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Sigh. I totally feel you.I went from 50kg to 62 in a single school year! crazy. I had lost 5, but then gained 15!However, this was from following crazy diet fads that starve you and pretty much kill your metabolism.I fell into a cycle of binge eating since I was also using food to cope with stress and studies.Anyway, I'm still in recovery phase, but I've come a long way in terms of knowledge.I've researched foods, diets, workouts, exercises, metabolism, eating disorders.I really wanted a change and I wanted to learn everything I could.I tried so many diets that made me so upset when I failed them, so many pointless 'workout programs' of crunches x 1000000anyway. Now I follow IIFYM, a flexible dieting system. I eat healthy, but also enjoy an occasional treat if I've been doing well throughout the day. I find ways to cope with stress like working out, listening to music, punching stuff. I workout as often as possible- I find lifting weights is a great way to relieve stress and also manage weight. I havent lost any weight yet, but I'm staying away from the scale so i don't feel bad. I think it's more important to commit to something in order to see results.I think the hardest part with weight loss is patience. It hard to keep going when you can't see results, but you've got to stick to it and just enjoy the process :)Other Answers:
- It's actually a fine weight for your height. 61kg is 134 pounds. You could just exercise to get rid of fat. In turn, you will lose weight.
- shit girl I'm 5'8 and 132 your not that bad.You could weigh like 180. That would be bad.You just have a bit of chub. Maybe you could do yoga? does not take a lot of time and you can do it at homeTrust me. I used to think I was fat because all my friends weigh 120 and I'm 5'8 and weigh 132 but when I did yoga it gave me the appearance of weighing 120!
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