn't have morning sickness or anything like that but I did get those alike symptoms best way to find out take a pregnancy test good luck and congrats if you are
  • You could be the only way to know is to take a test good luck

How can I get lean and muscular at a cheap price please help!!!?

ok Im not fat or nothing but not that lean I have belly fat and no abs and I wana find a way to gain muscle and lose fat at a cheap price cause Im trying to save for a house. I was going to do the Kris Gethin 12 week program but the meals will be way to expensive just want some good options that are cheap and successful.

How to Manage to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

You shouldn't have to go on a special diet. Just eat healthy in general.As for working out, you can easily do routines at home by finding videos on Youtube or doing traditional stuff like planks, push ups, etc.I like Mike Chang's and Omari surf's videos.

How to lose weight without using drugs?

So I am about 125 lb. 5 feet. I am pretty thick and chubby. I want to lose weight but I don't know how to start. I know people use like dieting pills and stuff but I don't want to poop my butthole out. I want legit advice. Please help me. I'm like only 15 but I want at least a 4 pack or lose about 10-20 lb.I also eat rice everyday. Powerless daughter in the house. I'm not sure what to eat.

How to Help Your Family Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Honestly it's not easy, you have to have definite will power. It all comes down to eating less and exercising more. It doesn't have to be extreme but cut out all the sugary stuff and do things that get you more active. I like to dance and workout at the gym about 3 times a week, I do about 10minutes of jogging, then about 20minutes on the bike. It may seem like nothing is happening at first but stick with it and it will work, guaranteed. Stay strong, you can do it!!My own hard work.You can also watch this clip below about losing weight, I'm convinced It will aid you too since it also served me in losing weight. It is very efficient and very speedy result...

Other Answers:

  • Get cardiovascular exercise. In order to lose weight fast, you need to burn many more calories than you consume daily. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to torch calories. Choose a variety of different cardiovascular activities such as running, cycling, swimming, boxing, and aerobics. Aim for at least 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 5 to 6 times per week if you wish to lose weight quickly.Consume mini-meals throughout the day to boost your metabolism. When you don't eat for long periods of time, your metabolism shuts down to preserve energy. Keep your metabolism going all day by eating every 2 to 3 hours. Make sure you are eating smaller portions with these mini-meals.Tone muscles through weight-lifting exercises. Additional muscle tone will further boost your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories throughout the entire day. Focus on a different muscle group each day to get maximum benefits from your workout.Avoid sodium. Since sodium causes you to retain water, you can lose weight quickly if you avoid it altogether. Avoid processed foods--including microwavable meals--which are packed with sodium.Drink plenty of water. Water helps to flush toxins and waste from the body, aiding your weight loss plan. Drink in excess of 64 ounces of water daily.Eat a nutritious diet. Try to consume fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible. If possible, opt for organic foods that are free of chemical treatments. Your body will metabolize and digest natural foods more easily, aiding your weight loss process.

How to gain weight ? There my life is totally freaked soo please help?

im 19 and weight is only 52 kg height is 5.10 feet.please give me a diet chart to gain weight .i have a home gym.soo please

How to Help Your Dachshund Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

If you want to put on weight, you should work out, to insure that youput on muscle and not fat. Healthy weight gain, just like healthyweight loss, takes time and requires a conscious effort to apply goodhabits.Recommended Ways to Gain WeightHave meals with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and theright kinds of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fats,olive oil, canola oil, pistachios, almonds and walnuts). Heinemannsuggests the following ratio: 60%-70% carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein,and a small amount of fat.Eat foods higher in calories, vitamins, and minerals, as opposedto higher in fat or sugar. Pack more nutritious calories in eachserving. For example, you may add grated cooked eggs to mashedpotatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, cheese in casseroles,eggs, and soups, and nonfat dried milk in soups, shakes, milk, andmashed potatoes.If you get too full too fast, try having more high-calorie foods orslices of foods as opposed to consuming the whole thing (raisinsversus grapes, granola and Grape Nuts versus corn flakes, mango slicesversus the whole mango).Limit drinking beverages to a half-hour before and after a meal.Drink mixed juices (apple/berry, peach/orange/banana as opposed to onejuice beverages) for a higher calorie intake. With moderation, you mayadd in good fat sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, andfatty fish (salmon and mackerel).Snack in between meals. Nuts, dried fruits, and yogurtare good options, but it's also important to find nutritious foodsthat you will enjoy. Have a nutritious snack before bedtime, such as apeanut butter sandwich.

Other Answers:

  • smoke weed, its makes your metabolism faster and so you eat more.
  • 1.Eat and eat often. While everyone should abide by this rule, it is especially true for those who are trying to gain weight. Eating often means eating five to six small meals a day and packing in those nutrients.2.Eat the right kind of fats. You want a bigger, healthier looking body--not a thin frame with a bit of a paunch. Maximise the avocados, dairy products, nuts (including peanut butter), and meats; stay away from ice cream, fries and fatty junk foods.3.Go high-protein. Though it's a myth that protein builds muscle, it is an essential part of your diet.[2] It's a building block of our entire body: muscles, bones, skin, hair, and blood. Go for high-protein foods to fill up.4.Layer on the carbs. Though they get a bad rap, carbs, too, help build muscle and facilitate all of your vital functions. Carbs are your body's main source of energy. Complex carbs are fine; it's the simple ones you want to avoid. They contain empty calories and will most likely be stored as fat because the sugars enter your bloodstream quickly and cause a spike in blood sugar levels.5.Eat late at night. Without even upping your food intake, changing your eating times can facilitate the weight gaining process. Have a big dinner late at night and after that? Pile on dessert
  • To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

What do you consider "healthy foods"?

Just a question of others opinions and what people see as healthy & what they like to eat that is healthy.

The Best Way to Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

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I consider healthy food to be low-calorie food. HOWEVER, like the first person said...All food is healthy; the amounts we have are what matter. I lost over 100lbs (19 years old and went from 225 to 120, then gained muscle to 135) and while losing it, I really considered the health foods to be things low in calories. My biggest peeve was when people trying to lose weight would eat things like almonds, peanut butter, granola, dried fruit, etc. because it is stereotyped as "healthy"...little do they know that it is PACKED with calories and terrible for weight loss. Some of my favorite "healthy" and low calorie foods are apples with cinnamon and splenda, oatfit oatmeal, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, light english muffins, peaches, mushroom burgers, sandwich thins, fat free cheese, fat free greek yogurt, and tofu!

Other Answers:

  • All food is healthy.It is what we do to it and how much of it we eat that makes it unhealthy.But what I would consider healthy foods, all vegetables that are dark in color. In fact the darker the green in the leafy vegetables, the better for you.
  • Veggies, mostly green. Others tend to be more starchy.Fruits, but not too much. They contain natural sugars.Turkey and chicken. No skin or breading.Whole grains. No white bread, pasta etc ...Water?
  • Made by scratch at home from real ingredients. No #2 corn based stabilizers, no CAFO milk, eggs or meat. Generally local ingredients.
  • I think of healthy as having a food that's as nutritious for the serving, the better.In the course of a day everything needs to be balanced.There is no good or bad food, but better choices.If I eat bread, I try and have whole grain. But a biscuit every now and then is ok.I try and eat fresh fruit, but a piece of apple pie is ok every now and then.I had some baked sweet potato french fries with baked pork chop for dinner.But sometimes I have a baked potato with sour cream and butter.I have found that deprivation doesn't work. But the more I eat healthy, the otherfoods just don't appeal to me as much.Plus, I eat a variety of things. I look at what's in season when foods are freshest.

Is 37 too old to be able to run a full mile without stopping and also learn to swim?

Hello people, sorry for my stupid question but was hoping that someone could shed some light on my problems and struggles. First I'll tell you my body type then a little about what I'm wanting to do.I'm a 37 year old white male, 5 foot 10 at 150 pounds fully clothed! I've been at 150 for nearly 20 years so yeah I'm a small guy that can't gain weight if I wanted to! Ok so for a few weeks now I've been running everyday on my old middle school track. I drink lots of water and stretch out good before and after I run but at best I can only jog one lap before my body is killed! My chest gets so tight I can't breath and feels like my heart is going to explode out of my chest! So one lap is my max and I'm not improving at all! I can complete one mile = 4 laps when I jog the straights and walk the curves but that's it that is all my body has in it to give and it really upsets me!!!!Ok now as for the swimming part that is something I have struggled with my whole life! I have tried on and off to learn how to swim since the early 80s! Yes you read right the EARLY 80s!!!! And I cannot freaken do it at all if my life depended on it!!!! I sink like I'm made of rock no matter what I do!!!! I can't even start to float even when I take in every ounce of air I can I will still sink right to the bottom and can lay flat on the bottom of the pool! I can hold my breath for two full minutes and on a good day two and a half, I have practiced that for sometime. But I do want to make changes in my life I'm tired of being the small skinny non athletic guy that can't even get a date because no woman ever finds me physically attractive enough!!!! I want to start a new road towards an all new me! I want some muscle definition some upper body bulk be able to run a full mile and be able to freaken swim like everyone else I know!!!! And to be able to take part in and enjoy summer activities in and around the water and get over this fear of the water I've had to live with for all my life because I can't swim and would drown right away if I was to ever get in it!!!! Anyway if anyone has any tips, advice or ideaa please tell me ok? Or would you say I'm just to old and by genetics not athletic enough to physically ever be able to do any of this????

