How to Lose Weight Fast at Home
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you can lose a lot by switching to water. You wouldn't believe how much of your weight comes from sodas and sugary drinksOther Answers:
- To keep the weight OFF you need to keep exercising daily. If you lose all the weight, and then stop, you will gain it all back, so there really is no quick way to lose weight. It takes weeks and months of work and dedication.
- Keep in mind that an optimal weight loss rate is 1 to 2 lbs. per week. While during the first week or so, you may lose up to 5 lbs., that is mainly water weight. If you continue to lose at that pace, it could lead to health problems.Consult a doctor before starting any drastic weight loss program, especially if you have chronic health conditions such as diabetesA fast is the quickest way to lose weight. During a fast, you eat absolutely nothing and drink only water or juice. (Some people do fast on bread and water.) People have used fasts for centuries, mostly for religious or spiritual reasons but often for weight loss as well. Of course, a fast is difficult and most people last only a day or two. But with persistence, it is possible to lose 5 lbs. on a 3-day fast--enough to make a noticeable difference in how your clothes fit.Diet PillsThere are countless diet pills and similar products on the market that promise quick weight loss. Some are diuretics that help your body to get rid of excess water. Others are appetite suppressants that prevent you from feeling hungry. Others are metabolism boosters that give you more energy and help you to burn more calories. Each of these products has benefit and can help you lose weight. However, once you stop taking them, chances are all the weight will come back unless you have taken care to learn new eating and exercise habits. In addition, these products also have side effects: They can raise your heart rate to dangerous levels, cause insomnia or irritability, and may interact with other medications.Some super quick diet tips include:Drinking lots of water (eight 8-oz. glasses per day or more)Limiting yourself to one serving at mealtimesEliminating between meal snackingUsing smaller platesEliminating all added sugar, salt and fatsAnother way to lose weight quickly is to exercise more. The more you exercise, the more calories you will burn. Instead of a 30-minute walk, take an hour-long walk instead, or add some jogging into your daily walk. Try some new activities, like an exercise video or a swim class. Any added exercise time or intensity will help.Distract yourself from your bad habits. If you've been hitting the vending machine at 3 p.m., take a brisk walk in the other direction, phone a friend or tackle a job you've been putting off.Give yourself a little reward each time you've completed a workout: Put a dollar in a piggy bank, download a new tune for your MP3 player, or think of another small, non-food reward to keep yourself motivated.Post a picture of yourself in thinner days on your snack cabinet or refrigerator. When you're tempted to break the rules, you'll have a reminder of your goal.Avoid buying junk food, even "for the kids." If it's not available, you won't eat it.
- fast - and THEN don't drink any water. You'll probably die, but you will lost weight. But as soon as you get a glass of water, it will all come back.
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