Does all soda make you gain weight?

I was woundering if certain sodas make you gain more weight than other types of soda or do they all just effect you the same way. If so what type of sodas make you gain the most weight. Thanks

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Recommended Answer:

That's a good question.Sodas have a lot of calories from sugar. You gain weight when you take in more calories than you burn.If you limit yourself to one soda and are very physically active then you won't gain weight.Diet sodas have no calories, but some studies have shown that drinking diet sodas makes people crave real sugar.

Other Answers:

  • All sodas will make you gain weight because of the sugar in them. But diet soda would probably be better.
  • Yes of course they can they are high in caffeine also.
  • Soda of most kinds help you gain weight. Try M10 found at Safeway on the shelf. many different flavors. Just squirt as much as you like in water to taste and enjoy, No sugar or carbonation. Just plain non fattening enjoyment, close lid stick it in your pocket for later. Mike


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