How to Lose Weight With Insulin Resistance

Recommended Answer:

any heathy adult should be able to jog more than 400 meters. what you are saying about your heart is a big red flag you should see a dr because im worried that you have a serious heart problem the symptoms you discrived sound like a heart attack you should see an md not yahoo answers

Other Answers:

  • Getting ready for a hunting trip to the mountains I started running and walking 2 miles 5 days a week . I would run till I was tired and walked till I could catch my breath, then take off running again . I would finish the 2 miles every time . At first it was lots of walking and a little running . Before it was over I could run the full 2 miles . It took a very long time . The rabbits got so use to me that they just hopped out of the trail when they saw me coming .As for swimming I was taught to swim by living my face in the water and holding my breath till I got the stroke down a little . Then I learned to turn my body and face to take a breath . Good luck and good for you .
  • Ok so if you can only go 1 lap today push your self to go maybe 200 feet more each day as for the swimming I highly suggest a local masters program they have all levels of swimmers don't feel intimidated to join and watch how fast you improve even if you go just three days a week.
  • I'm closer to 50 than 40 and I can run much more than a mile (though I don't enjoy running) and I can swim several miles, and there are folks on my master's swim team who are double my age... so age isn't the factor here. Firstly, you should go to a doctor and have a physical before you embark on an exercize program. Tell your doctor your experience with running and have them run tests to make sure your heart and lungs are in good order.Once you get the go ahead.. yes.. when I start running I usually start with an easy 3.5 miles and my lungs hurt like crazy and my heart is pumping and I feel miserable.. and despite that, I keep running and sometimes I just feel like I'm going to throw up. The next day I feel pretty miserable too, but just a little less miserable..and it goes on like that until it becomes not so miserable and borders on enjoyable. I'm not a runner and have never grown to "love" running... but if you keep at it you will get in shape.. but it might be that running isn't for you out the gate. Maybe you want to start indoor cardio workouts on a treadmill or an elliptical. In terms of swimming, go to a YMCA and enroll in some one-on-one swim lessons with a good instructor. Your fear is probably making you rigid in the water and you're less able to get your body into positions where you can relax and float. A good instructor can work with you in relatively shallow water, teach you techniques, build your confidence and get you water safe.

How to lose weight? Fast ish?

As fast as possible without like dying. I'm 13 and no one tell me that I'm not fat because you haven't even seen me. And I just don't feel pretty. I have a pretty face and hair and eyes, and I would think I was pretty over all if I wasn't so fat. Detailed answers please. I've always been the fat kid and I hate it.

How to Lose Weight Properly

Recommended Answer:

I was always a "chubby" kid too. When I got older, I went on the Atkins diet at the suggestion of a doctor. Atkins works if you want fast and healthy, but it requires a bit of work (meal preparation because you can't eat stuff that's already prepared/frozen, etc.) and changes to the grocery list. Basically you give up carbohydrates, including breads, sugar, rice, pasta, fruit, etc. and only eat meat, veggies, eggs, and cheese for the first two weeks...but you can eat as much as you want so you never feel hungry. All of your carbohydrates will come from vegetables which are healthy, not starchy ones like potatoes, carrots and corn. After the 2 week induction phase you move on to the next phase. You can read about it on the Atkins website.However, at your age, unless you are seriously obese, you might just benefit from trying to eat fewer simple sugars and refined carbohydrates. Soda, juice, chips, cookies, crackers, fruit snacks, junk food, fast food, and everything like it aren't doing you any favors. You may also benefit from reducing your calorie intake (or portion size, if you're not able to determine the calories), or by starting to exercise, or both. Either way, I would suggest that you learn about food, health and diet and get yourself started on a healthy lifestyle now, as it will be easier to maintain than if you were to start at an older age. Good luck to you.

Other Answers:

  • Aww I'm sorry about that. Just eat a good diet. Fruits, vegetables. Within one month, I've lost 20lbs from walking my neighborhood for an hour and playing Wii Fit, also eating 3 meals a day and chewing slowly. Losing 20lbs in one month is crazy (I think) especially for a 13-year-old like myself. Well I was, now I'm 14. You can do it!

How to lose weight fast, like in 2 weeks?

So Ive been on a diet and working out an hour a day.We have a family reunion coming up in two weeks and Im not exactly where I want to be, so is there anything I can do to help shed the pounds?

How to Lose Weight By Eating Fruits

Recommended Answer:

Anything that you lose within 2 weeks probably won't be visible, and will be gained right back if you don't keep up with the exercise that you did to lose the weight in the first place.

Other Answers:

  • eat lots of little meals throughout the day (instead of 2 or 3 large meals) to keep your metabolism up, keep exercising, get a full night's sleep. anything excessive would be unhealthy and you dont want to sacrifice health for weight loss, so just keep doing what youre doing :)
  • Diet Program To Lose CaloriesI have found This Diet Program , that is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. It will improve your emotions because of its cleansing effects. After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burns more calories than they give to the body in caloric value, but is completely nutritional and gives all vitamins, elements, etc. as required. This plan can be used as often as u like however it is suggested that you rest for a week between each repetition.YOU MUST ABSTAIN FROM ALL ALCOHOL. YOU MUST DRINK 10 GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAY DAY ONE - All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons on the first day. Especially watermelon . If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing a lot of weight on the first day are very good. DAY TWO - All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large boiled potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter. DAY THREE - A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today. DAY FOUR - Bananas and milk. Today you eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the vegetable soup, which may be eaten in limited quantities. DAY FIVE - Today is a feast day. You will eat sprouts and paneer and tomatoes. Eat 280 grams of sprouts and paneer. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing. DAY SIX - Sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Eat to your heart's content. DAY SEVEN - Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.Vegetables can be taken in the form of salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic and herbs. No more than one teaspoon of oil. Do keep way from beans (Lima, Pinto, kidney.) because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you. BEVERAGES YOU MAY CONSUME WHILE ON THE PROGRAMMEWater flavored with lemon or lime if desired. Plain soda Black coffee, No cream or cream substitute, No sugar or sweeteners. Black tea. No fruit juices before Day 7. HOW AND WHY IT WORKSDAY ONE - You are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Your only source of nutrition is fresh fruits. Fruits are nature's perfect food. They provide everything that you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety. DAY TWO - It starts with a fix of complex carbohydrates coupled with an oil does. This taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of Day 2 consists of vegetables, which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fiber. DAY THREE - Day 3 eliminates the potato because you are getting your calories from the fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning the excess pounds. You will still get cravings, which will diminish by Day 4. DAY FOUR - Bananas, milk and soup sound like the least desirable and strangest diet. You are in for a surprise. You will probably not eat all the bananas that you are allowed. But they are there for the potassium you will have lost and the Sodium that you may have missed during the last 3 days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easily this day will go. DAY FIVE - Sprouts and tomatoes. The sprouts are for iron and protein. The tomatoes are for digestion and fiber. Lots and lots of water purity your system. You should notice colorless urine today. You must eat 6 tomatoes. DAY SIX - Day 6 is similar to Day 5. Iron and proteins from sprouts, vitamins and fiber iron vegetables. By now your system is a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look from Day 1. DAY SEVEN - Day 7 finishes of the program . Except it is much healthier. You have your system under control. :)
  • the potato diet here.

Am I fat? or thick? Honest answers?

