How to Lose Weight By Eating Fruits
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okay, to get into shape , speed up your metabolism, rid yourself of excess fat and lose weight ,,,,,do as follows: Stop drinking & smoking (if you do this regularly) eat fruits & vegetables all you can (buy a slow cooker /food steamer & rice/pasta cooker to make it easy on you)...(vegetables might not seem "tasty", like junk foods,, but can be as you aquire your taste to them..and are loaded with energy and nutrients)...avoid all junk food, cokes, sweets, etc...and drink mainly water (green tea , juice & milk being the other options you drink). If you eat meat ,,use only steamed, baking or grilled methods for preparing fish or chicken. also, do an hour of walking each day at least. or some type of excercise. * you should lose about 10 lbs per month ** for a very quick, healthy "snack"..try eating French Vanilla or Natural Plain yogurt with honey mixed in with can even add nuts to it. It is a famous thing to eat in Greece. ***also learn how to make "huumus" (look online for very easy recipe) fills you up and is very low in calories and is very tasty.Other Answers:
- try diet pills! if you're really desperate to lose weight, you can always try those water-weight pills, but those aren't very good for you lolor you could just take laxatives
- Forget about a fast way, there isn't one. So you set yourself up for disappointment right off by thinking otherwise. You don't have to cut meats from your diet, just watch your portion sizes and your diet as a whole. You need a diet that focuses on eating quality foods and something you can maintain for the long-term. It shouldn't be too hard, or the brain will resist the habit. Just keep working to improve your diet, learning more about the real nutritional value of foods once in your system the "Nutritional Facts" label is what happens in laboratory conditions, not how they play out in the body. Extra info- The Most Important Thing You Must Understand is you need to keep your program ENJOYABLE! If your brain finds it too painful, no matter how strongly your mind is committed to working the program, eventually, (usually less than 6 weeks) your brain will make you quit! It won't tolerate pain. At the same time it's so very important that you allow your body and brain time to adjust to your new training. From tendons being stretched to complicated metabolic issues, to learning proper form, pace and routines and much more your brain and body need at least 6-8 weeks of taking it easy so it can keep you going strong! Don't give much credit to the scale when first starting, it's normal to retain more fluids, it's your body's way of being ready for the next workout. Don't micro-manage your calories either. Sensible wholesome meals, the quality of the calories are more important than the quantity. Your diet should be ENJOYABLE too, and something you can develop and maintain as a habit. Workout at your own pace, which in the beginning should be slower, focus more on how you move ( your form) as it's important to how your body will shape up and that you don't get injured. Just about any exercise is good and will work, walking, jogging, running, cycling but my favorite and number one choice for losing or gaining weight is weightlifting aka bodybuilding. If your a girl, don't worry that you'll get manly muscles, the average steroid-free female builds only a small amount of muscle each year. But that muscle is awesome! Because not only does it burn calories while your working and using them, and while they are repairing and replenishing themselves, but 24/ 7 they consume calories just to stay alive! Just try not to miss a single day of working out for the first 6 months without a real good reason, otherwise slacking off can become the habit. Other than taking your two scheduled days off per week. Rest is important, so get to bed at a decent time as well. Make sure you drink plenty of water everyday. Learn to drink water warm, so you can have it anytime/anywhere. Other than keeping it sensible and enjoyable, remember all the benefits you'll get from exercising and a decent diet. You'll sleep better, have better energy, breathing, moods, concentration, endurance, strength, self-confidence, and so much more. It's really the closest thing to magical powers each human has, so don't miss out! 45-60 minutes a day, 5 days a week is ideal, but by all means start with less if need be, again keeping it enjoyable is everything! One other piece of advice in this, and that's don't do situps! They don't work the muscle properly so growth is very doubtful, and they risk lower back and hernia injuries. If you must, which most ppl don't, do crunches. Most ppl don't need to worry about their abs, they are small muscles that do alot of work already, every time you move your upper body they work, as well as working during many of your other movements, so if your working your body they are getting theirs. The diet industry has hyped up abs so much, because they know most ppl will fail, because they are too painful and produce little to no results, which they hope will lead people to buying their junk products ( it's working, they've been doing it a long time and making a fortune!). Remember the only thing your belly fat and abs have in common is location, other than that, they have nothing to do with one another, so don't burn yourself out working your abs,when it's your whole body that needs the workout and will produce the results you want. Realize your health is one of, if not THE most important things you will ever have in this life, it will be a huge factor in deciding how this life plays out for you. Don't under-estimate it.
- 1.Keep your own personal food diary. People who keep food diaries, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat.2.Have a balanced diet. That means your diet should include appropriate amounts of food from all the food groups.3.Avoid skipping meals. The same study found that people who ate at least 3 meals per day lost more weight than people who didn't. The scientists speculate that people who skip meals either overeat at their next meals because they're so hungry, or their bodies absorb more calories because they're in starvation mode from skipping meals.4.Eat food from home. Sure, going out for a power lunch helps you to see and be seen, but researchers find that people who eat fewer meals from restaurants tend to lose more weight.
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