How to Diet with Brown Rice to Lose Weight
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Your every decision is right. You can loss your weight easily a short duration. You should add with this morning walk which is help you for exercise. I think you all is right but exercise must need for body fit. Not need hard exercise just walk on river side or street in green environment.Other Answers:
- Hey yeah I have done exactly what you've been doing, LOL! I understand about breakfast too, it's the holiday and we are teenagers! (You are, right?) so basically we get up late ha-ha it's like the law! But do try to eat breakfast soon, maybe you go to school soon like me? In that case just eat breakfast before you go to school but while on holiday I guess it's inevitable you will miss breakfast. Anyway your routine seems really good, you're not starving yourself an your not eating bad stuff, so it's a win win! I lost 7 lbs in around 2-3 weeks but I did go back to my old self some days and eat bad stuff and therefore gain some, so I guess you can lose that easily if you don't keep relapsing like me, lol. You will lose 35 pounds if you stick at it, don't forget exercise! You have to if you want to lose weight. But yeah I'd say you can lose it in 6 months please don't think that's bad because that is amazing to lose in 6 months, in fact it might still be unhealthy losing that much weight in 6 months but I think it's not too bad so good luck, that's 5 stone in 6 months how great would that be?! and here are some weight loss tips:1) Eat in smaller portions, so you eat less! 2) If you are eating smaller portions, put it on smaller plates, this awesomely tricks the mind into thinking you have ate a bigger meal and you're full up, so you eat less! 3) Also leave a bit on the plate at the end, it helps think you are full up4) Set specific times to eat/workout, like lunch at 12pm snack at 2pm and Dinner at 5pm5) Eat like 5-6 smaller meals a day, so breakfast, then fruit for snack, salad for lunch, fruit or yogurt or bread for snack then dinner and maybe another snack later on 6) Count the calories, a good site is fitness pal, you can log the exact foods you eat and it counts calories, fat, sugar and like everything, it even tells you how much you will lose if you do that meal every day! 7) Do not snack at night, not even after 7/8pm because it won't digest and your body might store it as fat overnight as you don't burn it off 8) Chew food slowly and enjoy it! If you eat mindlessly and not concentrating on enjoying it, and eating to fast, one you can get really bad stomach ache and two you just get hungry again9) In addition to the last point, eat at the table or somewhere quiet, not by the t.v or while doing work, because you aren't enjoying and digesting properly and get hungry again!10) Eat LOADS of fruit and veg, they're basically so healthy and give you all the nutrients you need, like literally the best thing to eat, you might not be a massive fan but it works and you don't put any weight on from them!11) Only eat when you are hungry, not when you want food while watching a film or never comfort eat out of guilt or something12) Do not starve yourself or restrict the food intake by a lot, because you will put it back on anyway cause your body stores any food it does have as fat so you put on all the weight you lose!13) Drink water, it is like the magic drink, it has nothing bad in whatsoever, it's literally health liquid! Try to drink 8 glasses full and cold is best. Water has the ability to fill you up so you don't get hungry, also raises your mood and is good for your insides. Cold water is best because your body has to use calories to warm it up before digesting. You may find you put on a couple pounds if you drink, loads, but will lose like twice as much after!14) Brush teeth! If you brush your teeth after a meal even if you're hungry you won't be able to eat cause if you are like me you hate the taste of food when your teeth are minty and everything!15) Chew gum, it helps the mind think it's eating and stop from being hungry16) Exercise obviously! An early morning run or walk will be good and help you lose loads, also maybe go to a gym? Only if you want though, walking and running does the same thing!17) Don't drink full fat soft drinks, they are LOADED with calories and sugar, you are literally drinking liquid calories that will not quench your thirst and basically cause so much weight gain18) Remind yourself how much you want to lose and how badly you want to get there! 19) Don't limit all fat and sugar from your diet, otherwise there can be some serious health risks and also you won't be getting a balanced diet20) DON'T STOP. even when you have reached your goal keep going, live on a healthy lifestyle, just eat goodies occasionally. Hope this helps took me ages to write lol but if I am helping someone I'm happy!Good luck x
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