Okay I am 19 year old. I am 5ft 8 and half I have a large frame I did this thing where you put your fingers around your wrist or something lol I am 234 pounds were size 14 but can fit 13 and 15 depending on the brand or store.and Wear M shirts and L depending on the shirt because I have big boobs size 42 D My belly isn't that bad i don't think i mean i can grab it but it doesn't hang or anything um I also wear size 11 in women's shoe If that counts I WAS much heavier 2 years ago I was 288 at my heavyset I also was in foster care but since ive been 19 ive lost a a lot lol Honest Answers please? I used this also I know what my BMI says but your BMI does not count My large body frame this Link says Im overweight by 46 pounds not obeseI can't be 100% obese I cant even grab much fat anywhere On my body I asked for Honest Answers not rude ones at-lest make them True I can only grab a little on my legs and arms and some on my belly I know Im bigger but I also know Im not huge do you know how much boobs weigh lol and having a large frame is possible without being huge jeezDoes anyone read :( I did it on that sit and it says over weight not obese I have a large Frame Im about to go takes pictures lolSalor I understand where your coming from Im not saying you were rude that other guy was. I have been working really hard to lose weight but between Collage and playing bills its hard to find time I was on my own at 18 Im not a needy little twat I have what i have beacuse I own it I even OWN my home with a title and im 19 now. I know health is Important but I dont know what else to try to bring my BMI down to where it needs to be the bmi seems a little unfair beacuse i would look think and lanky at the weight they want be to be I do want to lose about 30 pounds though

How to Create a Meal Plan to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

I think your thick. But going on a diet never hurt anyone right? Just don't over do it. it Americas guidelines are stupid. Just make healthy eating habits and exercise as often as you can but don't strain yourself your not gonna die from being a little overweight. You people make being obese is one of the worst things someone could be. Just make some better choices hun eating healthy foods will make you feel better too and drink a lot water when you exercise then have some fresh fruit pineapple is really yummy to me :P . Cheers

Other Answers:

  • Your BMI is 35.6A normal BMI is between 18-25.Anything over 30 is considered obese.So, according to your BMI, you're obese, not just fat.Edit- It's BMI that matters more- Body Mass Index. You may not LOOK obese, but because of your height and weight ratio and your BMI number, you are considered obese. We're not being mean- you just asked a question and we're giving you an answer. If you didn't want your feelings hurt, don't ask the question! And you said in the title "HONEST ANSWERS".
  • If you're 5ft 8 and 234 lbs you're fat. Extremely fat, 100% obese to be honest. You aren't large because you think you have a large frame, you have a large frame because you're fat. For reference, a 234 lb male at that height is either fat or on steroids because that's huge.
  • You know what? do not please society, if you feel good about yourself then AWESOME. If you prefer to watch tv all day and eat rice and cakes PERFECT. That's YOU. Yes, eating vegetables, fruit, protein, doing exercise is the reason why you have legs, arms, a body. But do what you want to do; it's your life and it's up to you to chose how to live it. If you think you should lose weight, then lose it. If you want to gain weight then gain weight. But at the end of the day, your health is important; do whatever you want to do, but having a low body fat percentage (BF%) is better than having a high % . It feels great to be able to run and not get tired at the first 30 seconds. But everyone chooses to live different.
  • Your BMI is 35.6Sorry to break the news but you are obese.

Is it bad to drop weight all of a sudden?

I'm a decently skinny, 5"4, 14 year old who has been working out for cheer. I would think I would gain a little because of muscle but I dropped weight in 2 days. I used to be 115 now im 101. That 14lbs!! Is this normal for a teenage girl?

How to Lose Weight With a Six Week Program

Recommended Answer:

That happens to me all the time. I can gain weight and lose it all in a week. It all depends on your biology.

Other Answers:

  • i dont think so
  • It is not good to lose weight all of a sudden. Better to concentrate on energy rich food lest you will feel damn tired and fatigue.

What's a fast way to lose weight, yet not cut out meat?

I'm trying to lose weight in a quick way, but I'm not ready to cut the meat. I hate white meat, so I only like red meat. I also wont go on an all 'vegan' diet, for we don't have many only vegan stuff in the house. {My family LOVES meat and that stuff}

How to Lose Weight By Eating Fruits

Recommended Answer:

okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess fat and lose weight ,,,,,do as follows: Stop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly) eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a slow cooker /food steamer & rice/pasta cooker to make it easy on you)...(vegetables might not seem "tasty", like junk foods,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)...avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc...and drink mainly water (green tea , juice & milk being the other options you drink). If you eat meat ,,use only steamed, baking or grilled methods for preparing fish or chicken. also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise. * you should lose about 10 lbs per month ** for a very quick, healthy "snack"..try eating French Vanilla or Natural Plain yogurt with honey mixed in with can even add nuts to it. It is a famous thing to eat in Greece. ***also learn how to make "huumus" (look online for very easy recipe) fills you up and is very low in calories and is very tasty.

Other Answers:

  • try diet pills! if you're really desperate to lose weight, you can always try those water-weight pills, but those aren't very good for you lolor you could just take laxatives
  • Forget about a fast way, there isn't one. So you set yourself up for disappointment right off by thinking otherwise. You don't have to cut meats from your diet, just watch your portion sizes and your diet as a whole. You need a diet that focuses on eating quality foods and something you can maintain for the long-term. It shouldn't be too hard, or the brain will resist the habit. Just keep working to improve your diet, learning more about the real nutritional value of foods once in your system the "Nutritional Facts" label is what happens in laboratory conditions, not how they play out in the body. Extra info- The Most Important Thing You Must Understand is you need to keep your program ENJOYABLE! If your brain finds it too painful, no matter how strongly your mind is committed to working the program, eventually, (usually less than 6 weeks) your brain will make you quit! It won't tolerate pain. At the same time it's so very important that you allow your body and brain time to adjust to your new training. From tendons being stretched to complicated metabolic issues, to learning proper form, pace and routines and much more your brain and body need at least 6-8 weeks of taking it easy so it can keep you going strong! Don't give much credit to the scale when first starting, it's normal to retain more fluids, it's your body's way of being ready for the next workout. Don't micro-manage your calories either. Sensible wholesome meals, the quality of the calories are more important than the quantity. Your diet should be ENJOYABLE too, and something you can develop and maintain as a habit. Workout at your own pace, which in the beginning should be slower, focus more on how you move ( your form) as it's important to how your body will shape up and that you don't get injured. Just about any exercise is good and will work, walking, jogging, running, cycling but my favorite and number one choice for losing or gaining weight is weightlifting aka bodybuilding. If your a girl, don't worry that you'll get manly muscles, the average steroid-free female builds only a small amount of muscle each year. But that muscle is awesome! Because not only does it burn calories while your working and using them, and while they are repairing and replenishing themselves, but 24/ 7 they consume calories just to stay alive! Just try not to miss a single day of working out for the first 6 months without a real good reason, otherwise slacking off can become the habit. Other than taking your two scheduled days off per week. Rest is important, so get to bed at a decent time as well. Make sure you drink plenty of water everyday. Learn to drink water warm, so you can have it anytime/anywhere. Other than keeping it sensible and enjoyable, remember all the benefits you'll get from exercising and a decent diet. You'll sleep better, have better energy, breathing, moods, concentration, endurance, strength, self-confidence, and so much more. It's really the closest thing to magical powers each human has, so don't miss out! 45-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week is ideal, but by all means start with less if need be, again keeping it enjoyable is everything! One other piece of advice in this, and that's don't do situps! They don't work the muscle properly so growth is very doubtful, and they risk lower back and hernia injuries. If you must, which most ppl don't, do crunches. Most ppl don't need to worry about their abs, they are small muscles that do alot of work already, every time you move your upper body they work, as well as working during many of your other movements, so if your working your body they are getting theirs. The diet industry has hyped up abs so much, because they know most ppl will fail, because they are too painful and produce little to no results, which they hope will lead people to buying their junk products ( it's working, they've been doing it a long time and making a fortune!). Remember the only thing your belly fat and abs have in common is location, other than that, they have nothing to do with one another, so don't burn yourself out working your abs,when it's your whole body that needs the workout and will produce the results you want. Realize your health is one of, if not THE most important things you will ever have in this life, it will be a huge factor in deciding how this life plays out for you. Don't under-estimate it.
  • 1.Keep your own personal food diary. People who keep food diaries, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat.2.Have a balanced diet. That means your diet should include appropriate amounts of food from all the food groups.3.Avoid skipping meals. The same study found that people who ate at least 3 meals per day lost more weight than people who didn't. The scientists speculate that people who skip meals either overeat at their next meals because they're so hungry, or their bodies absorb more calories because they're in starvation mode from skipping meals.4.Eat food from home. Sure, going out for a power lunch helps you to see and be seen, but researchers find that people who eat fewer meals from restaurants tend to lose more weight.

Does all soda make you gain weight?

I was woundering if certain sodas make you gain more weight than other types of soda or do they all just effect you the same way. If so what type of sodas make you gain the most weight. Thanks

How to Lose Weight Fast for Teens

Recommended Answer:

That's a good question.Sodas have a lot of calories from sugar. You gain weight when you take in more calories than you burn.If you limit yourself to one soda and are very physically active then you won't gain weight.Diet sodas have no calories, but some studies have shown that drinking diet sodas makes people crave real sugar.

Other Answers:

  • All sodas will make you gain weight because of the sugar in them. But diet soda would probably be better.
  • Yes of course they can they are high in caffeine also.
  • Soda of most kinds help you gain weight. Try M10 found at Safeway on the shelf. many different flavors. Just squirt as much as you like in water to taste and enjoy, No sugar or carbonation. Just plain non fattening enjoyment, close lid stick it in your pocket for later. Mike

How to cook paneer quickly in microwave while retaining its nutrition?

I am an 18 year old guy and I don't know much about cooking. I just got braces so my karate coach advised me to eat paneer (cottage cheese is it?) so I don't lose weight. But someone also told me that if I cook it too much it'll lose its nutrition.Now I am only skilled enough to operate a microwave, so I what I do is I cut 100 grams of it into cubes and put it into a glass bowl with some butter, I microwave it for about 1 minute and then sprinkle some salt on it. It doesn't taste great but doesn't taste bad either (tastes a little better with ketchup).Now I wanted to know a quick method which I can use to eat it while still liking the taste and keeping enough of its nutrition. Also if anyone could tell me what is the right amount of time I should cook it for in microwave (900 watts) that would be great.

How to Take Metformin Weight Loss

Recommended Answer:

First, microwaving isn't a problem. The problem is anytime (any) foods are subjected to high heat from any source, especially if not quickly, which can mess with vitamins and/or create new "bad" compounds.So if you're basically heating the paneer with other sauces or ingredients just enough to warm it up, even on high that shouldn't be a problem since it won't be long.As for losing weight while exercising heavily and/or working out and also new to braces, there are many "soft" foods that contain protein--not just paneer. I'm assuming you are vegetarian too since your coach suggested a dairy product (foods made from milk) or something like eggs. If you are a vegetarian, you could certainly also get your protein from yogurt, hard cheeses, milk, cottage cheese, etc...or even eggs and soft meats like chicken and fish.You could also use some of the protein powders sold at health food stores (or Whole Foods/Sprouts/etc) or online, and put them into soft foods or drinks you consume.Here are some recipes specifically for paneer though, reheated in a microwave: here's some advice on eating in general when new to braces (or for a day or two after getting them tightened later): all the sources for protein in foods:

Other Answers:

  • I don't know what paneer is, but if you are really concerned about nutritional benefits, learning how to use a pot on the stove top or toaster oven is a much better option than microwaves, which strip food of their nutritional value so fast by "nuking" with radiation to heat it- agitating the molecules and reversing their charge from negative to positive 1000x per second that your food is in there. Now explain to me how that can possibly be good for your health and inside your body!?The Nutritional Effects of Microwave Ovens by Dr. Carolyn MeinsA Simple Demonstration What are the effects on your body of consuming microwaved foods and beverages? A very simple experiment involving water and plants readily shows that microwaved water is radically altered compared to other water. The pictures below are from a science fair project. The experiment begins with two small, identical plants. The water for plant 1 is microwaved, and the water for plant 2 is boiled. Once cooled, this water is used exclusively for their respective plants. As seen in the images below, (see link) within days it is clear that the plant being watered with only microwaved water is rapidly dying. Why? The way that microwave ovens heat food is by using dielectric heating – using microwave radiation to heat polarized molecules in the food. This heating method chemically alters the nutrients in food. For example, heating food with microwaves converts vitamin B12 from the active to inactive state, making in unusable by a human body. When the body cannot recognize the nutrients in consumed food, it wraps the unknown substance in fat cells for self-protection if it cannot quickly eliminate it. Based upon Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies the following findings are startling effects on the human body from ingesting microwaved foods and beverages:1.Continually eating microwaved food causes long-term brain damage by shorting out electrical impulses, de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue2.The human body cannot metabolize the unrecognizable by-product in food created by microwaving3.Continually eating microwaved food shuts down male and female hormone production4.The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual and long-term within the human body5.Minerals, vitamins and nutrients in food are altered by microwave ovens, so that the body gets little or no nutritional benefit, and the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be digested6.The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens7.Microwaved foods can cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths, which may help explain the rapidly increasing rate of colon cancer in the USA (microwave achieved mainstream popularity in the mid-1970's)8.Prolonged consumption of microwaved foods can cause cancerous cells to increase in human blood9.Continual ingestion of microwaved foods causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations10.Eating microwaved food can cause brain effects including loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence You are probably much more capable than you think of learning how to use a stove top at your age. Work with low-med temperature settings and stir your food often so as to not burn your food. Also check it for taste as you slowly add your spices and check with your finger or spoon for the right temperature. Learn some skills. Practice is the only way. Food tastes way better and is healthier heated and cooked on the stove than in the microwave. Best of luck to you on your cooking journey!
  • Paneer is edible without any more cooking. When it is fried in oil with spices that makes it even better, but it is actually unnecessary. Why do you need to eat soft cheeses? Because of your braces? It won't be a week before you are back on your usual diet. Don't worry so much.
  • I don't know what paneer is.Cottage cheese doesn't need to be cooked.

Any tips for losing weight?

I want to be a healthier me and all that other good stuff but I honestly have no motivation and I have recently decided to at least start somewhere but I don't know where to start I heard about the paleo diet and other similar diets plans...basically I just need suggestions of things that other people have tried so I can see if they'll work for me, I would like something that I could continue after I've lost my desired amount of weight. I am in college so I don't have a ton of extra money to spend or free time.

How to Lose Weight Eating Every 2 Hours

Recommended Answer:

For weight loss, dieting is more effective than exercise. Reducing your intake of junk sugar will help. The natural sugars in fruits are OK as they are metabolised to glucose slowly due to their high fiber content. Fruits are low in calories and are not fattening. Most fruits and vegetables are metabolism boosting foods and that helps for weight loss.

Other Answers:

  • Exercise is the best way I exercise daily and take skinne drinks I've lost 67lbs so far and has been amazing if you want more info feel free to email me i won't post here due to being flagged every time i do just trying to help when someone has asked :(
  • here are some good tips for ya
  • Eat Less Fat and SugarThis will help you cut calories. Fried foods and fatty desserts can quickly use up a day's calories. And these foods may not provide the other nutrients you need.Make sure your other foods that day are low in fat and calories.Eat a Wide Variety Of FoodsVariety in the diet helps you get all the vitamins and other nutrients you need.

Why am I gaining weight so rapidly for this pregnancy?

This is my second pregnancy, I am only about 5-6 weeks along. In the past 3 weeks I have gained just about 4 pounds! Is this normal? My pregnancy with my son was completely different. I didn't gain until about 24 weeks.

How to Lose Weight With the Master Cleanse

Recommended Answer:

it could be you hadn't the extra fluff a baby needs to get comfy. Don't worry about it. Eat lots of healthy snacks, drink plenty of water, and get some sleep. If you're anything like I was, you're probably exhausted. If you can, try to do a little walking, but don't beat yourself up if you can't manage it. For the first three weeks after I found out, I was lucky if I got dressed, I was so tired. Just watch your sugary drinks (they can make your throat dry in the morning) and the salt (it does not help the swelling, but if you must have Cheetos, as I did, compensate by drinking a bottle of water. Congrats Mama!

Other Answers:

  • Weight gain is normal during any pregnancy though the speed and amount of weight differs by person. Please answer mine?;_ylt=AvaWh0u1z5sCT00LCI.B9g7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130915175839AAtEQfZ

I believe my Thyroid is not "normal" but my doctor says it is. What should I do?

My grandmother, aunt, mother, and sister all have a thyroid problem. I went to the doctor about 2 years ago and was told it was fine. The next year I got it checked I was "normal". This past summer I moved to the east coast and saw a doctor and was told it was terrible. I began taking medication for it and was doing better. I moved back to the mid-west and I was getting low on medication for it so I went to visit the doctor. She tested my thyroid (And yes I had taken the medication that day.) and told me it was "normal" and wouldn't give me anything for it. So for the past 10 moths I haven't taken anything.One day I go into the emergency room for a head injury and the nurse walks in looks at me and says, " When was the last time you had your thyroid checked?" I wasn't sure why she was asking, but she said it seemed like it wasn't normal. My hair was thin and my skin was dry and I had gained weight compared to the last time I had been there.Maybe it was something I wasn't doing right, so I began exercising way more than before. (14+ hours more than before/per week) I ate regular balanced meals (compared to before which was hardly anything). I've taken vitamins. I use all skincare products with vitamin E in it. I am trying so hard. My goodness. but it's not helping whatsoever.In the past 2 months I've gained 20 pounds. My skin is extremely dry and I have to put on lotion ever 2 hours. My hair is still thin and falls out easily when I'm in the shower. My sleeping patterns have been ridiculous. I sleep 10 hours and still feel tired all day. I can't sleep right at night anymore. (I have Major Depression Disorder and Seasonal Depression Disorder.) Lately I've felt it getting worse as in I can't pull myself out of it for days. And my anxiety is so bad I won't leave the house and I won't talk to anyone and I won't let anyone come over.I'm going to make an appointment with our family doctor, but I'm afraid she'll do the test say I'm "normal" and tell me I'm just depressed and it's just hormones. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

How Does Counting Calories Help With Weight Loss?

Recommended Answer:

stop wasting your time with people who know nothing of the cause or how to correct it. you have a thyroid problem, no question about it. thyroid trouble is the most common cause of depression as well. often medical tests fail to find the thyroid problem, but even if they do, they can't correct the cause, they are generally clueless as to what it is. it is usually nerve interference from upper neck misalignment. see an hio method chiropractor.

Other Answers:

  • You shouldn't just visit a normal doctor you should visit a specialized doctor. For your condition I would visit an endocrinologist, they would know more an specialize In your thyroid gland and can give you more answers. It seems that you might have hyperthyroidism which means over secretion of hormones in the the thyroid gland, so it would be best to make a visit with an endocrinologist, I hope it all goes well!
  • I do know of one holistic health person who will work with you on thyroid. Her website focuses on gallbladder dysfunction but she works with more than that:
  • When you were last tested, did they know you had taken medication that day?My results are always in the normal range if my medication is at the correct dosage.If my medication is at the incorrect dosage (too much or too little) the that shows in my results.
  • If you had your thyroid tested on the day that you took medication to make it function within normal limits then of course your test results will look normal. If you are unsure about seeing your family physician, try going to a walk in clinic instead, at least you will get a second opinion. Also, ask your doc (over the phone) if you should take your medication before coming in to see him/her. When you see a doctor, be sure to explain all of this to them...if possible, request your medical records from the east cost doctor you went to see (they can fax it to your current doctor). the more info that your doctor has the better!!
  • I have hypothyroidism and Hashimotos Thyroiditis. Different doctors have different theories on this, but the general consensus and some studies show it is best to test first thing in the morning (8am-9/9:30am) before taking any thyroid meds. TSH is highest from midnight/ overnight on, so you want to make sure you're getting tested first thing in the AM, not in the afternoon. Be consistent in your testing time also. Please go to this page: is so much information about thyroid disease. I have learned so much from that page!Keep going to different doctors until you find one that will listen to you!
  • Your dr takes your blood. She doesn't test it. You also have to fast for 12 hours before the test to show accurately.

So I recently decided I wanted to lose weight but?

I'm not sure what I have to eat. I'm working out maybe 5-6 days a week by walking on a treadmill at around 3 mph. I plan to progressively go faster as I lose weight.I've been eating what I usually eat. Stuff like cereal and pizza and pasta but in very limited portions. I weigh 169, but I plan to weigh 120. I worked out for the last week and lost six pounds. Should I keep eating that way, because I don't want to lose eating the stuff I love to eat! I'm eating around 1500 calories a day, when I used to eat maybe 2500 calories. Am I doing it right? If not, what should I eat?

How to Lose Weight Like Tyra Banks

Recommended Answer:

calories in calories out, as long you are in a caloric deficit, you will lose weight.try to find what your intake is to maintain weight. from then, decrease that amount by roughly 300 calories .its not easy but if you stick to it, you will make progress.6 pounds in a week is a big jump in losing weight but once you get down to 130-140, dont expect to lose that much because fat burns more faster when there is a larger amount.youre doing great.

Other Answers:

  • You should eat fruits and veggies with every meal. Also have something with protein. Quit eating pasta and pizza all the time, only about once a week. Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.

Can I loose weight consuming just protein shakes and fruit?

The homecoming dance is in a month and I would like to loose 10 pounds. I work out twice a day 5 to 6 days a week. I drink an all natural vegan vegetarian protein shake. If I loose weight, will it be water weight or fat? I'd like to loose fat and build a little muscle. I'd also like to know if I'll keep the weight off once I get back to normal eating (not a lot of junk food though) and continue to work out. I don't want to gain the weight back. I'd like to continue loosing weight even after the dance.

How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau

Recommended Answer:

Well, proteins can cause you to gain weight if you eat/drink to much of it. And apples consist of sugars as well so don't take in too much fruits or any sweet sugary drinks that consist of pure cane sugar. You can eat or drink fruit and protein just in moderation. Drink lots of water to keep you full so you don't eat too much if you wanna drop some.

Other Answers:

  • It should cause some weight loss: some fat and some water.Keeping the weight off depends not just on junk food but refined foods and amount of fat.... since those things are why junk food makes you put on fat.Keep the protein powder under 30 grams a day. You can eat all the fruit you want as long as the diet's low in fat - because the problem with carbs is Fat (they get in each other's way)

Im 17 years old and am looking to go on a diet and excercise program, suggestions?

I'm a senior in hs and weigh 270 lbs and im about 5'11.I'm really fat and though I play football, I am really insecure about my body. I have man boobs (pleas no jokes) and needs advice to burn fat and develop muscle. Please help.

How to Use Chewing Gum to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

Diet is the most important factor of weight loss. You could be working out hours daily, but without adequate nutrition, your body will not shed fat.Consider cutting out a majority of processed and fast foods. Eliminating sodas, white flour/rice/pastas, candy, fried foods, chips, and cake will not only help you lose weight but help your body in the long run. Eat wholesome, natural foods from the major macronutrient categories:Carbohydrates: ex. sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatsProteins: ex. chicken breasts, lean cuts of beef, beans, greek yogurtFats: ex. salmon, avocado, peanut butter, flaxseedsFiber: ex. broccoli, collard greens, fruits, vegetablesTry to eat a balance- don't go cutting out all the carbs or fats- your body needs each of these despite what the media may tell you.If dieting is new to you and this all seems too much, consider taking it slow- make a list of healthy, processed foods you enjoy eating. Make another list of not so healthy foods you love. Eat 80% from the healthy side, 20% from the other. This way you am enjoy in moderation.As for exercise, it's more important to do something you like and stick with it than doing the exercise that 'burns the most calories'. Consider working out in the gym- incorporate compound movements to build strength like squats, deadlifts, and benching. It will help you out in the field too. However, if that's not your thing, consider walking outside, biking, soccer, or as you already mentioned, football. As long as you keep it consistent and are enjoying it, you will reap the benefits.Overall, the most important piece of advice I can give you is to stay educated. Read articles and books, watch documentaries and videos, visit websites on these topics. Don't let the media convince you what is healthy (special K is not. neither is 'zero calorie' soda). Read your food labels and stay away from something you can't pronounce.

How do I lose 60 pounds without losing motivation?

Hi im a 15 year old girl really struggling with self image problems and I have been trying to lose weight for a long time but I always lose motivation and hope because everyone in my family is overweight. Anyways, I wanna go from 178 to 125 or even 130, I just want to be smaller. My parents don't ever really let me outside, like ever, and I never have the energy to work out. My questions are how do I get more energy to do things and what can I do to help my motivation issues and actually go through with this and not quit?

How to Lose Weight Quickly for Women Over 40

Recommended Answer:

Losing that much weight in someone so young is not straight forward and will require medical/dietetic supervision. Even in adults the average weight loss is only 9-15lbs a year, so this is a long term lifestyle issue, requiring both an appropriate diet and very regular vigorous exercise. Without finding a way to motivate yourself it is not going to happen.

Other Answers:

  • there's a difference between energy and willpower. you don't have willpower. you have lots of energy to use. fat is stored energy and we both know you have plenty. and it's really up to you to motivate yourself. you're the one losing the weight so it's you that decides when to give up and keep feeling bad about yourself
  • When you start working out, your body will want to be lazy. The human body loves habits and doesn't like change. Some people say to set small goals, but you need to find what works for you. Personally i am lazy as heck. If I set a small goal i just peg it as unimportant and give up trying. I have to set BIG goals and work hard to get anywhere. When I started losing weight it was NO soda, NO fast food, run 7 days a week, drink at least 5 cups of water (personal cup i use at work, not sure on the size) while at work and 1 liter at home. so far I am on week 3 and doing fine with it. Lost some weight but I didn't weigh myself. I know how I feel and THAT is important to me. If i see no change after the first week I would have stopped and that is not ok. It takes time to build up the right habits and get momentum.Not sure how that applies to you, but I hope you find the right motivation to go forward.Remember if it is what you want, then take it! Only thing holding you back is yourself. I hope I can help to motivate you a little bit. I was 235-245lbs (old scale, not sure if accurate). I know the first week was the toughest for me. After week 2 started I knew exactly what to expect so it was easier. The hardest part during that first week was actually starting the exercise. I would set a time to work out and then stall with things like "let me get the right music to run" or "let me finish this episode of this show".You will have to change your diet though, that is for sure!
  • I had the same problem as well. My dad doesn't give a crap about his weight and I can see how hard it is when there are people in the family that try shoving food in your face. First things first, you need to know this is going to take a lot of time. You're not going to lose 60 pounds in just a month. Though, before you exercise, you need to get in to how your diet is. Your parents might not eat very healthy, so next time when you go to the grocery store, get these diet meals. They are in the frozen section of course... I get the Crusine meals. Their pepperoni pizzas are the best in my opinion. Try not to fall off the wagon by watching your parents eat other fatty foods. If you see it, then leave the room so you don't have to think about it or maybe ask them if they can do the diet with you, but they probably will deny. The food you eat is VERY important. Your diet and exercise play the two biggest roles in losing weight. See, if you exercise, but eat chocolate chips cookies, chips, donuts, etc. then you won't lose weight, you probably will just remain the same weight or gain a little. So, diet is key.After you get a good diet down, get in to exercising. It may be hard at first, but take baby steps. Gradually get your way up to a really nice work out. When you exercise, the next day you will be sore, so don't get worried. As you said you don't have energy, eating a bad diet will make you have little energy also not getting enough sleep. So, remember, diet and try to get at least 8-9 hours of sleep daily. Try doing simple things such as doing crunches, push ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, etc. in your room, anywhere for that mater. After that, maybe you could as your parents if you could get a membership from a near by gym? And if not, maybe your school has a weight lifting center. My school lets us stay after school hours to do that kind of stuff. You could always check and see. If none if that is available, then try something simple... Jogging. Jogging REALLY helps losing weight. Like I said before, try baby steps. Jog outside around your block, around your house, it doesn't matter. You don't need your parent's permission to walk outside, so there you go. Try testing yourself by pushing your self to the limit. Maybe you could set yourself on timing. Try jogging for 2 minutes. If you can go further, do 3. Further? Do 4. Just keep jogging until you pushed as hard as you can. After you figured out your time, try to jog for that certain amount of time every day or every other day. Then, just walk for about 5 minutes, and then jog 2 more times. That would REALLY help. After about 2 weeks, test yourself again because your endurance probably improved!Motivation... Internet always worked for me! Sign up for a diet/fitness website. I have an account on and it helps! Also, maybe you could get one of your friends to encourage you? That would be very helpful. You could also see before and after pictures of weight loss online, I'm not sure why, but it makes me become extremely motivated. Just keep going and ignore whatever your family is eating because they aren't the ones that are going to have a sexy body.Buy a scale if you don't have one and weigh yourself every week or every other week. The first few weeks of you dieting, you will lose a dramatic amount of weight, but after about a month or so, you'll start to only lose to about 1-3 pounds a week. Try setting goals on how long you jog, how many calories you eat, etc. That can make you become more motivated to just think about that.Anyway, I really hope you become the weight you want! Just never give up and never let anyone tell you you can't do anything. Good luck! :)
  • Well whenever I am low on energy I just make sure I eat enough and sleep enough. I go to the gym everyday so I need a lot of energy. If you feel low on energy make sure you adjust yur food intake and sleep time. I really don't think snacks or anything affect your energy cause I eat it all the time, but for yur weight its different. Another thing is your willpower. You probly tell yourself "oh ill start tomorrow" or "oh one day won't hurt" but you just got to get your head in the game, your life isn't going to wait for you, and you only live once (YOLO). Idk how I did it but I feel pumped up to go to the gym everyday, maybe its cause I want a nice body or maybe its cause I want to be a boxer soon, your goal can be whatever you want, just find one. Id also advise getting a gym membership, cause once your in there it is way easier to start. So just know if your feeling all lazy at home, you will automaticly feel pumped up once you take the first step, trust me.

How many calories should i eat a day if i'm a 14 year old girl?

I'm a 14 year old girl,45 kilograms and 155 cm but i don't practice any sports but i'm willing to start practicing squash! So i need to know how many calories do i need a day regularly and how many calories do i need if i will lose weight.

How to Lose Weight When You Are Elderly

Recommended Answer:

There is no way for an anonymous user over the internet to figure out your calorie maintenance level. You have to put in the work to figure it out for yourself. You have to count every calorie you eat a day and figure out how many calories you should eat in order to maintain your weight. It's a tedious process because of the experimentation needed but it's what everyone serious about this sort of thing does (or they hire someone to do it for them which you probably can't do). And to lose weight you simply take in less calories than you need to maintain your weight.

How to look skinnier than I actually am?

I've recently lost 20lbs. I went to the gym like crazy and ate right, etc etc. My cousin lost 50 lbs. I live in another state and I am going to visit family in about a week. They all know that I've been dieting and trying to lose weight. I used to be over 200lbs and now I'm almost in the 170's.. I want to look thinner. I put a ton of effort and work into losing weight and for some reason my body just isn't willing to work with me. I've been trying to lose weight for years. I've done crazy gym schedules (five days a week hour long sessions at the gym). At one time I practically turned vegetarian just to try to lose some weight.(I eat meat now though) At that time I did lose some significant weight but was overshadowed by another family member who lost even more. They told her how great she looked, showered her with praise. Some of them even bought her beautiful clothes. And me, they didn't even notice me. Despite the fact that I was only like 5-10 lbs heavier than she was at the time. I know I'm a heavier set woman and it's just how my body was built. But I don't want to be embarrassed. I have huge arms and shoulders, a chubby tummy, and big thighs. If it helps I'm an overly curvy hour glassed figure. I need something to wear that will actually look decent on me. Please help?

How to Help Your Dachshund Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

the answer with your time frame is going to be your clothing and maybe a new hair cut- you have a newer body 30 pounds is a big difference,so now most of your clothing probable doesnt fit the way it should take a good friend and head to a thrif store and restock try on different clothing and find what looks best. generally you will want something that draws the eyes to the bust, with a form fitted top or a belt around the middle to emphasize your smaller waist. without seeing pictures this is the best i can do.

Other Answers:

  • One thing you could do is wear darker colors, wearing black always makes people look thinner then they actually are. Congratulations on the 20 pounds!! That's awesome, you should feel so proud.

Is 37 too old to be able to run a full mile without stopping and also learn to swim?

Hello people, sorry for my stupid question but was hoping that someone could shed some light on my problems and struggles. First I'll tell you my body type then a little about what I'm wanting to do.I'm a 37 year old white male, 5 foot 10 at 150 pounds fully clothed! I've been at 150 for nearly 20 years so yeah I'm a small guy that can't gain weight if I wanted to! Ok so for a few weeks now I've been running everyday on my old middle school track. I drink lots of water and stretch out good before and after I run but at best I can only jog one lap before my body is killed! My chest gets so tight I can't breath and feels like my heart is going to explode out of my chest! So one lap is my max and I'm not improving at all! I can complete one mile = 4 laps when I jog the straights and walk the curves but that's it that is all my body has in it to give and it really upsets me!!!!Ok now as for the swimming part that is something I have struggled with my whole life! I have tried on and off to learn how to swim since the early 80s! Yes you read right the EARLY 80s!!!! And I cannot freaken do it at all if my life depended on it!!!! I sink like I'm made of rock no matter what I do!!!! I can't even start to float even when I take in every ounce of air I can I will still sink right to the bottom and can lay flat on the bottom of the pool! I can hold my breath for two full minutes and on a good day two and a half, I have practiced that for sometime. But I do want to make changes in my life I'm tired of being the small skinny non athletic guy that can't even get a date because no woman ever finds me physically attractive enough!!!! I want to start a new road towards an all new me! I want some muscle definition some upper body bulk be able to run a full mile and be able to freaken swim like everyone else I know!!!! And to be able to take part in and enjoy summer activities in and around the water and get over this fear of the water I've had to live with for all my life because I can't swim and would drown right away if I was to ever get in it!!!! Anyway if anyone has any tips, advice or ideaa please tell me ok? Or would you say I'm just to old and by genetics not athletic enough to physically ever be able to do any of this????

How to Lower Cortisol Levels and Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

I am 67, and run much farther daily. There is not reason you can no run a mile and exercise.It may take you a few weeks to get into good enough shape to train correctly but you can do it.Take swimming lessons.You are not too old, stop making excuses and get on with it.

How to get a flat belly?

Ok I am 22 yrs old and my weight is about 98-100 pounds and I'm 4,11.. yes I am small and short for my age but I'm ok being short, but I have a belly on me is it possible to me to lose my belly weight without losing my actual body weight I'm already small and have a problem with gaining weight I tired them CB-1 pills they didn't help I didn't even feel hungry it was a waste of money. And I also can't get rid of my scratch marks on my belly I brought bio oil don't seem to be helping none. So yeah it's a lot stuff with me, my belly fat more like water weight and problem with gaining weight and these scratch marks.. Please Help Thanks!!

How to Have the Determination to Lose Weight

Recommended Answer:

I am a personal trainer and nutritionist, specializing in weight loss. Try abdominal muscle exercises to strengthen the muscles because sometimes your belly is just coming out because of weak muscles as organs push the muscle to the exterior while making you look more chubby.Stretch marks would not go but you can prevent them further by increasing your water and protein intake as these are because of less collagen fibers. "best of luck, and let me know how you get on!"

Other Answers:

  • "Scratch marks"? You mean cutting?You need psychological help, for your eating disorders and your self-mutilation tendencies.Stop polling the unwashed masses and get REAL assistance, you're a mess.

How to get a flat stomach and thinner legs real fast?

So I'm not fat or anything, I'm average I think but I would still like to loose some weight and get thinner. Like how many situps do I have to do or what do I have to do to get thinner legs (I don't really want to build muscels but just thinner)Anyone has some tips on how to get thinner ?Does it help if I eat vegetables only and Drink water,tea,coffee ?

How to Lose Weight Without Getting Saggy Skin

Recommended Answer:

Try fenugreek(methi) roast them and put hot water in it and let it soak and over night ....and in the morning you drink it on an empty aunt does it and she's lost 10kgs in one month! You can get it at any indian spice shop.......also you could try green coffee beans extract....I do and they are working for me.....but only get it if on the bottle it says "50% chloronic acid" or sumtn like that might also wanna try going on the lemonade diet(google it for more info)............also don't drink tea or coffee unless its green tea ................and then ofcourse there's the workout part of losing weight......personally I like tiffany roths workout, also pop pilates with casey ho and zumba .................I hope this helps.....

Other Answers:

  • i think you should drink quiet hot water and lemon juice at morning time it will be useful to you thank you,
  • Just do cardio, lots and lots of cardio.
  • 1. You cannot out-exercise bad eating habits.2. You lose weight faster if you exercise than if you do not.3. You don't need anybody's program, though some of them make losing weight and getting fit easier.4. Being slim and fit is a daily business; you don't diet and exercise for a few weeks and then you're done.For a more detailed plan on how exactly to lose the fat and slim down, see the Source article below. I couldn't fit it all in this box.
  • your going to have to run for 30-40 minscut back on sugars an carbseat more vegetables an proteinsdrink green teado high rep weight training... as well
  • cant do it fast or it wont stay

I am only 164 cm (5"4) and weigh 87kg !! CRAP :(?

OK, a year and a half ago I weight 61 kg and was happy with that, then I started uni full time and so my exercise and diet became less important than my studies. Presently I weigh 87 kg and am only 5"4, I asked my doctor what I should do about it and she said it wasn't that bad!! but I know it's bad! So basically I am asking for tips on how to lose weight (QUICKLY) and also if you have lost weight could you share your success story :)p.s I should probably mention that- I am a stockier build (or curvier) and don't actually have fat rolls,- People tell me that I don't need to lose weight (they don't know how much I weigh and im pretty sure they are just being nice) - I have gone from an Australian size 10 to an Australian size 14-16 :(Ok let me re-word this, I used to be 61 kg (134 pounds), but I have put on 26kg and NOW I WEIGH 87kg (191 pounds) .

How to Lose Weight From Face

Recommended Answer:

Sigh. I totally feel you.I went from 50kg to 62 in a single school year! crazy. I had lost 5, but then gained 15!However, this was from following crazy diet fads that starve you and pretty much kill your metabolism.I fell into a cycle of binge eating since I was also using food to cope with stress and studies.Anyway, I'm still in recovery phase, but I've come a long way in terms of knowledge.I've researched foods, diets, workouts, exercises, metabolism, eating disorders.I really wanted a change and I wanted to learn everything I could.I tried so many diets that made me so upset when I failed them, so many pointless 'workout programs' of crunches x 1000000anyway. Now I follow IIFYM, a flexible dieting system. I eat healthy, but also enjoy an occasional treat if I've been doing well throughout the day. I find ways to cope with stress like working out, listening to music, punching stuff. I workout as often as possible- I find lifting weights is a great way to relieve stress and also manage weight. I havent lost any weight yet, but I'm staying away from the scale so i don't feel bad. I think it's more important to commit to something in order to see results.I think the hardest part with weight loss is patience. It hard to keep going when you can't see results, but you've got to stick to it and just enjoy the process :)

Other Answers:

  • It's actually a fine weight for your height. 61kg is 134 pounds. You could just exercise to get rid of fat. In turn, you will lose weight.
  • shit girl I'm 5'8 and 132 your not that bad.You could weigh like 180. That would be bad.You just have a bit of chub. Maybe you could do yoga? does not take a lot of time and you can do it at homeTrust me. I used to think I was fat because all my friends weigh 120 and I'm 5'8 and weigh 132 but when I did yoga it gave me the appearance of weighing 120!

How can i gain weight!!?

Hello i was wondering how to gain weight whilr being really healthy. On a normal day i run a mile and do other exercises i find it really hard to gain wheight while running and eating health. All i want to gain is about 10 poinds for now. Is their any strategies i could use to still eat healthy get 3,000 calories a day and gain weight!

How to Detox Your Body and Lose Weight at The Same Time

Recommended Answer:

To gain weight you need to combine protein foods with starchy carbohydrates as indicated below. Good weight gaining combinations are bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes or sweet potatoes combined with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, nuts or sea food. Peanut butter sandwiches and cheese sandwiches are good weight gaining combinations. The protein in the above combinations will help to gain extra muscles.

Other Answers:

  • Have you tried eating? And if you have already thought of that carrot sticks and celery isn't going to cut it cup cake. Eat things like meats, and peanut butter there calorie dense and healthier than candy bars. If you feel to full to eat solid foods use a blender you can easily make a 1000 calorie shake with protein powder, milk (2% of higher), peanut butter, bananas (or any fruit) and flax seeds...

How does this look for weight loss?

I'm 5'10", 18, and 157 lbs. first question.. How overweight am I? And secondly, will I lose weight eating 1,500 or less calories a day, usually more on days i work out harder. plus I usually burn 200-350 calories in exercise everyday doing cardio and strength training. I'm trying to get down to 140-145... How does this look for weight loss? I'm trying to lose FAT (mainly belly fat, that's where I have the most and I realize I'll probably lose it there last)

How to Fast and Lose Weight Safely

Recommended Answer:

Your first question: You are NOT overweight. If you look at your BMI (see the first source), you are actually smack-dab in the middle of average weight. So no worries there. That being said, weighing 140 is not underweight. So if you want to lose some fat, then by all means, go for it.The diet could be better. Eating only 1,500 calories a day may not be enough for you to develop the muscles you want for that flat stomach. There is a lot more to weight loss than just calories. The best thing you can do is look at trying to increase your metabolism to get rid of fat. See the second source for some suggestions.The workout routine sounds just fine. Best of luck!

How do pear shapes lose weight?

So I already eat good! Breakfast usually consist of some kind of fruit smootjie (plain, lowfat Greek yogurt, low fat almond milk (60cals) and whatever fruit I feel like having in it. Lunch: grilled chicken salad tons of veggies and vinagrette. Supper: a small amount of what ever my parents are making that night. Of course this changes sometimes but that's what I usually eat. 4 weeks ago I started the couch to 5k program and I briskly walk 1-2 miles everyday. I have been lifting a little bit of weights to help tone my arms. But I haven't lost any weight or even toned up a tad what gives? Ive been trying for a while and it sure Is discouraging. My butt and legs are HUGE and are my main proplen areas. Does anyone have any tips or ways to help me lose this fat! Would love to lose some weight before the holidays! Extra info:16 yr old female.

How to Set a Weekly Weight Loss Goal

Recommended Answer:

Anybody can lose weight no matter what their body type is. Try to do more lower body exercises than upper. Wear some ankle weights to burn more fat faster....

How can i get a flat stomach?

I realise quire a few people may have already asked this question as I looked at a few of the answers. However, I don't feel they would quite help me. I'm 15, 5ft4 and I'm 179lbs, I know I'm over weight so I would prefer it if I wasn't reminded thanks. I do have another problem though, one which you may not have heard of though. I don't eat veg or fruit and I think that's what's causing me to be over weigh, but the strange thing is, I'm hardly ever ill and I don't have spots or anything like that (only saying this as fruit and veg are meant to help you not be ill ect, apparantly- but obviously not in my case). It's not that I don't, It's more I can't, it makes me feel sick when I do eat it, bannanas, tomatoes, apples mainly to name a few of the worst ones. I am determined to get my weight down and have a flatter stomach- the rest of me I'm happy with. I've started to do sit ups in a morning, building the amount up every day. Oh yeah I forgot, I'm not very active and have little stamina and a low metabolism but then again i always have. I'm also in year 11 so I don't have much time in the day due to revision for exams, but I want to do this because i feel uncomfortable when I take my blazer off at school, so I just boil instead aha. I don't want a diet that's real strict and that's going to take too much messing about and my mam buys everything , but I don't really want to tell her what im doig cos ill get a massive lecture. Anyway, sorry It's so long and thanks before-hand for any answers :)I forgot to mention that I don't eat that much, and I don't snack, I have a slice of toast, usually 50/50 as my brother won't eat brown, and some juice/squash for breakfast at likehalf six as I have to get up early for school as it takes half an hour to walk to school, so effecitvly I do an hours walk every day, and for my dinner I have a sandwich, usually chicken or ham as that is all my brother eats, and a small packup size biscuit such as a kit kat and a bottle of squash. I've just found I like tea, so I'm having a cup of that when I get in from school as It's supposed to be good for you, and my tea is usually pasta, or some form of meat/fish with rice or noodles. To be fair, I feel that I eat healthy-ish considdering I can't eat veg. And my mam would be supportive btw I just don't wantto bother her with buying extra food for me as she already does that for my dad, and by 'lecturing me' I mean telling me to write down everything I do and eat

How to Lose Weight With Prune Juice

Recommended Answer:

If you are unwilling follow a strict diet then you will never get a flat stomach. It sounds like you are looking for a quick fix but let me tell you, there isn't one!!! I was overweight when I was at school, when I got to 14 I had had enough of always wearing baggy clothes so I started researching nutrition and completely changed my diet. You would be able to lose fat whilst not eating fruit and veg although it's not ideal. You just need to eat less calories than you consume. You say you don't get ill and you have good skin now, this could change as you get older. As for your mum not supporting your desire to lose weight, WELL, does she not want you to be healthy? Your BMI shows you are clinically obese, tell her this and she might support your quest for weight loss!!

Other Answers:

  • Exercise and drink 2 spoons of vinegar a day.(I have seen a difference myself) if you have a lot of fat on you,you want see a big difference but still works

Can i get some pointers on how to burn belly fat for a 14 year old male?

Just give me a short list or 5. Pointers on how I can lose the belly fat or access weight for a 14 year old male

How to Lose Weight: 20 Pounds in 60 Days Without Exercise

Recommended Answer:

jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weightevenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight inspecific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they areyour problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will haveto work double on them. The best approach is this:1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normalweight, lower for overweight).2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.3. Target your problem areas with excellent exercise, you can do it in front of your TV: sit on astool, and put your toes under something (piece of heavy furniture,for example). In your hands hold a little dumbbell. Please, make surethat it is not very heavy, start with one kilo, for example, or youwill damage your back and spine! Slowly move the upper part of yourbody back, until it's parallel with the ground. Stop for a second andmove it back to the sitting position. Repeat ten times. Every week addto the number of repetitions. You will see the results in a week,guaranteed! Your stomach would be flatter and stronger. Dumbbells do wonders. Much better than thesecrunches - I came up to three hundreds and there was no results ATALL. With the dumbbells you will see it in a week.

Other Answers:

  • First of all don't eat junk food and you can do following exercise in the video

How to lose weight super fast?

I want to lose as much weight as i can as quickly as possible, but i don't know how to do it. I don't care if people think this is stupid (just don't comment if you do). I don't mind what you suggest, please suggest anything that could help, no matter how weird/stupid, please help x

How to Lose Weight Fast at Home

Recommended Answer:

you can lose a lot by switching to water. You wouldn't believe how much of your weight comes from sodas and sugary drinks

Other Answers:

  • To keep the weight OFF you need to keep exercising daily. If you lose all the weight, and then stop, you will gain it all back, so there really is no quick way to lose weight. It takes weeks and months of work and dedication.
  • Keep in mind that an optimal weight loss rate is 1 to 2 lbs. per week. While during the first week or so, you may lose up to 5 lbs., that is mainly water weight. If you continue to lose at that pace, it could lead to health problems.Consult a doctor before starting any drastic weight loss program, especially if you have chronic health conditions such as diabetesA fast is the quickest way to lose weight. During a fast, you eat absolutely nothing and drink only water or juice. (Some people do fast on bread and water.) People have used fasts for centuries, mostly for religious or spiritual reasons but often for weight loss as well. Of course, a fast is difficult and most people last only a day or two. But with persistence, it is possible to lose 5 lbs. on a 3-day fast--enough to make a noticeable difference in how your clothes fit.Diet PillsThere are countless diet pills and similar products on the market that promise quick weight loss. Some are diuretics that help your body to get rid of excess water. Others are appetite suppressants that prevent you from feeling hungry. Others are metabolism boosters that give you more energy and help you to burn more calories. Each of these products has benefit and can help you lose weight. However, once you stop taking them, chances are all the weight will come back unless you have taken care to learn new eating and exercise habits. In addition, these products also have side effects: They can raise your heart rate to dangerous levels, cause insomnia or irritability, and may interact with other medications.Some super quick diet tips include:Drinking lots of water (eight 8-oz. glasses per day or more)Limiting yourself to one serving at mealtimesEliminating between meal snackingUsing smaller platesEliminating all added sugar, salt and fatsAnother way to lose weight quickly is to exercise more. The more you exercise, the more calories you will burn. Instead of a 30-minute walk, take an hour-long walk instead, or add some jogging into your daily walk. Try some new activities, like an exercise video or a swim class. Any added exercise time or intensity will help.Distract yourself from your bad habits. If you've been hitting the vending machine at 3 p.m., take a brisk walk in the other direction, phone a friend or tackle a job you've been putting off.Give yourself a little reward each time you've completed a workout: Put a dollar in a piggy bank, download a new tune for your MP3 player, or think of another small, non-food reward to keep yourself motivated.Post a picture of yourself in thinner days on your snack cabinet or refrigerator. When you're tempted to break the rules, you'll have a reminder of your goal.Avoid buying junk food, even "for the kids." If it's not available, you won't eat it.
  • fast - and THEN don't drink any water. You'll probably die, but you will lost weight. But as soon as you get a glass of water, it will all come back.

Will I get a flat stomach? No one answered!!! :(?

Hi! I'm asking it again since no one answered it before :/ Anyways, I've been doing these exercises and I'm wondering if I'll get to my goal. I've been quite committed seeing that I've banned all the sweets or junk food related out of my house. The morning I would do 25 crunches as well as the afternoon and at night. I jog/sprinted on grass one dayDid drills at the beach (including sprints and stretches) other dayUsed the arm shaker 15 push-ups 15 leg lifts 10 burpees Is this going to help me loose stomach fat? I have only a little muffin top though.... How long is it going to take exactly? Please no hate!Thanks :)

How to Lose Weight by Fasting

Recommended Answer:

You'll get to your goal if you keep at it and have a little patience. Belly fat is the hardest to lose, so don't give up hope. As long as you see small improvements you will reach your goal eventually.

Other Answers:

  • Well yeah thats what made me get a flat stomach just by doing crunches and stopped eating junk food
  • You'll lose it quick about a couple of weeks or so but also try to cut out not all but a lot of starches/grain carbs and dairy because they tend to add to the midsection good luck and also try taking omega 3 or flax vitamins it works
  • Yeah that'll do the trick also make sure your eating healthy and it should all be good.
  • Yes it should, you need cardio ie running, dancing, swimming. To help burn the fat and then toning excercises like squats crunches and weights to help define the muscle to give you a toned fit look. Unfortunelty it can take awhile for results, usually it's 4 weeks till you see results in your body, 8 weeks till your family and friends do and 12 weeks for the rest of the world
  • Sounds good! What helped me loose a ton of weight (and I'm almost to a flat stomach) are pilates videos on youtube! Sounds silly but they helped so much! I followed an account called blogilaties and just did a workout a couple times a week. Goodluck!